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    Title Book Cover Topics Author Research Area Year Category Summary Body Book Detail
    State Sovereignty in the 21st Century: Concept Relevance and Limits IDSA, ICWA 2001 BOOK

    Publisher: IDSA

    ISBN: 81-86019-48-0

    Rs. 1200

    US $ 40

    Publisher: IDSA

    ISBN: 81-86019-48-0

    Rs. 1200

    US $ 40

    About this Product

    Arises art of an international seminar organized by Indian institute of defence studies and the Indian council for world afairs-participates were from the field of diplomacy, academics and journalists. Provides an indepth look at state soveregnity- its concept, relevance and limps- an emerging major issue. Divided-sovereignty, political and strategic divisin, soverignty, concepts and case studies the legal aspects, conflict prevention, additional papers. Hardbound,Used Book

    China's Naval Power Srikanth Kondapalli East Asia 2001 BOOK

    Publisher: IDSA & Knowledge World

    ISBN: 81-86019-37-5

    Rs. 650

    Publisher: IDSA & Knowledge World

    ISBN: 81-86019-37-5

    Rs. 650

    China's naval forces have exhibited a remarkable transition in strategy and tactics, command and control structures, equipment and weapon systems, training, logistics and political work in the last five decades to make them as one of the most powerful navies in the 21 st century.

    Oil & Gas in India’s Security Jasjit Singh Non-Traditional Security 2001 BOOK

    Published: 2001

    Published: 2001

    Geopolitics of energy has had a major influence on world events during the 20 th century. Efforts to control hydrocarbon resources especially in the developing world impacted strongly on issues of international peace and security. Demand for hydrocarbons, particularly oil came largely from the industrialised nations in the West and the Pacific Rim. This is changing and developing countries, especially the Asian region led by China and India have emerged as the new rapidly growing energy market.

    India’s Defence Spending: Assessing Future Needs Jasjit Singh Defence Economics & Industry 2001 BOOK

    Publisher: IDSA and Knowledge World

    ISBN: 81-86019-25-2

    Rs. 850

    Publisher: IDSA and Knowledge World

    ISBN: 81-86019-25-2

    Rs. 850


    India’s defence spending experienced a marked decline since the late 1980s.From 3.6% of the GDP in 1987,defencespending came down to 2.1%, which was the lowest figure in nearly four decades. Modernisation, training and preparedness suffered heavily as a consequence since other segments of the expenditure remained pre-committed. Decline in defence capability no doubt was a major factor encouraging Pakistan to launch Kargil War in 1999.

    Cambodia: The Lost Decades Shankari Sundararaman East Asia 2000 BOOK

    Publisher: IDSA and Knowledge World

    ISBN: 81-86019-31-6

    Publisher: IDSA and Knowledge World

    ISBN: 81-86019-31-6

    Indian Navy and South-east Asia G. V. C. Naidu East Asia, Military Affairs 2000 BOOK

    Publisher: IDSA and Knowledge World

    ISBN: 81-86019-26

    Publisher: IDSA and Knowledge World

    ISBN: 81-86019-26


    The study examines the growth and development of the Indian Navy in the context of the initial fears and apprehensions in South Asia over India s naval expansion

    India’s Maritime Security Rahul Roy Chaudhury Military Affairs 2000 BOOK

    Publisher: IDSA and Knowledge World

    ISBN: 81-86019-29-4

    Rs. 550

    Publisher: IDSA and Knowledge World

    ISBN: 81-86019-29-4

    Rs. 550


    The term maritime security represents the broadest approach to issues and aspects which pertain to the sea and have an important bearing on the country's security.. This volume would go a long way in generating fuller understanding of the different aspects of the maritime dimensions of India's security.

    As the seas of peninsular India and the Indian Ocean become more important than even before to the security of the country, it is imperative to examine the maritime dimensions of Indian security in a comprehensive manner. India’s Maritime security provides, for the first time, a holistic assessment of the economic, political, and military aspects of India’s maritime security.

