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    Title Book Cover Topics Author Research Area Year Category Summary Body Book Detail
    The Role of Media in Promoting Regional Understanding in South Asia Media, South Asia, E-Book, South Asia Conference Publications Priyanka Singh South Asia 2016 BOOK
    • Publisher: Pentagon Press

    This book collates a wide spectrum of views across South Asia, including Myanmar, and debates the role of media in forging regional understanding and goodwill. The media's role in South Asia is essentially conceived as state-centric, adhering to the standard templates of nationalism. This inherent tendency has, at times, cost neutral and balanced coverage of events and issues. The contributors to this volume acknowledge the potential of the media as an institution which could/should, in addition to its routine reportage, focus on regional issues of common interest and promote regional understanding.

    • ISBN 978-81-8274-868-2,
    • Price: ₹. 995.00
    • E-copy available

    Publisher: Pentagon Press
    ISBN: 978-81-8274-868-2 [Download E-Copy] [Buy Now]

    About the Book

    This book collates a wide spectrum of views across South Asia, including Myanmar, and debates the role of media in forging regional understanding and goodwill. The media's role in South Asia is essentially conceived as state-centric, adhering to the standard templates of nationalism. This inherent tendency has, at times, cost neutral and balanced coverage of events and issues. The contributors to this volume acknowledge the potential of the media as an institution which could/should, in addition to its routine reportage, focus on regional issues of common interest and promote regional understanding.

    The book consists of 16 chapters attempted by scholars from all SAARC countries including Myanmar. They focus on a range of issues relating to media—ownership, impact of social media, media narrative, nationalist bias, state control, envelope-journalism, threat from non-state actors, and a host of other such issues. There is a consensus that the media has vastly enhanced its capability to mould and shape public perception and opinion with the revolution in communication technology in recent decades. They strongly endorse the view that the media should play its due role in promoting regional understanding and cooperation.


    About the Contributors
    Map of South Asia
    Opening Remarks by Brigadier Rumel Dahiya (Retd.)
    Inaugural Address by Shri Prakash Javadekar
    Priyanka Singh


    1. Media-scape in South Asia and the Issue of Regional Cooperation - Smruti S. Pattanaik and Ashok K. Behuria
    2. The Media and Foreign Policy Discourses in Pakistan - Rasul Bakhsh Rais
    3. Impact of Media Ownership on Reporting: When Journalismis Prey to Predatory Instincts - Syed Badrul Ahsan
    4. Media in Post 9/11 Afghanistan - Amrullah Saleh
    5. Media in the Age of Intolerance and Terrorism - Kunda Dixit

    7. Promotion of Jingoism in the Region by the Media: The Case of Sri Lanka - Dilrukshi Handunnetti
    8. Maldivian Media: Ownership, Orientation and Trends - Ibrahim Waheed
    9. Regional Understanding: Does Media Ownership Really Matter? - Kaberi Gayen
    10. The Role of the Bhutanese Media in Bhutan’s Democratic Evolution and Governance - Tenzing Lamsang
    11. The Role of Media in Myanmar - Myo Lwin
    12. Evolution of Afghan Media: Role in Promoting Regional Understanding - Danish Karokhel
    13. Truth vs Hype: Media, Hyper-nationalism and Impact on Perceptions in India-South Asia Relations - Shruti Pandalai

    15. News Media Re-Presentation and Agenda-Setting in Public Discourse on Foreign Relations: The Case of Sri Lankan Popular Attitudes Towards India - Lakshman F.B. Gunasekara
    16. The Role of Media in Shaping Foreign Policy Discourse in Myanmar - Khin Maung Soe
    17. The Role of Bhutanese Media in Amalgamating South Asia:Quest for a Happy South Asian Society - Dawa Penjor
    18. The Role of Media in Shaping Foreign Policy Discourse in Nepal - Deepak Adhikari
    19. ANNEXURE
      Can Media Play a Role in Promoting Regional Understanding?

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    Please email us at adps.idsa [at] or call +91-11-2671 7983 (Ext. 7303)

    Publisher: Pentagon Press
    ISBN 978-81-8274-868-2
    Price: ₹. 995.00 Purchase Download E-copy
    Indigenous Historical Knowledge: Kautilya and His Vocabulary (Volume II) E-Book, Kautilya-Arthashastra, Strategic Thinking, Indigenous Historical Knowledge P. K. Gautam, Saurabh Mishra, Arvind Gupta Military Affairs 2016 BOOK
    • Publisher: Pentagon Press

    This book is the second in a series of three volumes on “Kautilya and His Vocabulary” as a part of the “Indigenous Historical Knowledge” project undertaken by the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi. These volumes aim at initiating the study, internalisation, spread and consolidation of Kautilya's Arthashastra in the strategic domain. The four focus themes in the three volumes are foreign policy, intelligence, war and internal security as they relate to contemporary times.

