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    Title Book Cover Topics Author Research Area Year Category Summary Body Book Detail
    East Asia Strategic Review: China’s Rising Strategic Ambitions in Asia China-Asia Relations M.S. Prathibha East Asia 2019 BOOK
    • Publisher: Pentagon Press
    The East Asia Strategic Review is the publication form the East Asia Centre, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi. The volume entitled, China's Rising Strategic Ambitions in Asia is intended to bring out Indian perspectives on the growing influence of China in Asia. These perspectives are particularly seen in the light of expanding Chinese political and economic engagement in Asia. As a major country in Asia, the Indian perspectives contribute the necessary input towards the ongoing debate on the Chinese role.
    • ISBN: 978-93-86618-65-8,
    • Price: ₹.1245/-
    • E-copy available

    About the Book

    The East Asia Strategic Review is the publication form the East Asia Centre, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi. The volume entitled, China's Rising Strategic Ambitions in Asia is intended to bring out Indian perspectives on the growing influence of China in Asia. These perspectives are particularly seen in the light of expanding Chinese political and economic engagement in Asia. As a major country in Asia, the Indian perspectives contribute the necessary input towards the ongoing debate on the Chinese role.


    1. Emerging Foreign Policy Trends Under Xi Jinping
    - Abanti Bhattacharya

    2.China’s Japan Challenge: Regional Ambitions and Geopoliticsof East Asia
    -Amrita Jash

    3.Resurfacing of Divergence in India-China Relations
    Prashant Kumar Singh

    4.The One Belt One Road as a Chinese Vision of RegionalEconomic Order
    - Saheli Chattaraj

    5.South China Sea Conundrum - plus ça change
    - Abhay Kumar Singh

    6.Chinese Ambitions in the Indian Ocean Region
    - Adarsha Verma

    7.Response of India’s Neighbours to China’s South Asia Policy
    - Smruti S Pattanaik

    8.Southeast Asian Views on China: Paradoxes and Prospects
    - Sampa Kundu

    9.West Asia in China’s Energy Policy
    - Vrushal T. Ghoble

    10.China-Central Asia Relations: Centrality of the ShanghaiCooperation Organisation
    - Sana Hashmi

    11.Chinese Perspectives on the US Alliances in East Asia:A New Type of Great Power Folly?
    - Swati Arun

    12.China’s Maritime Goals: Impact on Asia
    - Supriya Sharma

    13.China’s Military Modernisation and Consequences for Asia
    - M.V. Rappai


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    Please email us at adps.idsa [at] or call +91-11-2671 7983 (Ext. 7303)

    Pentagon Press
    ISBN: 978-93-86618-65-8
    Price: ₹.1295/-
    Purchase Download E-copy
    Disruptive Technologies for the Militaries and Security Technology, Defence Technology, Warfare Ajey Lele North America & Strategic Technologies 2019 BOOK
    • Publisher: Springer, Singapore
    This book debates and discusses the present and future of Disruptive Technologies in general and military Disruptive Technologies in particular. Its primary goal is to discuss various critical and advanced elucidations on strategic technologies. The focus is less on extrapolating the future of technology in a strict sense, and more on understanding the Disruptive Technology paradigm. It is widely accepted that technology alone cannot win any military campaign or war. However, technological superiority always offers militaries an advantage. More importantly, technology also has a great deterrent value. Hence, on occasion, technology can help to avoid wars. Accordingly, it is important to effectively manage new technologies by identifying their strategic utility and role in existing military architectures and the possible contributions they could make towards improving overall military capabilities. This can also entail doctrinal changes, so as to translate these new technologies into concrete advantages.
    • ISBN: E-book-978-981-13-3384-2, Hardcopy-978-981-13-3383-5
    • Price: E-book- € 118.99, Hardcover- € 139,99

    About the Book

    This book debates and discusses the present and future of Disruptive Technologies in general and military Disruptive Technologies in particular. Its primary goal is to discuss various critical and advanced elucidations on strategic technologies. The focus is less on extrapolating the future of technology in a strict sense, and more on understanding the Disruptive Technology paradigm.

    It is widely accepted that technology alone cannot win any military campaign or war. However, technological superiority always offers militaries an advantage. More importantly, technology also has a great deterrent value. Hence, on occasion, technology can help to avoid wars. Accordingly, it is important to effectively manage new technologies by identifying their strategic utility and role in existing military architectures and the possible contributions they could make towards improving overall military capabilities. This can also entail doctrinal changes, so as to translate these new technologies into concrete advantages.

