East Asia: Publications

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  • China and the South China Sea Dispute: Internal Differences and External Ramifications

    The publication in the Global Times of two very contradictory articles on the same day on the South China Sea dispute clearly underlines the fact that the Chinese leadership is divided.

    October 19, 2011

    The South China Sea Disputes: Why Conflict is not Inevitable?

    No party to the dispute, including China, has thus far challenged the principle of freedom of navigation for global trade through the South China Sea.

    October 17, 2011

    The South China Sea Imbroglio

    Competing claims and reports of oil and gas rich fields in the South China Sea have woven a complicated web affecting the maritime security environment.

    October 14, 2011

    Ozawa Ichiro on Trial

    With 120 members belonging to his faction, Ozawa still wields decisive influence to make or unmake the government led by the DPJ.

    October 14, 2011

    History and Politics; Critiquing the PRC’s Approach to the 1911 Centenary Celebrations

    Celebrations of the 1911 Revolution show that history is subject to interpretations, most often in the ways in which it suits contemporary political objectives.

    October 13, 2011

    The Significance and Implications of Tiangong I

    China’s development of a space station is not only for the purpose of scientific experimentation but also to showcase its technological and economic strength.

    October 07, 2011

    South Korea’s Naval Base on Ulleung Island

    South Korea hopes that the new base will help strengthen its territorial rights on Dokdo as the base would enable its ships to reach the islands quickly.

    October 03, 2011

    Prospects and Challenges for Expanding India-Japan Economic Relations

    A new tide is visible in Japan for expanding Indo-Japan relations based on mutual complementarities.

    October 03, 2011

    India-China Strategic Economic Dialogue: Another Positive Step

    The SED should eventually create a greater interface at the sub-national level by including other arenas of cooperation like defence, tourism, sports, and cultural interaction involving a wider exchange at the level of people.

    October 03, 2011

    Tibetan Waters: A Source of Cooperation or Conflict?

    Lower riparian countries likely to be affected by China’s construction of dams and river diversion projects in Tibet need to initiate a bilateral or multilateral dialogue with China.

    September 30, 2011

