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    Title Book Cover Topics Author Research Area Year Category Summary Body Book Detail
    India and its Neighbours India Ashok K. Behuria South Asia 2008 BOOK
    • Publisher: IDSA
    • ISBN 1-85845-379-8,
    • Price: ₹ 399

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    Publisher: IDSA
    ISBN 81-86019-55-3
    Price: ₹. 399
    India-US Relations: Addressing the Challenges of the 21st Century India-US Relations Cherian Samuel, N. S. Sisodia, Peter R. Lavoy, Robin North American 2008 BOOK
    • Publisher: Magnum Books

    The rhetoric from two noisy democracies may make it appear that the interests of India and the United States are poles apart on many issues. However, if the outside layers comprising ideological and populist pronouncements are peeled aside, it is apparent that while there would be inevitable differences in approach, there is a convergence on core values, concerns and interests. At the same time, the hindrances and obstacles that come in the way of a working relationship cannot be simply wished away. A purposeful and forward looking dialogue is one of the necessary steps required to take the Partnership to a higher plane.

    • ISBN 81-87363-95-9,
    • Price: ₹ 595


    M. Rasgotra, Shivshankar Menon, C. Raja Mohan, C. Uday Bhaskar, G. Balachandran, Manoj Pant, Raja Menon, Lewis A. Dunn, P.R. Kumaraswamy, Meena Singh Roy, R. Grant Smith, Kalim Bahadur, Virendra Gupta, K. Santhanam, Vinod Patney, John H. Gill, Donald A. Camp, Shekhar Dutt, V.P. Malik

    About the book

    The rhetoric from two noisy democracies may make it appear that the interests of India and the United States are poles apart on many issues. However, if the outside layers comprising ideological and populist pronouncements are peeled aside, it is apparent that while there would be inevitable differences in approach, there is a convergence on core values, concerns and interests. At the same time, the hindrances and obstacles that come in the way of a working relationship cannot be simply wished away. A purposeful and forward looking dialogue is one of the necessary steps required to take the Partnership to a higher plane.

    These papers are the outcome of such a dialogue between experts from India and the United States, brought together under the aegis of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi, and the Center for Contemporary Conflict, Monterey. The entire spectrum of the relationship, from trade to key geo-political areas is covered, the intent being to both flesh out the Partnership and to take note of the challenges and the opportunities that lie ahead. Crucial policy inputs are also provided by a number of key interlocutors, including the Indian Foreign and Defence Secretaries. India-US Relations: Addressing the Challenges of the 21st Century endeavours to light up the way for a relationship which has ramifications for the world at large.

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    Please email us at publication [at] or call +91-11-2671 7983 (Ext. 7322)

    Publisher: Magnum Books
    ISBN 81-87363-95-9
    Price: ₹. 595
    Russia and its Near Abroad Russia Nivedita Das Kundu Eurasia & West Asia 2008 BOOK
    • Publisher: Authors Press
    • ISBN 978-81-7273-468-8,
    • Price: ₹ 240

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    Please email us at publication [at] or call +91-11-2671 7983 (Ext. 7322)

    Publisher: Authors Press
    ISBN 978-81-7273-468-8
    Price: ₹. 240
    IDSA Asian Strategic Review 2008 Asian Strategic Review, E-Book S. D. Muni South Asia, East Asia 2008 BOOK
    • Publisher: Academic Foundation

    IDSA Asian Strategic Review 2008, the second volume in the series of Annual Surveys revived by the Institute in the previous year, is divided into six sections.

    • ISBN 13: 978-81-7188-712-5,
    • Price: ₹ 995


    IDSA Asian Strategic Review 2008, the second volume in the series of Annual Surveys revived by the Institute in the previous year, is divided into six sections. The first section, on international security, discusses some significant developments in the Asian security landscape, while taking stock of the persisting, unresolved concerns. The issues covered include space security in the aftermath of China’s anti-satellite test of 11 January 2007, energy security in the face of galloping oil prices, the growing concern regarding climate change, an evaluation of the current state of the global war on terror, and the evolving situation in Iraq, the safety of Pakistan’s strategic assets, and an assessment of the Sixth Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention.

    The next section focuses on the theme related directly to India’s security concerns. Accordingly, India’s strengthened partnerships with the United States and Russia, its ocean security in the backdrop of capacity additions to its Navy, India’s Look East policy with imperatives for Northeast security and India’s acknowledged most pressing internal security challenge, the Maoist insurgency, are analysed in depth.

    During the period under review, a number of countries in South Asia—like Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh— have experienced a process of political transition. Clouds of anxiety and uncertainty still hang over some of these processes. Afghanistan remains politically unstable and mired in violence. The ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka is degenerating by day without much hope for a viable political solution. Section III deals with these intricate issues of regional turbulence and underlines implications of them for India’s own security and stability.

    Section IV contains two articles dealing with strategic trends in Central Asia and the growing strength of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO). The next section on East Asia and the Asia-Pacific region contains chapters assessing the implications of China’s Seventeenth Party Congress, an analysis of the relationship between Hu Jintao and the PLA, an examination of Myanmar’s internal politics, Myanmar in the China-India equation, political developments in Japan after the end of Shinzo Abe’s prime-ministerial term, and the challenges confronting the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN).