    About the Author

    Dr Ajey Lele is a Senior Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi, where he also heads the institute’s Centre on Strategic Technologies. He began his professional career as an Indian Air Force Officer and took early retirement (retiring as a Group Captain) to pursue his academic interests. He holds a Master’s in Physics, as well as a Master’s and MPhil in Defence and Strategic Studies, and completed his doctorate at the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. Dr Lele has contributed articles to various national and international journals, websites and newspapers. His book publications include Strategic Technologies for the Military (Sage), Asian Space Race: Rhetoric or Reality? (Springer), and Mission Mars: India’s Quest for the Red Planet (Springer).


    1. Defence and Disruptive Technologies
    2. Hypersonic Weapons
    3. New Materials
    4. Additive Manufacturing (AM)
    5. Inexhaustible Power Resources
    6. Next-Generation Genomics
    7. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    8. Big Data
    9. Cloud Computing
    10. Internet of Things (IoT)
    11. Blockchain
    12. Industry 4.0
    13. Disarmament, Arms Control and Arms Race
    Springer, Singapore
    ISBN: Print-978-981-13-3383-5, Online- 978-981-13-3384-2
    Price: E-book- € 118.99, Hardcover- € 139,99
    India’s Strategic Options in a Changing Cyberspace Cyber Security Cherian Samuel, Munish Sharma North America & Strategic Technologies 2018 BOOK
    • Publisher: Pentagon Press
    The book is structured to perform a role both as a primer to those who wish to understand the strategic issues and key concepts in cyberspace, as well as to provide sufficient pointers to those who wish to have an in-depth understanding on specific issues.

    Among the major issues examined are the efficacy of the concept of cyber deterrence, the troubled history of norm-making in cyberspace, protecting critical infrastructure from crippling cyber attacks, the viability of Active Cyber Defence as a means of responding to the sheer scale of attacks, and its attendant legal and ethical issues. Emerging technologies and their potential impact on an already dynamic domain are also the subject to scrutiny, as also the various models of public-Private Partnership in cybersecurity around the world.

    • ISBN: 978-93-86618-66-5,
    • Price: ₹.746/-
    • E-copy available

    About the Book

    The book is structured to perform a role both as a primer to those who wish to understand the strategic issues and key concepts in cyberspace, as well as to provide sufficient pointers to those who wish to have an in-depth understanding on specific issues.

    Among the major issues examined are the efficacy of the concept of cyber deterrence, the troubled history of norm-making in cyberspace, protecting critical infrastructure from crippling cyber attacks, the viability of Active Cyber Defence as a means of responding to the sheer scale of attacks, and its attendant legal and ethical issues. Emerging technologies and their potential impact on an already dynamic domain are also the subject to scrutiny, as also the various models of public-Private Partnership in cybersecurity around the world.

    About the Authors

    Dr. Cherian Samuel is Research Fellow in the Strategic Technologies Centre at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. He has written on various cybersecurity issues, including critical infrastructure protection, cyber resilience, cyber crime, and internet governance.

    Munish Sharma is Consultant in the Strategic Technologies Centre at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi. His research interest include cybersecurity, critical information infrastructure protection, space security and geopolitical aspects of emerging technologies.



    1. Concepts and Definitions
    2. Cyber Deterrence: The Emerging Landscape
    3. The Geopolitics of Norms Building in Cyberspace
    4. Active Cyber Defence: An Analysis
    5. Critical Information Infrastructure Protection: National Practices and Perspectives
    6. India’s Technology Challenges: Encryption, Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence
    7. Public-Private Partnership in Cybersecurity: Opportunities and Challenges1438.India’s Strategic Options in a Changing Cyberspace



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    Please email us at adps.idsa [at] or call +91-11-2671 7983 (Ext. 7303)

    Pentagon Press
    ISBN: 978-93-86618-66-5
    Price: ₹.746/-
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    India's Saudi Policy: Bridge to the Future India-Saudi Arabia Relations P. R. Kumaraswamy, Md. Muddassir Quamar Eurasia & West Asia 2018 BOOK
    • Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
    The book traces India’s Saudi Policy and locates the current state of bilateral relations and the challenges it faces. It argues that during the Cold War the relations were largely shaped by the Pakistan factor which in turn inhibited both sides from exploring the importance and value of one another. As a result, the relations were largely transactional and marginal. The end of the Cold War coincided with two interesting developments, namely, significant growth in India’s economic power and influence and the de-hyphenation of Pakistan from its Middle East policy. This resulted in greater political engagements between India and Saudi Arabia and was strengthened by the growing energy trade ties. For long expatiate population and haj have been the backbone of the relations, and they have been new instruments as India looks to enhance its engagements with the Kingdom through investments opportunities, political contacts, shared security concerns and strategic cooperation. India’s Saudi policy, however, face many challenges most importantly the regional instability, the Iran factor, low oil price and the international dynamics. The book will be the first comprehensive work on the India-Saudi relations. Though targeting a wider audience, it will be academically grounded and based on primary sources collected from India and Saudi Arabia.
    • E-book ISBN: 978-981-13-0794-2, Hardcopy ISBN: 978-981-13-0793-5,
    • Price: E-book - E-book - $84.99, Hardcopy - $109.99

