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    Title Book Cover Topics Author Research Area Year Category Summary Body Book Detail
    Bangladesh: A Fragile Democracy Sreeradha Datta South Asia 2004 BOOK

    Publishers: IDSA and Shipra

    ISBN: 81-7541-165-1

    Rs 395

    US $ 30

    Publishers: IDSA and Shipra

    ISBN: 81-7541-165-1

    Rs 395

    US $ 30

    About the Book

    The decade long democratic experiment in Bangladesh has its ups and downs. The transparent electoral process administered through a neutral caretaker government and the smooth transfer of power has not improved internal instability and political maturity. Without ignoring the democratic accomplishments since 1991, "Bangladesh: A Fragile Democracy" seeks to highlight the turbulence sweeping through this new nation. The book argues that the highly personalised nature of Bangladesh politics and the personal animosity between Begum Khaleda and Sheikh Hasina have weakened the democratisation process. Moreover, the resurgence of Islam as the primordial identity of Bangladesh and the wave of violence against minorities as well as the rise of religious extremism, pose a serious challenge to the consolidation of democracy in Bangladesh.

    About the Author

    Dr Sreeradha Datta is an Associate Fellow with IDSA. She has a Ph D in International Organisation, from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Her areas of specialisation have been India's Northeast and Bangladesh.


    National Identity: Religion versus Culture
    Islamisation & Dangers of Extremism

    Election Politics: The Legitimacy Debate
    Coalition Politics & Political Opportunism,
    Electoral Mechanism,
    Coalition Politics,
    Elections 2001,
    Electoral Trends

    Faltering Democracy: the Teething Problems
    Clash of Personalities,
    Political Irresponsibility,
    Caretakes Government,
    Erosion of Parliament,
    Executive over-reach,
    Weakening Social Cohesion

    The Minorities: Hindus and Chakmas
    Sense of insecurity,
    Influx into India,
    Political Rivalries,
    Islamisation of Bangladesh,
    Structural Handicaps,
    The Chakma Problem,
    Background, Chakma Influxes,
    The Chakma Problem,
    Prelude to the Accord,
    The Accord,
    Evaluation of the Accord

    Indo-Bangladesh Relations: Impediments for Improvement
    Water Sharing,
    Al-Quidaa Controversy,
    Gas Politics

    Prognosis : Islamisation, Lack of Democratic Culture

    Bibliography, Index

    Russia China Relations: Relevance for India Jyotsna Bakshi East Asia, Europe and Eurasia 2004 BOOK

    Publishers: IDSA and Shipra

    ISBN: 81-7541-189-9

    Rs 650

    US $ 55

    Publishers: IDSA and Shipra

    ISBN: 81-7541-189-9

    Rs 650

    US $ 55

    About the Book

    The relations between Russia and China - one of the largest state in the world from point of view of territory and the other from point of view of population - have always impacted on the course of the global and regional geopolitics. No wonder, the course of Sino-Soviet relations has always evoked keen interest in the major capitals of the world. From the Indian perspectives, the study of Sino-Russian relations and their implications for India is of particular importance. India, Russia and China are the three largest countries of the Eurasian continent. Moscow-Beijing relationship at any given point of time - whether cooperative or antagonistic - has always tended to have profound implications for Indian policy towards both.

    The narrative of Russia China relations in the present book focuses on the contemporary post-Soviet period. Beset by numerous domestic problems and external challenges, new Russia has sought to follow a 'balanced' policy towards the West as well as the East in a bid to create a conductive environment for the economic and military revival of the country. Indeed, both Moscow and Beijing have sought to improve their bilateral ties in the post-Cold War period without constraining the freedom of the sides in the pursuit of a flexible, multi-vector policy.

    The central thrust as well as intricacies and nuances of Russia-China discourse are viewed in this volume against canvas of the regional and world geopolitics. The relevance for India is analysed and interwoven in the narrative.

