East Asia: Publications

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  • India-China Special Representatives Talks: Focus on Trust Building

    Although not much is expected from this round of border talks, some incremental forward movement cannot be ruled out in terms of creating additional institutional mechanisms to deal with frequent border transgressions from the Chinese side.

    January 16, 2012

    Challenges Before Japan in 2012

    This Issue Brief assesses the pitfalls and opportunities as well as the likely course of action that the Japanese political leadership is going to define in the coming months.

    January 16, 2012

    The Implications of Noda’s Visit to India

    Noda’s visit to India is a demonstration of Japan’s long-term commitment to scale up India–Japan bilateral ties to a higher trajectory.

    January 13, 2012

    Exciting times for Taiwan

    Like in earlier elections in Taiwan this time too the polls are a close contest both at the Presidential and Parliamentary levels.

    January 13, 2012

    2011: A Strategic Survey

    The year 2011 will stand out in history as the year of the Arab Spring, when people in Northern Africa and West Asia rose up against tyranny and revolted for political emancipation.

    January 04, 2012

    North Korea after Kim Jong-Il: Implications for East Asian Security

    The demise of the North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il on December 17, 2011 has introduced a new dimension to the security situation in Northeast Asia. The future of East Asian security would largely be shaped by developments that unfold in the Korean peninsula.

    January 02, 2012

    Sino-Indian relations 2011: A Mixed Bag of Highs and Lows

    The year gone by witnessed India’s firm responses to bilateral issues and China’s appreciation of the Indian position, thus providing a positive momentum to India-China relations.

    December 30, 2011

    "Comfort Women" issue: A constant irritant in Japan-South Korea Relations

    The issue of “comfort women” continues to haunt Japan’s relations with its neighbour, South Korea. Koreans are unable to forget the atrocities committed by the Japanese military during the long colonial rule from 1910-1945 over the entire Korean peninsula.

    December 22, 2011

    India’s lukewarm response to Australia’s quest for a trilateral dialogue

    Though India would be keen to expand defence cooperation on a one-to-one basis with Australia, especially on counter-terrorism and maritime security issues, it is likely to remain averse to joining any regional security grouping directed against China.

    December 21, 2011

    Kim Jong-Il’s Death - A prospect for change or instability?

    Kim Jong-Il’s death on December 17, 2011 has not only provoked concerns regarding security and stability on the Korean peninsula, but has also raised hopes of improved engagement with North Korea’s new leadership.

    December 21, 2011