    About the Book

    The book traces India’s Saudi Policy and locates the current state of bilateral relations and the challenges it faces. It argues that during the Cold War the relations were largely shaped by the Pakistan factor which in turn inhibited both sides from exploring the importance and value of one another. As a result, the relations were largely transactional and marginal. The end of the Cold War coincided with two interesting developments, namely, significant growth in India’s economic power and influence and the de-hyphenation of Pakistan from its Middle East policy. This resulted in greater political engagements between India and Saudi Arabia and was strengthened by the growing energy trade ties. For long expatiate population and haj have been the backbone of the relations, and they have been new instruments as India looks to enhance its engagements with the Kingdom through investments opportunities, political contacts, shared security concerns and strategic cooperation. India’s Saudi policy, however, face many challenges most importantly the regional instability, the Iran factor, low oil price and the international dynamics. The book will be the first comprehensive work on the India-Saudi relations. Though targeting a wider audience, it will be academically grounded and based on primary sources collected from India and Saudi Arabia.

    About the Author

    P.R. Kumaraswamy is a professor of contemporary Middle East studies in Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, India. From 1992-1999, he was a research fellow at the Harry S., Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace, Jerusalem. Since joining JNU in September 1999, he has been researching, teaching, and writing on various aspects of the contemporary Middle East. His works include Squaring the Circle: Mahatma Gandhi and the Jewish National HomeIndia’s Israel Policy; and Historical Dictionary of the Arab Israeli Conflict. Prof. Kumaraswamy has edited a number of volumes and published research articles in a number of refereed and non-refereed international journals and regularly contributes to Indian as well as international media outlets. In February 2010, he set up the virtual Middle East Institute, New Delhi and serves as its honorary director. He is the editor of Contemporary Review of the Middle Eastand the series editor of Persian Gulf: India’s Relations with the Region.

    Md. Muddassir Quamar is Associate Fellow in the Institute for Defence Studies & Analyses, New Delhi, India. He holds a Ph.D. in Middle East studies from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), India. His doctoral thesis examined social developments in Saudi Arabia between 1991 and 2010 within a conceptual framework of Islamic modernism. Dr. Quamar’s areas of interest include Politics and Societies in the Gulf, Middle East Strategic Affairs, and Political Islam. His research papers have appeared in leading international journals such as Contemporary Arab Affairs, Digest of Middle East Studies, Journal of Arabian Studies and Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. He has co-edited an anthology titled Contemporary Persian Gulf: Essays in Honour of Gulshan Dietl, Prakash C. Jain and Girijesh Pant, contributed chapters to edited volumes and regularly contributes opinion articles on strategic developments in Middle East and India-Gulf relations. Dr. Quamar has been a visiting fellow in King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies, Riyadh and serves as Associate Editor of Contemporary Review of the Middle East.

    Table of Contents

    • Introduction
    • The Nehru Era
    • Drifting Apart
    • Islamic Dimension
    • Pakistan Factor
    • Palestine Factor
    • The Shift
    • Transformation
    • Energy, Economics and Expatriates
    • International Factors
    • Challenges
    Palgrave Macmillan
    E-book ISBN: 978-981-13-0794-2, Hardcopy ISBN: 978-981-13-0793-5
    E-book - $84.99, Hardcopy - $109.99
    The International Committee of the Red Cross in Internal Armed Conflicts Armed Forces Rajeesh Kumar Africa, Latin America, Caribbean & UN 2018 BOOK
    • Publisher: Palgrave Pivot
    This book critically examines the possible dilution of the neutrality principle of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in internal armed conflicts. It begins with the proposition that the intervention of ICRC in internal armed conflicts led to compromises in neutrality, and questioned the autonomy and independence of the organization. The book also argues that the field operations of the international humanitarian organizations during internal armed conflicts are dependent on the authority exercised by the state in whose territory the conflict persists. The ICRC’s involvement in Sri Lanka and Sudan provides empirical support to validate these propositions and arguments.
    • E-book ISBN:978-981-13-2601-1, Hardcopy ISBN: 978-981-13-2600-4,
    • Price: E-book - $54.99, Hardcopy - $69.99