    • ISBN 978-81-8274-866-8,
    • Price: ₹. 695.00
    • E-copy available

    Publisher: Pentagon Press
    ISBN: 978-81-8274-866-8 [Download E-Copy] [Buy Now]

    About the Book

    This book is the second in a series of three volumes on “Kautilya and His Vocabulary” as a part of the “Indigenous Historical Knowledge” project undertaken by the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi. The edited volumes contain select papers presented in a series of workshops, national and international seminars organised by the Institute. The project is an attempt to trace, look into, analyse and relate with the indigenous strategic thinking in India. These volumes aim at initiating the study, internalisation, spread and consolidation of Kautilya's Arthashastra in the strategic domain. The four focus themes in the three volumes are foreign policy, intelligence, war and internal security as they relate to contemporary times.


    About the Contributors
    Welcome Remarks by Dr. Arvind Gupta, DG IDSA
    Keynote Address by Shri Shivshankar Menon, National Security Adviser


    1. The Text as Tradition: Interpreting India’s Strategic History
      Jayashree Vivekanandan
    2. Revisiting the Arthasastra: Back to Understanding IR
      Medha Bisht
    3. Exploring the Concepts of Grand Strategy and Strategic Planning in Kautilya’s ArthaàÈstra through a Hermeneutical Lens
      G. Adityakiran

    5. Kautilya’s Arthasastra: An Approach to Counter-Insurgency Strategy
      Vinay Vittal
    6. Methods and Means of Warfare: Kautilya and Contemporary Laws of Armed Conflict
      U.C. Jha
    7. Military Adages and Stratagems in Kautilya’s ArthaàÈstra
      Harjeet Singh
    8. One Year of Arthasastra: Response, Pedagogy and Research
      P.K. Gautam


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    Please email us at adps.idsa [at] or call +91-11-2671 7983 (Ext. 7303)

    Other books in Indigenous Historical Knowledge Series

    Publisher: Pentagon Press
    ISBN 978-81-8274-866-8
    Price: ₹. 695.00

    India’s Approach to Asia: Strategy, Geopolitics and Responsibility India, E-Book, Maritime Security, India-China Relations, Cyber Security, Chemical Weapons (CW), Asian Security Conference Publications Namrata Goswami East Asia, South East Asia and Oceania 2016 BOOK
    • Publisher: Pentagon Press

    This book offers wide ranging divergent perspectives on India's role in managing and shaping Asian Security. The book offers important ideas on how Asian security will shape up in the future by utilizing the method of scenarios. It is an important contribution to the field of Asian and regional security and India's role in it.

    • ISBN 978-81-8274-870-5
    • E-copy available

    About the Book

    This book offers wide ranging divergent perspectives on India's role in managing and shaping Asian Security. Issues that are dealt with in detail include major power rivalries, tensions over disputed territories, freedom of Sea Lanes of Communications (SLOCs), security dilemmas connected to military modernization, the robustness of regional institutional mechanisms, intra-state conflicts and last but not the least, the perspectives of major actors like Russia, China and India on Asian regional order: whether they view it as purely competitive or cooperative-competitive. The debate on 'Great Power' status and responsibility forms a critical part of the book. The importance of connectivity via road and rail, and information infrastructure has been dealt with by several authors, who at the same time, have also identified some of the challenges. The book offers important ideas on how Asian security will shape up in the future by utilizing the method of scenarios. It is an important contribution to the field of Asian and regional security and India's role in it.



    India’s Strategic Approach to Asia
    -- Namrata Goswami


    Rising Powers in the Emerging World Order: An Overview, with a Reflection on the Consequences for India
    -- Barry Buzan

    1. Panchsheel–Multilateralism and Competing Regionalism: The Indian Approach towards Regional Cooperation and the Regional Order in South Asia, the Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal, and the Mekong-Ganga
    -- Arndt Michael

    2. India as the Norm-builder and Norm Contributor
    -- Santishree Dhulipudi and Rimli Basu

    3. How India is Viewed as a Regional Actor
    -- S.D. Muni


    4. The Geo-strategic Context of the India-Russia Partnership
    -- P. Stobdan

    5. Framing US-India Relations
    -- Holli A. Semetko

    6. India’s Strategic Partnership: A Perspective from Vietnam
    -- Vo Xuan Vinh
    7. The Japan-India Strategic Partnership: A New Hope for Asia
    -- Satoru Nagao