    At the end of this volume, Statistical Appendices provide useful data, charts and tables relating to Asia’s defence and energy sectors.


    N.S. Sisodia
    S.D. Muni

    International Security: New Dynamics and Persisting Concerns

    1. Asian Space Race
      Ajey Lele
    2. Resource Nationalism and the Global Oil Market
      Shebonti Ray Dadwal
    3. Asia and Climate Change
      Uttam Kumar Sinha
    4. Taking Stock of the Global War on Terror
      Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
    5. ‘Troop Surge’ and After: Is There an Exit Strategy?
      S. Samuel C. Rajiv
    6. Pakistan’s Strategic Assets: Global Concerns
      Rajiv Nayan
    7. The 6th BTWC Review Conference: A Year Later
      Monalisa Joshi
    8. II
      India in Focus: Strengthened Partnerships,
      Rising Profile and Internal Challenges

    9. India and the US: Beyond the Nuclear Deal
      Cherian Samuel
    10. India’s Strategic Partnership with Russia: Old Friends, New Focus
      Nivedita Das Kundu
    11. Naval Sealift Capability and India’s Ocean Security
      Gurpreet S. Khurana
    12. Eastern Neighbourhood: Is the North Eastern Region on Board?
      Namrata Goswami
    13. Trends in India’s Maoist Movement
      P.V. Ramana
    14. III
      South Asia and Beyond: Transformational Issues

    15. Pakistan: Uncertain Transition to Democracy
      Ashok K. Behuria
    16. Top-down Democratic Evolution in Bhutan
      Nihar Nayak
    17. The Bangladesh Military: Power without Accountability
      Sreeradha Dutta
    18. Building a New Nepal: Pains of State Restructuring
      Smruti Pattanaik
    19. The ‘Eelam War IV’: Tigers in Crisis
      M. Mayilvaganan
    20. Democratisation of Maldives: A Challenging Roadmap
      Alok Bansal
    21. Afghanistan: Divided Defenders of Democracy
      Vishal Chandra
    22. IV
      Central Asia: Economic Weaknesses and
      Security Dilemmas

    23. Strategic Trends in Central Asia
      P. Stobdan
    24. The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation: Acquiring New Punches
      Meena Singh Roy
    25. V
      East Asia and the Asia Pacific:
      New Agendas and Political Transitions

    26. Myanmar’s Political Players
      Udai Bhanu Singh
    27. Myanmar in the China-India Equation
      Ranjit Gupta
    28. China’s 17th Party Congress
      Abanti Bhattacharya
    29. Hu Jintao and the PLA
      Raviprasad Narayanan
    30. Political Transition in Japan
      Arpita Mathur
    31. ASEAN at 40: Groping for a Direction?
      G.V.C Naidu

    Statistical Appendix

    A-1. Top 25 Defence Spending Nations in Asia, Including Australia and New Zealand
    A-2. Armed Forces Personnel, Top 25 Defence Spending Nations in Asia, Including Australia and New Zealand
    A-3. Major Platforms and Equipment Inventories: Top 20 Defence Spending Nations in Asia, including Australia and New Zealand
    A-4. World Nuclear Forces: Warheads, Delivery Systems, and Ranges (in km)
    A-5. Major Conflicts in Asia, Insurgent/Terrorist Groups, Fatalities, Current Status, 2007
    A-6. Top 15 Energy Producers in Asia (2005)
    A-7. Top 15 Energy Consumers in Asia (2005)
    A-8. Challenges of Democratisation in India’s Neighbourhood


    Alok Bansal
    Research Fellow, South Asia, IDSA

    Ashok Behuria
    Research Fellow, South Asia, IDSA

    Abanti Bhattacharya
    Associate Fellow, East Asia, IDSA

    Vishal Chandra
    Associate Fellow, South Asia, IDSA

    Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
    Associate Fellow, US, Europe and Nuclear, IDSA