    About the Book

    This book critically examines the possible dilution of the neutrality principle of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in internal armed conflicts. It begins with the proposition that the intervention of ICRC in internal armed conflicts led to compromises in neutrality, and questioned the autonomy and independence of the organization. The book also argues that the field operations of the international humanitarian organizations during internal armed conflicts are dependent on the authority exercised by the state in whose territory the conflict persists. The ICRC’s involvement in Sri Lanka and Sudan provides empirical support to validate these propositions and arguments. The cases also show that for the ICRC, it is hard to be neutral and impartial in situations of internal armed conflicts and such conflicts present formidable challenges to maintain its organization autonomy as well.

    The larger purpose of the book is to contribute to the policy re/formulation of the international humanitarian organizations in internal armed conflict, the most significant challenge in the field at present.

    About the Editor

    Dr Rajeesh Kumar is an Associate Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi, India. He has Ph.D. in International Organization from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Before joining IDSA, he taught at Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi and University of Calicut, Kerala. He is the co-editor of two books: Eurozone Crisis and Future of Europe: Political Economy of Further Integration and Governance and Islam, Islamist Movements and Democracy in the Middle East: Challenges, Opportunities, and Responses. His articles and reviews appeared in journals, magazines and newspapers such as Strategic AnalysisIndia QuarterlyJCMS: Journal of Common Market StudiesCEU Political Science JournalE-International RelationsThe DiplomatJapan TimesTehran Times and The Outlook.

    Table of Contents

    • Introduction - Pages 1-19
    • ‘Between States and Insurgents’: The ICRC in Internal Armed Conflicts - Pages 21-68
    • The ICRC and the Armed Conflict in Sri Lanka - Pages 69-96
    • The ICRC in Darfur Conflict, Sudan - Pages 97-120
    • Conclusion - Pages 121-130


    “This work raises important questions about the possibility of neutral humanitarianism in internal armed conflicts. It not only appraises the significant legal developments related to the conduct of internal armed conflicts but critically evaluates the role of the ICRC in humanizing such conflicts. It makes a valuable contribution by offering an in-depth analysis of the challenges faced by the ICRC in working in between States and insurgents.” (Robert Kolb, Professor of Public International Law at the University of Geneva, Switzerland)

    “This book potentially will be of interest to researchers of internal armed conflict, international law, and governance as well as area studies scholars interested in Africa and Asia. It would also be of relevance to practitioners of humanitarianism-whether governmental or non-governmental. The author demonstrates the grasp over relevant literature, just as he is able to present the narrative in his own language and as per his research design. Particularly appreciable is the author's attempt to contextualise the ICRC's activities by giving a historical background to the case studies.” (C S R Murthy, Professor, Centre for International Politics, Organization and Disarmament, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India)

    “Neutrality has long been among the core principles of the ICRC. Kumar contributes an important element to the ongoing debate on the future of neutrality with his review of the developments regarding the principle of Neutrality.” (Prof. Dr. Andrej J. Zwitter, NGIZ Professor of International Relations, Faculty of Law University of Groningen, The Netherlands )

    Palgrave Pivot
    E-book ISBN:978-981-13-2601-1, Hardcopy ISBN: 978-981-13-2600-4
    E-book - $54.99, Hardcopy - $69.99
    Ideology, Politics and New Security Challenges in West Asia West Asia Conference Publications Meena Singh Roy Eurasia & West Asia 2018 BOOK
    • Publisher: Pentagon Press
    Ideology, Politics and New Security Challenges in West Asia, is the collection of papers presented during the international conference on West Asia on January 19-20, 2016. As dramatic changes are taking place in domestic and regional political environments in most countries of the West Asian region, this volume provides an in-depth assessment of the changing security paradigm in the West Asian region, examines the conflicting ideologies and their implications and looks at the resurgence and spread of extremism and terrorism in West Asia, focusing on the ISIS and its impact for the region and beyond. Besides, this edited volume highlights the role and involvement of the extra-regional powers while providing insight into the geopolitical shift in the global energy scenario and its implications for the supplier and consumer countries. Finally, the book examines India's growing partnership with the region, explaining various opportunities and challenges.
    • ISBN: 978-9386618535,
    • Price: ₹1,050/-

    About the Book

    Ideology, Politics and New Security Challenges in West Asia, is the collection of papers presented during the international conference on West Asia on January 19-20, 2016. As dramatic changes are taking place in domestic and regional political environments in most countries of the West Asian region, this volume provides an in-depth assessment of the changing security paradigm in the West Asian region, examines the conflicting ideologies and their implications and looks at the resurgence and spread of extremism and terrorism in West Asia, focusing on the ISIS and its impact for the region and beyond. Besides, this edited volume highlights the role and involvement of the extra-regional powers while providing insight into the geopolitical shift in the global energy scenario and its implications for the supplier and consumer countries. Finally, the book examines India's growing partnership with the region, explaining various opportunities and challenges.