    8. Looking East: Security through Greater Cross Border Connectivity
    -- Rajat M. Nag

    9. Debating Physical Connectivity between India and ASEAN: Economics versus Security
    -- Sinderpal Singh

    10. The Impact of Terrorism and Organised Crime on Asian Economies: Implications for India
    -- Prem Mahadevan


    11. India-China Relations: The Return of the Sub-Region
    -- Madhu Bhalla

    12. China-India Relations: Objectives and Future Priorities
    -- Pang Zhongying and Rupak Sapkota

    13. China’s Military Modernisation and its Impact on India
    -- Gordon G. Chang

    14. China and its Territorial Disputes: An Increasing Security Dilemma
    -- D.S. Rajan


    15. Indian Maritime Doctrine and Asian Security: Intentions and Capabilities
    -- Gurpreet S. Khurana

    16. The Indo-Pacific and the Growing Strategic Importance of the Bay of Bengal
    -- David Brewster

    17. The Indian Navy’s Security Role in Littoral Asia
    -- Abhijit Singh

    18. Deciphering Oriental Mysteries of Silk, Pearls and Diamonds—Trios, Quartets and Quintets: Maritime Dimensions of India’s Strategic Dilemmas in the Changing Asian Power Balance
    -- Francis A. Kornegay, Jr.


    19. Cybersecurity, Global Governance and New Risk
    -- Sean S. Costigan

    20. A Perspective on Space Security
    -- Ranjana Kaul

    21. Chemical and Biological Dimensions of Jihadi Terrorism
    -- Animesh Roul

    22. The Emerging Asian Nuclear Order and India
    -- Rajiv Nayan


    23. India’s Regional Strategy: Balancing Geopolitics with Geoeconomics in South Asia
    -- Smruti S. Pattanaik and Ashok K. Behuria

    24. India’s Central Asian Strategic Paradoxes: The Impact of Strategic Autonomy in the Emerging Asian Regional Architecture
    -- Micha’el Tanchum

    25. The Dynamics of Change in India-Southeast Asia Relations: Beyond Economics to Strategic Partnerships
    -- Shankari Sundararaman


    26. Strategic Trends in Asia: Future Directions
    -- Boris Volkhonsky

    27. Asian Security Contentions: Trends and Scenarios
    -- S. Samuel C. Rajiv

    28. Decoding India’s Agenda: New Ideas and Emerging Trends in Asian Security
    -- Shruti Pandalai

    List of Contributors

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    Please email us at adps.idsa [at] or call +91-11-2671 7983 (Ext. 7303)

    Publisher: Pentagon Press
    ISBN 978-81-8274-870-5
    Purchase Download E-copy
    Indigenous Historical Knowledge: Kautilya and His Vocabulary (Volume I) E-Book, Indigenous Historical Knowledge, Kautilya-Arthashastra P. K. Gautam, Saurabh Mishra, Arvind Gupta Military Affairs 2015 BOOK
    • Publisher: Pentagon Press

    This book is the first in a series of three volumes on “Kautilya and His Vocabulary” as a part of the “Indigenous Historical Knowledge” project undertaken by the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi. The edited volumes contain select papers presented in a series of workshop, national and international seminars organised by the institute. The project is an attempt to trace, look into, analyse and relate with the indigenous strategic thinking in India. These volumes aim at initiating the study, internalisation, spread and consolidation of Kautilya’s Arthashastra in the strategic domain. The four focus themes in the three volumes are foreign policy, intelligence, war and internal security as they relate to contemporary times.

    • ISBN 978-81-8274-849-1,
    • Price: ₹. 695.00
    • E-copy available

    About the Book

    This book is the first in a series of three volumes on “Kautilya and His Vocabulary” as a part of the “Indigenous Historical Knowledge” project undertaken by the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi. The edited volumes contain select papers presented in a series of workshop, national and international seminars organised by the institute. The project is an attempt to trace, look into, analyse and relate with the indigenous strategic thinking in India. These volumes aim at initiating the study, internalisation, spread and consolidation of Kautilya’s Arthashastra in the strategic domain. The four focus themes in the three volumes are foreign policy, intelligence, war and internal security as they relate to contemporary times.

    About Editors

    Col. Pradeep Kumar Gautam (Retd.): He is currently a Research Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi and convener of the workshops and seminars with regard to the “Indigenous Historical Knowledge”project.

    Dr. Saurabh Mishra: He is currently working as a Research Assistant at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi. He has done his Ph.D. from Banaras Hindu University; and is associated with the “Indigenous Historical Knowledge” project since its inception.

    Dr. Arvind Gupta: He is currently the Deputy National Security Advisor to the Government of India. He was the Director General Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi, before joining the current position. He had also held the Lal Bahadur Shastri Chair on National Security at the institute. He retired from the Indian Foreign Service (IFS) after serving the Ministry of External Affairs and Indian Missions abroad in different capacities.