    About the Author

    Dr. Jyotsna Bakshi, a Research Fellow at the IDSA from August 1997 to April 2002, specializes in Russia and Central Asia. The Indian Council of Social Sciences Research awarded her Doctoral Fellowship for Ph.D. She has taught Political Science to Post-Graduate classes for a number of years. She has also done post-doctoral research work at the Centre for the Study of Geopolitics, Panjab University, Chandigarh . Currently she is working as ICCR Visiting Associate Professor at Osh State University, Osh, Kyrgyzstan.

    She has published many research papers and articles on the subject besides a book Russia and India from Ideology to Geopolitics


    The Soviet Legacy
    The Yeltsin Years
    President Putin's Russia and China
    The Boundary Agreement
    The Military-Technical Cooperation
    Russia and China in Central Asia: Partnership or Rivarly?
    I. Text of Shanghai Five Agreement, (April 26, 1996)
    II. Treaty of Neighbourliness, Friendship and Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China (July 16, 2001)
    III. Declaration by the heads of the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (June 7, 2002)



    India and Central Asia: Advancing the Common Interest Ramakant Dwivedi, K. Santhanam Europe and Eurasia 2004 BOOK

    Publishers: IDSA and Anamaya

    ISBN: 81-88342-27-0

    Rs. 650.00

    Publishers: IDSA and Anamaya

    ISBN: 81-88342-27-0

    Rs. 650.00

    Contributed articles presented at 3rd India-Central Asia Regional Conference held on Nov. 6-8, 2003 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan on understanding of security environment in Central Asia and India's perceptions on better cooperation in politico-economic-security issues faced in the region.

    The Northeast Complexities and its Determinants Sreeradha Datta Terrorism & Internal Security 2004 BOOK

    Publishers: IDSA and Shipra

    ISBN: 81-7541-187-2

    Rs 350

    US $ 35

    Publishers: IDSA and Shipra

    ISBN: 81-7541-187-2

    Rs 350

    US $ 35

    About the Book

    Even after fifty years, India's Northeast continues to draw national attention for all the many reasons. The intensification of ethnic differences poses significant security challenges for India. Taking a holistic approach, the book examines the roots of the turmoil in the region, the inadequate economic development as a contri- buting factor as well as the regional implications of the protracted violence and instability.

    The book also highlights the role of external forces in accentuating the situation and the linkages that some of the militant groups in this region have managed to forge and thrive on. The book may be found useful for policy makers and scholars interested in this region of northeast region of India.

    About the Author

    Sreeradha Datta is Associate Fellow at Indian Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi. During the past few years, she has been studying, specialising and commenting on the turmoil in India's Northeastern states. Gradually, she has expanded her focus and has been analysing the domestic political dynamics in Bangladesh


    Ethnic Dimensions of Northeast Turmoil
    Economic Problems
    Concessions and Aid
    The Regional Environment and External Linkages
    External Intelligence Agencies and Northeast
    National Response
    Some Basic data of North-east
    Number of Investment intentions for Northeast and some other state of India Bibliography
    Select Bibliography

    Asian Security and China 2000-2010 Asian Security Conference Publications K. Santhanam, Srikanth Kondapalli East Asia 2004 BOOK

    Publishers: IDSA and Shipra

    ISBN: 81-7541-167-8

    Rs 1250

    US $ 80

    Publishers: IDSA and Shipra

    ISBN: 81-7541-167-8

    Rs 1250

    US $ 80

    A Clash of Political Cultures: Sino-Indian Relations (1957-62) Sudarshan Bhutani South Asia, East Asia 2004 BOOK

    Publisher: Roli

    ISBN: 81-7436-310-6

    Rs 450

    Publisher: Roli

    ISBN: 81-7436-310-6

    Rs 450

    About this book

    In this book, Sudarshan Bhutani, who served in the Indian Embassy in China during 1957-62, critically narrates the political and diplomatic circumstances which led to the Indo-China war in 1962. He also analyses the role of the factors influencing China’s domestic and foreign policies, especially the impact of the Tibetan revolt and the constraints it placed on the realisation of her place in the international community. These factors and China’s own warped image of Nehru’s role and standing had a decisive impact on the India-China boundary dispute. The Tibetan rovolt proved the catalyst for a series of events: border incidents and the 1960 meeting of Nehru and Zhou Enlai in New Delhi amonst them. The steady crescendo of mutual mistrust set the stage for China, unleashing a full-scale ground war in 1962. The war went in China’s favour but brought no dividends except the formation of the Sino-Pak alliance. Drawing on his rich diplomatic experiences, Ambassador Bhutani gives readers an incisive and deeply researched book, which is a ‘must-read’ for scholars and students of international affairs.