    About the Editor

    Dr Meena Singh Roy is a Research Fellow and heads the West Asia Centre at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA). Her area of specialisation is West Asia and Central Asia.

    Pentagon Press
    ISBN: 978-9386618535
    Price: ₹1,050/-
    Hybrid Warfare: The Changing Character of Conflict Warfare Vikrant Deshpande Military Affairs 2018 BOOK
    • Publisher: Pentagon Press
    A scan of recent conflicts indicates blurring lines between war and peace, state and non-state, regular and irregular and conventional and unconventional. The prevailing security environment is radically different from what it was even a decade ago. The probability of conventional conflict between states or groups of states has been steadily declining while, at the same time, sub-conventional conflict is gaining prominence. These small wars, or niggling wars as some have called it, have also been called hybrid, non-linear, gray zone, unrestricted and a plethora of such names. The ontological and epistemological enquiry of these terms is essential to understand if they allude to the same phenomenon through different frames. Are they the convention or an aberration? The book tries to fill this crucial research gap related to the changing character of conflicts in the strategic discourse in India.
    • ISBN: 978-93-86618-35-1,
    • Price: ₹.995/- $32.95/-
    • E-copy available

    About the Book

    A scan of recent conflicts indicates blurring lines between war and peace, state and non-state, regular and irregular and conventional and unconventional. The prevailing security environment is radically different from what it was even a decade ago. The probability of conventional conflict between states or groups of states has been steadily declining while, at the same time, sub-conventional conflict is gaining prominence. These small wars, or niggling wars as some have called it, have also been called hybrid, non-linear, gray zone, unrestricted and a plethora of such names. The ontological and epistemological enquiry of these terms is essential to understand if they allude to the same phenomenon through different frames. Are they the convention or an aberration? The book tries to fill this crucial research gap related to the changing character of conflicts in the strategic discourse in India.

    The contributors have made an attempt to identify various components of hybrid warfare at play in contemporary conflicts. The work does not intend to be judgmental of the nation-states involved in these conflicts or their context and purpose. Instead, the contributors have viewed these conflicts through the prism of the changing character of war, as students of defence and strategic studies, to draw relevant lessons.

    The book is divided into three parts. The first part dwells on conceptual issues related to hybrid warfare and comprises two chapters. The second part has six case studies. In the last part, the book has two concluding chapters.

    A cursory literature review indicates that while a lot has been written on contemporary conflicts and there are collected essays on hybrid warfare, such an approach as attempted in this book, of scanning the geopolitical space to deconstruct modern conflicts and draw out lessons learnt, is unique. The authors hope to initiate a debate and contribute to the discourse on the way India will have to fight its conflicts in the future in order to equip its armed forces to be better prepared for the next Trojan horse.

    About the Editor

    Colonel Vikrant Suresh Deshpande joined IDSA as a Research Fellow in September 2016. An MPhil in Defence and Strategic Studies from the Devi Ahilyabai University, his research focuses on ‘Notions of Victory and its Implications on Strategy and Capability Development of the Armed Forces’


    List of Abbreviations
    List of Tables and Figures

    1. The Changing Character and the Taxonomy of Conflict
      -- Gurmeet Kanwal
    2. Contextualising Hybrid Warfare
      -- Vikrant Deshpande and Shibani Mehta
    3. Pakistan’s Hybrid War in South Asia: Case Study of India and Afghanistan
      -- Vivek Chadha
    4. Russia and Hybrid Warfare: Achieving Strategic Goals without Outright Military Force
      -- Aman Saberwal
    5. The Mutating Wars: ‘The Hybrid Threat’ in Iraq and Syria
      -- Shruti Pandalai
    6. Lebanon–Yemen Marathon: Hezbollah Head and Houthi Legs
      -- Kishore Kumar Khera
    7. Israel and the Challenges of Hybrid Warfare
      -- S. Samuel C. Rajiv
    8. Expanding the Turbulent Maritime Periphery: Gray Zone Conflicts with Chinese Characteristics
      -- Abhay K. Singh
    9. India and Hybrid Warfare
      -- Alok Deb
    10. Conclusion
      -- Neha Kohli