    Opening Remarks by Dr. Arvind Gupta, DG, IDSA
    Keynote Address by Shri Shivshankar Menon, NSA
    About the Contributors xix

    1. Arthashastra, Diplomatic History and the Study of International Relations in India - S. Kalyanaraman
    2. A Post-Kautilya View of Diplomacy: The Nitisara of Kamandaki - A.N.D. Haksar
    3. Kautilya on State Fragility in Contemporary Security Environment - Sachin More
    4. Kautilya’s Pioneering Exposition of Comprehensive National Power in the Arthashastra - G. Adityakiran
    5. Varieties of Mitras and Varieties of Sandhis in Early India: Kautilya’s Arthashastra and other Texts - Krishnendu Ray
    6. Corruption in Administration: Evaluating the Kautilyan Antecedents - Tarun Kumar
    7. Arthashastra Beyond Realpolitik: The ‘Eclectic’ Face of Kautilya - Deepshikha Shahi
    8. Kautilya’s Arthashastra: The Grand Strategy - Vinay Vittal
    9. Dharmavijay (Just War), Winning the Peace and War Without Spilling Blood - P.K. Gautam
    10. Kautilya’s Teachings on How to “Create” Loyal Soldiers in One’s Side but Sedition in the Enemy’s Army - Jean Langlois-Berthelot
    11. Policy Issues Identified and Next Step(s)


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    Please email us at adps.idsa [at] or call +91-11-2671 7983 (Ext. 7303)

    Other books in Indigenous Historical Knowledge Series

    Publisher: Pentagon Press
    ISBN 978-81-8274-849-1
    Price: ₹. 695.00 Purchase Download E-copy
    Air Power and National Security: Indian Air Force Evolution, Growth and Future Indian Air Force, E-Book Ramesh Phadke Military Affairs 2015 BOOK
    • Publisher: Pentagon Press

    In over a century since the first manned flight, air power has made spectacular progress. Every conflict since World War II has seen an increasingly bigger role of air power, but despite this, to a general reader, air power continues to be esoteric. The study highlights major air power lessons of all the major conflicts, and explains air power roles and missions. It frankly yet fairly discusses the somewhat contentious subject of air power in support of surface forces and traces the IAF’s contribution in war and peace in the last 68 years since independence. It critically examines if use of air power in the Indian subcontinent is indeed escalatory.

    • ISBN 978-81-8274-853-8
    • E-copy available

    About the Book

    In over a century since the first manned flight, air power has made spectacular progress. Every conflict since World War II has seen an increasingly bigger role of air power, but despite this, to a general reader, air power continues to be esoteric. The study highlights major air power lessons of all the major conflicts, and explains air power roles and missions. It frankly yet fairly discusses the somewhat contentious subject of air power in support of surface forces and traces the IAF’s contribution in war and peace in the last 68 years since independence. It critically examines if use of air power in the Indian subcontinent is indeed escalatory. The subject of security is dealt with by analysing India’s response to the many crises that it has faced. The book then goes on to examine the whys and wherefores of threat assessment and the development of IAF force structures. The study candidly assesses if IAF’s on-going modernisation is indeed sustainable. The book takes a broad overview of issues relating to transfer of technology, economy, budgets, human resources, and ‘jointness’, all so vital to air power employment and concludes that without national resolve and a robust declaratory national security strategy, and above all, genuine joint planning, the task of India’s defence would continue to pose major challenges.

    About Author

    Air Commodore Ramesh V. Phadke (Retd.) was commissioned in the fighter stream of the Indian Air Force in June 1967. He commanded a fighter squadron and three operational air bases. He has a Master`s Degree in Defence Studies from Madras University, is an A2 Qualified Flying Instructor, and is a graduate of the Defence Services Staff College, Wellington, where he also served as an Instructor. He was a Senior Fellow, and Member, Air Force, at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi from 1999 to 2002, and Advisor (Research) in 2009-2010. He held the Air Marshal Subroto Mukherjee Chair in 2002-03 at the United Service Institution of India (USI), New Delhi, and was a Visiting Fellow at the Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC), Stanford University in 2001. His first book, China`s Power Projection was published by Manas Publications, New Delhi, in 2005, under the aegis of the USI.

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    Please email us at adps.idsa [at] or call +91-11-2671 7983 (Ext. 7303)

    Publisher: Pentagon Press
    ISBN 978-81-8274-853-8
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    Delhi Dialogue VII : ASEAN-India Shaping the Post-2015 Agenda India, E-Book, Delhi Dialogue, Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Rumel Dahiya, Udai Bhanu Singh South East Asia and Oceania 2015 BOOK
    • Publisher: Pentagon Press

    This volume is based on the proceedings of Delhi Dialogue VII held in March 2015. It epitomizes the growing dialogue between India and ASEAN at all levels. Delhi Dialogue brings together practitioners, corporate leaders, opinion makers, academics and journalists, every year, to discuss a wide range of issues of common interest and concern that animate the India - ASEAN relationship. Discussions held at the Delhi Dialogue, subsequent to ASEAN Commemorative Summit issuing the ‘Vision Statement’ in 2012, provide a good insight into the likely scenarios and possible trends in the post-2015 era.