    About the author

    Sudarshan Bhutani has had a distinguished diplomatic career. He joined the Indian Foreign Service in 1955 at the age of twenty-two. After training in India, and a year in Oxford at the Far Eastern Faculty, he did a year-long course at Beijing University while working at the Indian Embassy. He has spent over fifteen years in the Asia-Pacific region. He was the chairman and secretary general of the International Commission for Supervision and Control in Vietnam, as well as ambassador to Indonesia and High Commissioner to Australia. As joint secretary in the ministry of external affairs, he handled political relations with countries from Afghanistan to Morocco. He was ambassador in Egypt in the late 1980s. After retirement, he continues to take active interest in current national security issues.


    1. Introduction
    2. Setting
    3. Revolt in Tibet
    4. Indian Reaction and China’s Response
    5. Turning Point
    6. Treatment of Indians in Tibet
    7. Border Incidents
    8. Prime Ministers’ Correspondence
    9. The Prime Ministers Meet
    10. Growing Mistrust-I: Discussion on the Boundary
    11. Growing Mistrust-II: Official Agencies
    12. Growing Mistrust-III: Border Situation
    13. Diplomatic Impasse
    14. Prelude to War
    15. War and Diplomacy
    16. Aftermath: The Sino-Pakistani Alliance
    17. In Retrospect
    18. Appendix A: Sino-Burmese Boundary
      Appendix B: Burma-China Border Map
      Appendix C: Sino-Burmese Treaty of Friendship
      and Mutual Non-Aggression
      Appendix D: Sino-Burmese Agreement
      Appendix E: More on Nehru’s Philosophy
      Appendix F: Concordance of Chinese Names

    Iraq War 2003: Rise of the 'Unilateralism' K. Santhanam, IDSA Insight Team Eurasia & West Asia 2003 BOOK

    Publishers: IDSA and Ane Books
    ISBN: 81-86019-47-2
    Rs 350

    Publishers: IDSA and Ane Books
    ISBN: 81-86019-47-2
    Rs 350


    A group of 9 scholars and professionals in the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi - an interim IDSA Iraq Insight Team – has been tracking the crescendo of events in the current Iraq crisis from the political, economic and military perspectives. The team has attempted to analyse and synthesise the ebb and flow of events since early 2002 to generate a multi-disciplinary view of the crisis. Its members bring together professional expertise, experience and knowledge of about 200 person-years in fields ranging from the military to economics, politics, international relations and technology.

    This topical book of high international interest offers an incisive analysis from an Indian perspective of the nature of the crisis, the pol-mil objectives of USA, military build-up, the role of oil as a key factor and the sense of helplessness of the UN and the international community. Out of these complex set of inter-linked elements, it attempts to place the single-minded agenda of US neo-conservative, right wing groups for “full spectrum political dominance” – in addition to “full military dominance” which exists - as the primary driver behind the Administration’s new “unilateralism” and the present war on Iraq.

    The book has 10 maps/graphics to supplement the text material.
    The manuscript was finalised on March 17 2002 when the US ultimatum to Saddam Hussein to quit Iraq expired, leading to the launch of military operations. But the analysis of prior events does not get not altered by this expected development. On the contrary, it gets strengthened.

    A Postscript chapter covers developments upto March 27 2003 and release of the manuscript for publication.