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    Please email us at adps.idsa [at] or call +91-11-2671 7983 (Ext. 7303)

    Pentagon Press
    ISBN: 978-93-86618-35-1
    ₹.995/- $32.95
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    China-India-Japan in the Indo-Pacific: Ideas, Interests and Infrastructure India, Japan, China, Indo-Pacific Jagannath P. Panda, Titli Basu East Asia 2018 BOOK
    • Publisher: Pentagon Press
    This book analyses the competing power politics that exists between the three major Asian powers - China, India, and Japan - on infrastructural development across the Indo-Pacific. It examines the competing policies and perspectives of these Asian powers on infrastructure development initiatives and explores the commonalities and contradictions between them that shape their ideas and interests. In brief, the volume looks into the strategic contention that exists between China's "Belt and Road Initiative" (BRI; earlier officially known as "One Belt, One Road" - OBOR) and Japan's "Expanded Partnership for Quality Infrastructure" (PQI) and initiatives like the Asia-Africa Growth Corridor (AAGC) and position India's geostrategic and geo-economic interests in between these two competing powers and their mammoth infrastructural initiatives.
    • ISBN: 978-93-86618-42-9,
    • Price: ₹.1495/- $38.95/-
    • E-copy available

    About The Book

    This book analyses the competing power politics that exists between the three major Asian powers - China, India, and Japan - on infrastructural development across the Indo-Pacific. It examines the competing policies and perspectives of these Asian powers on infrastructure development initiatives and explores the commonalities and contradictions between them that shape their ideas and interests. In brief, the volume looks into the strategic contention that exists between China's "Belt and Road Initiative" (BRI; earlier officially known as "One Belt, One Road" - OBOR) and Japan's "Expanded Partnership for Quality Infrastructure" (PQI) and initiatives like the Asia-Africa Growth Corridor (AAGC) and position India's geostrategic and geo-economic interests in between these two competing powers and their mammoth infrastructural initiatives.

    About the Editors

    • Dr. Jagannath P. Panda is Research Fellow and Centre Coordinator for East Asia at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses
    • Dr. Titli Basu is an Associate Fellow the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses




      List of Contributors

    1. Introduction
      -- Jagannath P. Panda and Titli Basu

    3. Belt and Road Initiative: An Effective Future-orientedInstrument of China’s Economic Development and Diplomatic Expansion?
      -- Justyna Szczudlik
    4. China’s Security Governance Conception for Asia: Perspectives from India
      -- Susanne Kamerling
    5. Reflection on OBOR: A Test of Out-of-the-box Thinking: A Chinese Perspective
      -- Huang Yunsong
    6. All-rounded Sino-Indian Competition? China’s Belt and Road Initiative and its Implications for South Asia
      -- Simon Shen
    7. Beijing’s OBOR Initiative and Taiwan: Beyond theInfrastructure Gambit
      -- Ming-Shih Shen
    8. The Impact of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)on India-Pakistan Relations
      -- Christian Wagner
    9. Xi Jinping’s Chinese Dream in the Indian Ocean Region:Time to Move beyond Outdated Maritime Strategies
      -- Sukjoon Yoon

    11. China’s OBOR Initiative and Japan’s Response: The AbeDoctrine, Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy andJapan-India Strategic Partnership
      --Yasuyuki Ishida
    12. Japan’s Struggle in China-led Asian Economic Order: Reactive Initiatives in Asian Infrastructure
      -- Takashi Terada
    13. Infrastructure Development in Asia: Japan’s New Initiativesand Its Cooperation with India
      -- Ryohei Kasai
    14. China in Japan-India Security Ties: Infrastructure as a Factor
      -- Satoru Nagao
    15. Asia’s Democratic Security Diamond in the Indo-Pacific Region: A Maritime Perspective
      -- Takuya Shimodaira

    17. The Strategic Implications of Maritime Infrastructure Developments in the Indo-Pacific
      -- Lee Cordner
    18. Soft Balancing: Asia-Africa Growth Corridor (AAGC), India-Japan Arch in contrast to the Belt and RoadInitiative (BRI) and China’s Rising Influence
      -- Jagannath P. Panda
    19. Japan, India and China on Africa: Global Ambitions and Human Resource Development
      -- Kenneth King
    20. Realising ‘Make in India’: Port-led Development in the Indian Ocean
      -- Titli Basu
    21. India’s Transformed ‘Continental-Nautical’ Strategy: Rebooted Connectivity-Based Infrastructure-Compact
      -- Dattesh D. Parulekar
    22. The Belt and Road Initiative and Southeast Asia
      -- Munmun Majumdar
    23. Index