    • ISBN 978-81-8274-845-3,
    • Price: ₹. 995.00
    • E-copy available

    About the Book

    This volume is based on the proceedings of Delhi Dialogue VII held in March 2015. It epitomizes the growing dialogue between India and ASEAN at all levels. Delhi Dialogue brings together practitioners, corporate leaders, opinion makers, academics and journalists, every year, to discuss a wide range of issues of common interest and concern that animate the India - ASEAN relationship. Discussions held at the Delhi Dialogue, subsequent to ASEAN Commemorative Summit issuing the ‘Vision Statement’ in 2012, provide a good insight into the likely scenarios and possible trends in the post-2015 era.


    Delhi Dialogue Partners and Associates
    About the Contributors

    PART I

    1. Welcome Remarks by President, FICCI, Dr. Jyotsna Suri

    2. Keynote Address by Hon’ble External Affairs Minister Mrs Sushma Swaraj

    3. Address by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, H.E. Gen. Tanasak Patimapragorn

    4. Address by Vice Foreign Minister of Indonesia, H.E. Abdurrahman Mohammad Fachir

    5. Address by Minister of Education, Youth and Sports of Cambodia, H.E. Hang Chuon Naron

    6. Summary of Panel Discussions


    7. Welcome Remarks by President, FICCI, Dr. Jyotsna Suri

    8. Remarks by Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN,
    H.E. A.K.P. Mochtan

    9. Special Remarks by Secretary East, Ministry of External Affairs,
    Mr Anil Wadhwa

    10. Report of Business Session of Delhi Dialogue VII held
    on 11 March 2015


    11. Welcome Address by Rumel Dahiya

    12. Keynote Address by Anil Wadhwa


    13. Reinvigorating India’s Maritime Relationships in South East Asia -
    Abhijit Singh

    14. Maritime Security in South East Asia: A Vietnamese Perspective -
    Nguyen Vu Tung

    15. Cyberspace: The Fifth Battle Space -
    Kamlesh Bajaj

    16. Cyber Space Security: Need for Shared ASEAN-India Vision -
    Tan Sri Azumi

    17. Cyber Security in the Context of ASEAN -
    Alok Vijayant


    18. A View on a Post-2015 Agenda in Education, Skill Development,
    and Mutual Recognition, Cultural Linkages and People-to-People
    Contact: Strengthening the Context of ASEAN-India
    Partnership -
    Julito D. Vitriolo

    19. Strengthening Cultural and People-to-People Connections
    between India and South East Asia: Reflections and
    Recommendations. -
    Rajesh Rai

    20. ASEAN-India Socio-cultural Cooperation in Knowledge
    Economy and Education -
    Baladas Ghoshal


    21. ASEAN-India Economic Relations: Prospects and Challenges -
    R. Shankaran Nambiar

    22. ASEAN-India Economic Partnership: Perspectives for Shaping
    the Post-2015 Agenda -
    Suthiphand Chirathivat and Anupama D. Masali

    23. Act East Policy and ASEAN–India Connectivity -
    Prabir De

    24. ASEAN-India Economic Cooperation and Integration -
    Nagesh Kumar


    25. Directions for Delhi Dialogue VIII -
    Rumel Dahiya

    26. Consolidating the Delhi Dialogue -
    Rajiv K. Bhatia

    27. Advancing the Delhi Dialogue -
    Gopinath Pillai

    28. Future Direction for India and ASEAN -
    Tan Sri Rastam Mohd Isa

    29. The Way Forward -
    Kavi Chongkittavorn

    30. Connectivity and the Way Forward -
    U Nyunt Maung Shein


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    Please email us at adps.idsa [at] or call +91-11-2671 7983 (Ext. 7303)

    Publisher: Pentagon Press
    ISBN 978-81-8274-845-3
    Price: ₹. 995.00 Purchase Download E-copy
    China Yearbook 2014 China, E-Book Prashant Kumar Singh East Asia 2014 BOOK
    • Publisher: Pentagon Press

    An annual publication from the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), the China Yearbook is a round-up of events and issues of significance that occurred in China during the past year and covers important developments in the domestic and foreign policy spheres.

    The fourth of the series, the 2014 Yearbook comprises twenty-three chapters spanning diverse yet important events that have occurred with regard to China in the year 2014. The chapters are arranged in five sections.

    • ISBN 978-93-82512-26-4,
    • Price: ₹. 995.00
    • E-copy available

    About the Book

    An annual publication from the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), the China Yearbook is a round-up of events and issues of significance that occurred in China during the past year and covers important developments in the domestic and foreign policy spheres.