    The term maritime security is defined as comprising those issues which pertain to the sea and have a critical bearing on the country’s security. These include seaborne trade and commerce in energy resources, the management of living and non-living marine resources, the delimitation of international seaward boundaries, and the deployment and employment of naval and military forces in the Indian Ocean.

    The basic theme of this book-the importance of dealing effectively with the compulsions and complexities of India’s maritime security – necessitates a sophisticated, and often,
    complicated, interplay of the country’s economic, foreign, and defense polices. The book concludes that it is imperative to formulate a national Maritime Security Policy (MSP). The implementation of such a policy will eventually lead to the development of a much-needed maritime strategy for the country.

    Table of Contents


    Foreword by Jasjit Singh, Director, IDSA


    One: The Economic Dimension

    Two: The Political Dimension

    Three: The Military Dimension

    Four: Trends in Indian Naval Power

    Five: Maritime and Naval Cooperation

    Conclusion: A Maritime Security Policy for India


    Asia’s New Dawn: The Challenges to Peace and Security 2001 Jasjit Singh South Asia, East Asia 2000 BOOK

    Publisher: IDSA and Knowledge World

    ISBN: 81-86019-28-6

    Rs. 650

    Publisher: IDSA and Knowledge World

    ISBN: 81-86019-28-6

    Rs. 650

    Kargil 1999: Pakistan’s Fourth War for Kashmir Jasjit Singh Terrorism & Internal Security 1999 BOOK

    Publisher: IDSA and Knowledge World

    ISBN: 81-86019-22-7

    Publisher: IDSA and Knowledge World

    ISBN: 81-86019-22-7

    This volume puts together the core aspects that combined to culminate in the Kargil war and an account of the why and how of that war.

    Pakistan launched its fourth war for Kashmir in the summer of '99. This statement needs some elaboration. Pakistan has fought a total of five wars with India:

    1. 1947-48 War
    2. 1965 War
    3. 1971 War
    4. The covert War since the early 1980s which began with the battles for Saichen and which continues
    5. Kargil War in 1999

    Of these, the war in 1971 was not specifically planned or fought with the primary purpose of taking Kashmir but all the other four were.

    We see a continuity in those wars not only of the political-military objective but also of the assumptions, mind-sets, strategy and of Pakistan's defeat. There is also continuity in the nature of Pakistani responses to these wars and the outcome in each case which is marked by absence of realism and unwillingness to accept reality.

    The Kargil War is also significant in that while Pakistan escalated its cover war (in 1988) after it acquired nuclear weapons in 1987, this is the first war fought with regular forces between the two states that had become overtly nuclear although not the first between nuclear-armed states. And hence this volume that attempts to place the latest war in the context of the earlier attempts to take Kashmir by force.

    Because of the prolonged covert war and the rise of the Taliban phenomenon, it was natural that the focus would be weighted towards this aspect and its expansion to other parts of India. After the overt nuclearisation of India and Pakistan in 1998, no one expected a full-scale war nor was it a realistic scenario.

    The most important conclusion of the war is that few countries openly showed sympathy with the Indian position till the forward advance of our jawans up the mountains of the Kargil sector became unbeatable and the key heights started to be captured by the Indian army. Toward the end of June, it became clear that Pakistan ;would need a face-saving device. This was why the US President spent the 4th July at work. But the propensity to transfer blame internally had kept increasing tensions between the dominant elements of the national power structure in Pakistan and has finally led to the military coup once again in Pakistan

    Table of Contents


    The Kashmir Issue

    The Army in Pakistan

    Battle for Siachen : Beginning of the Third War

    Mujahideen and the Covert War

    The Fourth War

    Pakistan's Military Defeat

    Indian Air Force in Action

    International Responses

    Beyond Kargil


    Argentina’s Nuclear Policy Manpreet Sethi Nuclear and Arms Control 1999 BOOK

    Publisher: IDSA and Knowledge World

    ISBN: 81-86019-19-7

    Publisher: IDSA and Knowledge World

    ISBN: 81-86019-19-7