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    Please email us at adps.idsa [at] or call +91-11-2671 7983 (Ext. 7303)

    Pentagon Press
    ISBN: 978-93-86618-42-9
    ₹. 1495/- $38.95/-
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    Defence Reforms: A National Imperative Defence, Defence Reforms, E-Book Gurmeet Kanwal, Neha Kohli Military Affairs 2018 BOOK
    • Publisher: Pentagon Press
    Despite being faced with myriad and complex challenges to national security, India's defence structures have not kept pace with changing times. The defence reforms that were undertaken periodically were reactive in nature and, in many cases, responses to crises as well as being sporadic, piecemeal and often ad hoc. The most recent review of security challenges undertaken occurred close to two decades ago, in the aftermath of the Kargil conflict of 1999.
    • ISBN: 978-93-86618-34-4,
    • Price: ₹.995/- $32.95/-
    • E-copy available

    About The Book

    Despite being faced with myriad and complex challenges to national security, India's defence structures have not kept pace with changing times. The defence reforms that were undertaken periodically were reactive in nature and, in many cases, responses to crises as well as being sporadic, piecemeal and often ad hoc. The most recent review of security challenges undertaken occurred close to two decades ago, in the aftermath of the Kargil conflict of 1999. This was the Kargil Review Committee, and a subsequent Group of Ministers committee was appointed to study its report and suggest urgent measures for implementation of its suggestions, especially focussing on intelligence reforms, internal security, border management, and defence management. While many of the suggestions made by the Group of Ministers committee were accepted and have been implemented, a key reform-the establishment of the Chief of Defence Staff-is yet to see the light of day.

    Keeping in mind the necessity as well as the urgency of such reforms, this volume brings together practitioners as well as researchers on defence issues, on the key issue of defence reforms. The aim is not just to interrogate the status of reforms in current times but to also place the issue before a wider, interested readership. The 14 incisive chapters herein cover the broad spectrum of defence reforms and provide perspectives on similar reforms in other militaries, structural reforms, those dealing with budgets and procurement issues, and, finally, education and communication.

    The volume would be an indispensable guide to practitioners, scholars and researchers working on the area of defence and military studies, strategic and security studies, India's defence and security policies as well as to the informed reader.

    About the Editors

    Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (Retd.) is Distinguished Fellow, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi and a Delhi-based Adjunct Fellow, Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Washington, D.C. He is former Director, Centre for Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS), New Delhi. He commanded an infantry brigade on the Line of Control (Operation Parakram, 2001-03) and an artillery regiment in counter-insurgency operation in Kashmir Valley (Operation Rakshak, 1993-94). His book include Nuclear Defence: Shaping the Arsenal; Indian Army: Vision 2020; Pakistan's Proxy War; Heroes of Kargil: Kargil'99: Blood, Guts and Firepower, Artillery: Honour and Glory and The New Arthashastra: A Security Strategy for India (ed.). He is a regular speaker at well known international think tanks and military institutions.

    Neha Kohli is the Associate Editor of the Journal of Defence Studies, published by the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi.



      About the Authors

    1. Introduction: The Need for Defence Reforms
      -- Gurmeet Kanwal

    3. Reforms Initiated by Major Military Powers
      -- Rajneesh Singh
    4. Military Might: New Age Defence Reforms in China
      -- Monika Chansoria

    6. Higher Defence Organisation: Independence to the Mid-1990s
      -- R. Chandrashekhar
    7. Defence Reforms: The Vajpayee Years
      -- Anit Mukherjee
    8. Defence Planning: A Review
      -- Narender Kumar
    9. Transformation: Military Force to Military Power
      -- Vinod Bhatia
    10. Intelligence Reforms to Meet Future Challenges
      -- Kamal Davar
    11. Inter-ministerial and Inter-departmental Coordination
      -- Shakti Sinha

    13. Defence Budget: Optimising Planning and Utilisation – I
      -- Anjan Mukherjee
    14. Defence Budget: Optimising Planning and Utilisation – II
      -- Amit Cowshish
    15. Indian Defence Industry: A Reform Agenda
      -- Laxman Kumar Behera

    17. Professional Military Education: Agenda for Reform
      -- P.K. Mallick
    18. Rethinking Strategic Communication in the Age of “Instant”Warfare
      -- Shruti Pandalai
    19. Index