    The fourth of the series, the 2014 Yearbook comprises twenty-three chapters spanning diverse yet important events that have occurred with regard to China in the year 2014. The chapters are arranged in five sections. The first section reviews internal issues regarding legitimacy of the Chinese Communist Party’s rule, problems and issues faced by Chinese society, issues pertaining to Tibet’s future, and lack of the media freedom in China. The second section reviews China’s relations with the great powers. The third section focuses on China’s participation in the UN and its participation in global governance. The fourth section covers themes and issues of China’s relations with various regions across the globe. The fifth section exclusively spans China’s relations with countries of South Asia.

    The Yearbook seeks to promote a deeper understanding of contemporary issues affecting China and its interactions with India and the region. This publication would be useful to scholars, researchers, journalists, and policy makers who have an interest in China.  

    About the Editor

    Dr. Prashant Kumar Singh is Associate Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi. He joined the IDSA in 2009. He follows China’s strategic, military and foreign affairs. Taiwan’s state and society are his special academic interest. He earned his MPhil (2003) and PhD in Chinese Studies from the School of International Studies (SIS), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He obtained a one-year diploma in Mandarin Chinese at Tamkang University, Taipei under the Taiwan government’s National Huayu Enrichment Scholarship 2011-12. He did a semester course in Mandarin Chinese at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), Taipei in 2014. He was a recipient of the Taiwan Fellowship 2014.



      Section I: Internal Issues

    1. 2014: The Year of Questions in China’s Domestic Politics

      Avinash Godbole
    2. Chinese Society in 2014: The Forces of Transformation

      Gunjan Singh
    3. Return of the Iron Fist: Censorship and Control Stifle Chinese Media and the Internet

      Shruti Pandalai
    4. The ‘Tibet Issue’ in 2014 and the Way Forward

      Antara Ghosal Singh
    5. The Developments in the Chinese Armed Forces in 2014

      Naval Jagota
    6. Section II: China and Great Powers

    7. A Partnership of Mutual Expediency: China-Russia Relations in 2014

      M.S. Prathibha
    8. China-Japan Relations: Moving beyond the Impasse
      Titli Basu
    9. Sino-US Relations 2014: Decoding the New Model of Major Country Relations

      Rup Narayan Das
    10. EU-China Relations: An Overview

      Stuti Banerjee
    11. Section III: China and Global Governance

    12. China and the United Nations

      Arpita Anant
    13. Section IV: China and the Regions

    14. Relations between China and the Korean Peninsula in 2014: Dilemma over
      Engagement and Estrangement

      Pranamita Baruah
    15. Maintaining the Status Quo: China in Southeast Asia

      Sampa Kundu
    16. China and West Asia in 2014: Linking Together

      Neha Kohli
    17. Dragon’s Footprints in Africa: Diplomacy and Dilemmas

      Pranav Kumar
    18. China-Australia Relations in 2014: An Assessment

      Rahul Mishra
    19. China’s Relations with Latin America and the Caribbean
      Prashant Kumar Singh
    20. Section V: China and South Asia

    21. India-China Relations: Pointing to a Transitional Course?

      Jagannath Panda
    22. China’s Attitude towards Pakistan

      Sumita Kumar
    23. China-Nepal Relations in 2014

      Nihar R. Nayak
    24. Bhutan-China Review 2014

      Charisma M.S. Kundan
    25. Bangladesh-China Relations in 2014

      Smruti S. Pattanaik
    26. China-Sri Lanka Relations in 2014

      Gulbin Sultana
    27. Maldives-China Relations in 2014

      Anand Kumar
    28. About the Authors

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    Please email us at adps.idsa [at] or call +91-11-2671 7983 (Ext. 7303)

    Publisher: Magnum Books Pvt Ltd
    ISBN 978-93-82512-26-4
    Price: ₹. 995.00 Purchase Download E-copy
    Non-Traditional Security Challenges in Asia: Approaches and Responses Energy Security, Water Security, Environment Shebonti Ray Dadwal, Uttam Kumar Sinha Non-Traditional Security 2015 BOOK
    • Publisher: Pentagon Press

    Asia is challenged by a number of non-traditional security issues including the food–energy–water nexus, climate change, transnational crime, terrorism, disaster relief and economic performance. This volume categorizes and clarifies some key emerging issues in the area and looks at their interconnectedness and implications.

    • ISBN 978-11-3889-253-8,
    • Price: $110.00/-

    About the Book

    Asia is challenged by a number of non-traditional security issues including the food–energy–water nexus, climate change, transnational crime, terrorism, disaster relief and economic performance. This volume categorizes and clarifies some key emerging issues in the area and looks at their interconnectedness and implications.

    The essays explore how non-traditional issues can manifest as security challenges, and the role of the state and military in dealing with these. Issue-based and area-specific, they rely on facts and interpretation of data, avoiding alarmist predictions. A nuanced and analytical approach into an uncharted area, this book will be essential for policymakers, researchers and students of security and strategic studies, foreign policy, sociology and political economy, as well as the general readers.