    On US Political-Military Objectives in Iraq and its
    “Grand Strategy” for the 21st Century
    K. Santhanam
    The Iraq War and UN’s Struggle for Relevance
    Tasneem Meenai

    A Political Overview of the Iraq Crisis
    Sudhir Saxena

    The Oil Factor
    Sudha Mahalingam

    A Profile of Saddam Hussein
    Uttam Kumar Sinha

    The Iraq War: Military-Meteorological Aspects
    Ajey Lele

    Ground Forces in the Iraq War
    Brig Devinder Singh

    Naval Roles in the Iraq War
    P. K. Ghosh

    An Unequal Air War
    Rajiv Matta

    The Iraq War and Military Utilisation of Space by USA
    Ajey Lele

    IDSA is an autonomous society engaged in scholarly studies affecting national and international security since 1967.

    K. Santhanam is a physicist who retired as Chief Adviser (Technology) in the Defence R&D Organisation. He is currently the Director of IDSA.

    Dr Tasneem Meenai is a Reader in Political Science from Aligarh Muslim University on deputation to IDSA as a Research Fellow. She works on the role of multilateral institutions in security matters.

    Sudhir Saxena is a Research Fellow in IDSA working on security and technology issues. He is a former Air Force officer.

    Sudha Mahalingam, an economist, is presently a Senior Fellow in IDSA. She has specialised in energy economics.

    Dr Uttam Kumar Sinha is an Associate Fellow in IDSA studying environmental security issues.

    Ajey Lele is a serving Air Force officer from the Meteorology branch. He is presently working in IDSA on biological terrorism.

    Devinder Singh is an Artillery Officer with a distinguished service record. He is presently the Army Member on IDSA’s faculty.

    PK Ghosh is a serving Navy officer who is working in IDSA on issues connected with Ballistic Missile Defence.

    Rajiv Matta is a serving fighter pilot in the IAF who is working in IDSA on issues connected with a Joint Doctrine for the Services

    Jihadis in Jammu and Kashmir: A Portrait Gallery Manish, K. Santhanam, Sreedhar, Sudhir Terrorism & Internal Security 2003 BOOK

    Publishers: IDSA and Sage

    ISBN: 0-7619-9785-7

    Rs 380

    Publishers: IDSA and Sage

    ISBN: 0-7619-9785-7

    Rs 380

    About the Book

    India’s relentless fight against cross-border terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir is well known. However, what is not so well known is the pattern of terrorist activity and the tactics of the different tanzeems or organizations, particularly during the troubled decades from 1980 to 2000.

    This book is in two parts. Part One deals briefly with the origins of the Kashmir dispute and demystifies the pattern of terrorist incidents since 1989 up to the Assembly elections in 2002. It analyses arms supply, training, funding of selective militant tanzeems, and their ‘outside’ links.

    Part Two is a handy reference with portraits of 31 tanzeems, their objectives, sponsors, organizational structure, leadership, areas of operations, major acts of terrorism, and fission, fusion and current status.

    This timely and comprehensive book will be of great interest to both analysts and the general reader.

    Asian Strategic Review 2002: Asian Security Strategies in a Period of Uncertainty Asian Security Conference Publications K. Santhanam 2003 BOOK

    Publisher: IDSA

    ISBN: 81-86019-464

    Rs. 500

    Publisher: IDSA

    ISBN: 81-86019-464

    Rs. 500

    Navies of South Asia K. R. Singh South Asia, Military Affairs 2002 BOOK

    Publishers: IDSA and Rupa & Co.

    ISBN: 81-291-0049-5

    Rs. 500

    Publishers: IDSA and Rupa & Co.

    ISBN: 81-291-0049-5

    Rs. 500

    The book analyses the evolution of navies of South Asian states. Though all of them can trace their root to the British naval policy in the sub-continent, they have, over the period, responded in different ways to the naval and maritime challenges, in the context of their national requirements as well as changing regional and international environment. The book also projects the policies of the respective navies in the near future.

    K.R. Singh (b 1932 ) retired in 1997 as the Professor from the Centre for West Asian and African Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

    He is the author of several books and articles dealing with West Asia and North Africa, Indian Ocean and India's national security.