    Order Hard Copy

    Please email us at adps.idsa [at] or call +91-11-2671 7983 (Ext. 7303)

    Pentagon Press
    ISBN: 978-93-86618-34-4
    ₹. 995/- $32.95/-
    Purchase Download E-copy
    West Asia in Transition - Volume II West Asia, E-Book Sanjay Singh Eurasia & West Asia 2018 BOOK
    • Publisher: Pentagon Press
    West Asia in Transition-Volume II is the result of a project launched by the Delhi Policy Group (DPG) in 2016 to study the rapidly changing socio-political and economic structures as well as emerging trends in West Asia. The publication is a collection` of essays by senior diplomats, academics and young researchers on different aspects of the profound transformation taking place in the West Asian region.
    • ISBN: 978-93-86618-17-7,
    • Price: ₹.1295/- $34.95/-
    • E-copy available

    About The Book

    West Asia in Transition-Volume II is the result of a project launched by the Delhi Policy Group (DPG) in 2016 to study the rapidly changing socio-political and economic structures as well as emerging trends in West Asia. The publication is a collection` of essays by senior diplomats, academics and young researchers on different aspects of the profound transformation taking place in the West Asian region.

    The principal focus has been on the main drivers of this transformation and on the major players. Particular attention has been paid to the evolution of Islamic thought and practice in the region.viz. Wahhabism, Velayat-i-Faqih, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Salafi-Jihadism, and their overarching influence in the region. The book also looks at the role of the major regional powers—Egypt, Iran, Israel, and Saudi Arabia and their interactions with each other, as well as the areas engulfed by conflict—Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.

    The publication of this volume has been made possible through a collaborated effort between the DPG and the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA). It is hoped that this book, drawing upon the considerable expertise of regional specialists, academics, and former civil servants will be a useful resource for policymakers in helping them to calibrate an effective, informed, and balanced strategy towards the region.



      Abbreviations and Acronyms

      Acknowledgements and Disclaimer

      Sanjay Singh


    1. Introduction
      -- Talmiz Ahmad
    2. Global Jihad by Al-Qaida and the Islamic State
      -- Md. Muddassir Quamar
    3. The Changing Energy Scenario: Geopolitical Implications for
      West Asia
      -- Sameena Hameed

    5. Saudi Arabia: Understanding Evolving Internal and External
      -- Meena Singh Roy
    6. Saudi Arabia and the Region
      -- Neha Kohli
    7. Wahhabism and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: An Evolving
      -- Adil Rasheed
    8. PART 3: YEMEN

    9. Yemen: An Introduction
      -- Ranjit Gupta
    10. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
      -- Dipanwita Chakravortty
    11. The Yemen Conflict: Domestic and Regional Dynamics
      -- Ashiya Parveen
    12. PART 4: IRAN

    13. Iran and the Region: An Introduction
      -- Javed Ahmad Khan and Sanjay Singh
    14. The Concept of Wilayat al-Faqih: 37 Years after the Iranian
      -- Shafat Yousuf
    15. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and Its
      -- S. Samuel C. Rajiv
    16. Iran and the Region: Changing Dynamics and New Challenges
      -- P.R. Kumaraswamy and Md. Muddassir Quamar
    17. PART 5: ISRAEL

    18. Israel and India: An Introduction
      -- P.R. Kumaraswamy
    19. The Shaping of Israel-US Relations
      -- Moinuddin Ahmad
    20. India-Israel Relations: The Influence of Third Parties
      -- Manjari Singh
    21. PART 6: EGYPT

    22. Al-Sisi’s Egypt: An Introduction
      -- Sudhir Vyas
    23. The Increasing Control of the Armed Forces: The Deteriorating
      Security Situation in Egypt
      -- Rajeev Agarwal
    24. State-Society Ties in Egypt: Recent Developments
      -- Tanzoom Ahmed
    25. PART 7: SYRIA-IRAQ

    26. The Civil War in Syria: A Regional Battleground—
      An Introduction
      -- V.P. Haran
    27. The Civil War in Syria: A Regional Battleground
      -- Tsupokyemla
    28. Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: Causes and Consequences—
      An Introduction
      -- A.R. Ghanashyam
    29. The Islamic State: Origins, Evolution and Consequences
      -- Alvite Singh Ningthoujam
    30. The Mentors
      The Contributors

    Order Hard Copy

    Please email us at adps.idsa [at] or call +91-11-2671 7983 (Ext. 7303)

    Pentagon Press
    ISBN: 978-93-86618-17-7
    ₹.1295/- $34.95/-
    Purchase Download E-copy