    About the Editors

    Shebonti Ray Dadwal is Fellow and Head of the Non-Traditional Security Centre at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi, and Member of the Editorial Board, Strategic Analysis(Routledge). Prior to rejoining IDSA in 2005, she worked as Deputy Secretary at the National Security Council Secretariat. She has been a member of the CSCAP Study Group on Asia-Pacific Cooperation for Energy Security as well as the Confederation of Indian Industry’s Steering Committee on Energy. Her published books are The Geopolitics of America’s Energy Independence: Implications for China, India and the Global Energy Market (2013) and Rethinking Energy Security in India (2002).

    Uttam Kumar Sinha is Fellow at IDSA and holds an adjunct position at the Malaviya Centre for Peace Research, Banaras Hindu University. At IDSA, he is the Managing Editor of Strategic Analysis(Routledge). He has been a Chevening Gurukul Fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Science, a CSCAP-India representative for the Study Group on Water Resources Security, and the Chair of Near East and South Asia Regional Network on Water Dispute Resolution Mechanism, National Defense University, Washington. His research areas focus on non-traditional aspects of security, especially climate change and transboundary water issues, and he has published widely.



    1. Traditional and Non-Traditional Issues: Conceptual Framework P.K. Gautam

    2. Traditional and Non-Traditional Security: Exploring Practical and Conceptual Challenges J. Jackson Ewing

    3. Environmental Change: A Very Traditional Threat Cleo Paskal

    4. Adaptation to Climate Change: Conflict Prevention through Expanded Vulnerability Assessments Dennis Taenzler

    5. Food Security and Climate Change: Vulnerability in Indonesia/BaliTakeshi Takama

    6. Prospects and Challenges of Hydro Diplomacy: Examining South Asia Uttam Kumar Sinha

    7. River Diplomacy in Himalayan Asia: On the Way to Calamity? Robert G. Wirsing

    8. Enhancing Water Security in Southeast Asia: The Case of the Mekong River Le Dinh Tinh

    9. Transnational Crime Ali Jalali

    10. Fighting Terrorism and Crime: A Human Security Perspective Arabinda Acharya

    11. Are We Nearerto a Major CBRN Terrorism Threat? Ely Karmon

    12. Management of Transnational Organised Crime: Towards Contextualization Molly Charles

    13. India’s Role in the International Oil Market Vivek S. Mathur

    14. Gulf’s Role in India’s Energy Security: Exploring Policy Options Samir Pradhan

    15. Energy Security: The Eastern Mediterranean Case Yiorghos Leventis

    16. Reforming the International Monetary System: An East Asian Perspective Meibo Huang and Aizong Xiong

    17. The Evolving Multi-layered Global Financial Safety Net: Asia’s and India’s Role Pradumna B. Rana. Notes on Contributors. Index

    Publisher: Routledge
    ISBN 978-11-3889-253-8
    Price: $110.00/- Purchase
    Delhi Dialogue VI: Realising the ASEAN-India Vision for Partnership and Prosperity Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), E-Book, Delhi Dialogue Rumel Dahiya, Udai Bhanu Singh South East Asia and Oceania 2015 BOOK
    • Publisher: Pentagon Press

    This volume is based on the proceedings of Delhi Dialogue VI held in March 2014. It epitomizes the growing dialogue between India and ASEAN at all levels. Delhi Dialogue brings together practitioners, corporate leaders, opinion makers, academics and journalists, every year, to discuss a wide range of issues of common interest and concern that animate India - ASEAN relationship . Discussions held at the Delhi Dialogue, subsequent to ASEAN Commemorative issuing the ‘Vision Statement’ in 2012, provide a good insight into the likely scenarios and possible trends in the post-2015 era.

    • ISBN 978-81-8274-829-3,
    • Price: ₹.795/-
    • E-copy available

    About the Book

    This volume is based on the proceedings of Delhi Dialogue VI held in March 2014. It epitomizes the growing dialogue between India and ASEAN at all levels. Delhi Dialogue brings together practitioners, corporate leaders, opinion makers, academics and journalists, every year, to discuss a wide range of issues of common interest and concern that animate India - ASEAN relationship . Discussions held at the Delhi Dialogue, subsequent to ASEAN Commemorative issuing the ‘Vision Statement’ in 2012, provide a good insight into the likely scenarios and possible trends in the post-2015 era.


    About Delhi Dialogue

    PART I


    Opening Remarks Sanjay Singh
    Special Address Le Luong Minh

    1. A Corporate Indian Vision - K.N. Vaidyanathan
    2. A Corporate Perspective on India’s Look East Policy - Madhu Kannan
    3. Translating the ‘Vision Statement’: Perspective from Vietnam - Hoang Anh Tuan
    4. ASEAN-India Vision Statement: Evolving Role for India in the Asia-Pacific Region - Wilfrido V. Villacorta
    5. Translating the ASEAN-India Vision Statement into Reality: Challenges and Prospects - K.S. Nathan



    6. Importance of India-ASEAN Connectivity - Hidetoshi Nishimura
    7. India’s Look East Policy: View from the North East - M.P. Bezbaruah
    8. Myanmar-India Partnership towards ASEAN-India Cooperation - U Than Tun
    9. North East as a Factor in India’s Look East Policy - Rajiv Kumar
    10. Role of North East India in India’s Look East Policy - Charit Tingsabadh
    11. North East India’s Development and India’s Look East Policy - Ranjit Barthakur
    12. Role of North East India in India’s Look East Policy with a Special Focus on Mizoram State - H. Rohluna



    13. Regional Architecture and ASEAN-India Partnership - Chitriya Pinthong
    14. Regional Architecture in the Asia-Pacific—Roles of India and ASEAN - S.D. Muni
    15. Significance of Principles and Values in the Emerging Asia-Pacific Regional Architecture: Role of India and ASEAN 93 - Laura Q. Del Rosario
    16. Regional Security Architecture in Asia-Pacific: Role of India and ASEAN - P.S. Das
    17. India and the Concept of the Indo-Pacific - Vo Xuan Vinh
    18. ASEAN’s Role in Shaping the Asia-Pacific Regional Architecture - Tan Sri Rastam Mohd Isa



    19. The Way Forward: Salience of the Strategic - Dato Haji Erywan Bin Pehin Yussof
    20 Envisioning ASEAN-India Partnership and Prosperity through Youth and Connectivity - N. Ravi
    21. Delhi Dialogue: The Past and Directions for the Future - R. Ravindran
    22. Ways to Improve Delhi Dialogue - Rajiv K. Bhatia
    23. Advancing the Delhi Dialogue - Tan Tai Yong
    24. Celebrating the Third Decade of ASEAN-India Partnership: Agenda for Delhi Dialogue Series - Prabir De

    Outcome Document
    About the Contributors

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    Please email us at adps.idsa [at] or call +91-11-2671 7983 (Ext. 7303)

    Publisher: Pentagon Press
    ISBN 978-81-8274-829-3
    Price: ₹.795/- Purchase Download E-copy
    Arctic: Commerce, Governance and Policy Arctic, Climate Change Uttam Kumar Sinha, Jo Inge Bekkevold Non-Traditional Security 2015 BOOK

    Publisher: Routledge
    ISBN: 978-1-13-885599-1
    Price: $145.00
    In May 2013, China, India, Japan, Singapore and South Korea (Asia 5) were given status as permanent observers in the Arctic Council. It was a symbolic and significant moment in the history of Arctic affairs. The list of stakeholders in the Arctic has now expanded to include both the Arctic littoral states and the five Asian states. The drivers and policies of these stakeholders on the Arctic vary, but research on climate change, possible changes to the global energy and minerals markets, adherence to international norms like the UNCLOS, and geopolitical considerations are issues of concern.

    Publisher: Routledge
    ISBN 978-1-13-885599-1

    Price: $145.00 [Buy Now]

    About the Book

    In May 2013, China, India, Japan, Singapore and South Korea (Asia 5) were given status as permanent observers in the Arctic Council. It was a symbolic and significant moment in the history of Arctic affairs. The list of stakeholders in the Arctic has now expanded to include both the Arctic littoral states and the five Asian states. The drivers and policies of these stakeholders on the Arctic vary, but research on climate change, possible changes to the global energy and minerals markets, adherence to international norms like the UNCLOS, and geopolitical considerations are issues of concern.

    This volume is based on the reviewed, revised and updated versions of papers presented at the roundtable on The Geopolitics of the Arctic: Commerce, Governance and Policy hosted by the Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses (IDSA) in New Delhi in September, 2013, in joint co-operation with the Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI), the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies (IFS) and Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO).We hope that this book, with some compelling perspectives on a number of challenging issues, will help engage the policy community to identify and explore opportunities for international cooperation in the Arctic.

    This book was originally published as a special issue of Strategic Analysis.

    About the Editor

    Uttam Kumar Sinha is a Fellow at IDSA and holds an adjunct position at the Malaviya Centre for Peace Research, Banaras Hindu University. At IDSA, he is the Managing Editor of Strategic Analysis (Routledge). He has been a Chevening Gurukul Fellow at the LSE and a CSCAP-India representative for the study group on water resources security.

    Jo Inge Bekkevold is the Head of the Centre for Asian Security Studies at the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies, Oslo, Norway. He is a former career diplomat with several postings to Asia for the Norwegian foreign service. His main fields of interest are great power relations in Asia, Chinese foreign policy and China’s political and economic development.


    Order Hard Copy

    Please email us at adps.idsa [at] or call +91-11-2671 7983 (Ext. 7303)