    Shebonti Ray Dadwal
    Research Fellow, Energy Security, IDSA

    Sreeradha Dutta
    Research Fellow, South Asia, IDSA

    Namrata Goswami
    Associate Fellow, Internal Security, IDSA

    Ranjit Gupta
    Senior Visiting Fellow, IDSA

    Monalisa Joshi
    Researcher, Modeling and Net Assessment, IDSA

    Gurpreet Khurana
    Research Fellow, Military Affairs, IDSA

    Nivedita Das Kundu
    Associate Fellow, Russia, and Central Asia, IDSA

    Ajey Lele
    Research Fellow, Modeling and Net Assessment, IDSA

    Arpita Mathur
    Associate Fellow, East Asia, IDSA

    M. Mayilvaganan
    Associate Fellow, South Asia, IDSA

    S.D. Muni
    Senior Visiting Fellow, IDSA

    G.V.C. Naidu
    Professor, Centre for East Asian Studies, JNU, New Delhi

    Raviprasad Narayanan
    Associate Fellow, East Asia, IDSA

    Nihar Nayak
    Associate Fellow, South Asia, IDSA

    Rajiv Nayan
    Research Officer, US, Europe and Nuclear, IDSA

    Smruti Pattanaik
    Research Fellow, South Asia, IDSA

    S. Samuel C. Rajiv
    Researcher, US, Europe and Nuclear, IDSA

    P.V. Ramana
    Research Fellow, Internal Security, IDSA

    Meena Singh Roy
    Research Fellow, Russia and Central Asia, IDSA

    Cherian Samuel
    Associate Fellow, US, Europe and Nuclear, IDSA

    Udai Bhanu Singh
    Research Officer, East Asia, IDSA

    Uttam Kumar Sinha
    Research Fellow, Non-Traditional Security, IDSA

    N.S. Sisodia
    Director General, IDSA

    P. Stobdan
    Senior Fellow, West Asia, Central Asia and Africa, IDSA

    Order Hard Copy

    Please email us at publication [at] or call +91-11-2671 7983 (Ext. 7322)

    Other books in Asian Strategic Review Series

    Publisher: Academic Foundation
    ISBN 13: 978-81-7188-712-5
    Price: ₹. 995
    Composition & Regimental System of the Indian Army:Continuity and Change Indian Army P. K. Gautam Military Affairs 2008 BOOK
    • Publisher: Shipra

    The Indian Armed Forces are intimately linked to Indian society. Their role in national integration is a fascinating inquiry. The book traces the historic evolution of the Indian Armed Forces and then relates it to the extant composition and regimental system of the Indian Army.

    • ISBN 978-81-7541-424-2,
    • Price: ₹ 350/-

    About the Book

    The Indian Armed Forces are intimately linked to Indian society. Their role in national integration is a fascinating inquiry. The book traces the historic evolution of the Indian Armed Forces and then relates it to the extant composition and regimental system of the Indian Army.

    This sociological study of the military includes insights into the inherent strengths of the army. It explores and explains the central ideas and motivations for a battle-tested military and combat effectiveness. It shows that 'class' based units have an important role to play. This book will add an important perspective to the limited literature on core issues of democratisation, citizenship and military effectiveness.


    List of Tables and Boxes

    Chapter 1 The Re-emphasis of the Human Factor
    Chapter 2 Evolution of the Indian Armed Forces
    Chapter 3 Nature and Character of War and Combat-Effectiveness
    Chapter 4 Why Soldiers Fight and the Regimental System
    Chapter 5 The Present Structure and Arrangement
    Chapter 6 Examination of the Pros and Cons of the Present System
    Chapter 7 Policy Implications

    Appendix: Recruiting Zones


    Publisher: Shipra
    ISBN 978-81-7541-424-2
    Price: ₹. 350
    Pakistan: Engagement of the Extremes Pakistan Ashutosh Misra South Asia 2008 BOOK
    • Publisher: Shipra

    The Indian Armed Forces are intimately linked to Indian society. Their role in national integration is a fascinating inquiry. The book traces the historic evolution of the Indian Armed Forces and then relates it to the extant composition and regimental system of the Indian Army.

    • ISBN 978-81-7541-431-0,
    • Price: ₹ 450/-

    About the Book

    Since Pakistan's birth in 1947 while Islam's role in state-building and identity creation has not been fully delineated and defined, the Military and civilian regimes however have impressively exploited its mass appeal to garner public support and political legitimacy. As a result Islamists have seen a steady rise as a third political force, culminating in Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal's rise to power in North West Frontier Province in 2002. It was unprecedented but not unexpected, as this book argues. The democratic opposition had accused Gen. Pervez Musharraf of establishing this partnership during his presidential referendum in 2002 in which the Military establishment had mobilised several extremist groups to campaign and organise meetings across Pakistan. Such a partnership has thrived time and again accruing political dividends to both sides and at times even at the expense of country's own security and political stability.

    The book traces the relationship between the Military and Islamists, herein referred to as the two extremes and examines various measures and acts that resulted since it evolved in 2002. It explains the dynamics of Military-Islamists partnership under Musharraf and how it differed in substance and intent from what featured under Gen. Zia ul Haq. This book is not only about their mutual trust but mistrust as well and illustrates the perils of such an engagement for Pakistan's own stability and security that Musharraf overlooked in his blind pursuit for power. It is a study that helps understand many events and developments that have rocked Pakistan recently.

    About the Author

    Dr. Ashutosh Misra is Research Fellow, Griffith Asia Institute (GAI) and Associate Investigator, Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security (CEPS), Australia. He has extensively written on Pakistan in books, journals and newspapers and holds a PhD on Indo-Pak relations from the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.




    1. The First Extreme: Military's Rise and Rule in Pakistan
      Military's Entry into Politics / 13; Military's Tactical Retreat (1988-93) / 18; Failings of the 'Democrats': Military's Favourite Theme (1993-99) / 19; The Fourth Blow (1999) / 20; The Drivers for Military Intervention /21; Military's Modus Operandi / 32; Military's Corporate Muscle / 38; Conclusion / 43
    2. The Second Extreme: Rise and Rumblings of the Islamists
      2002 General Elections / 48; Unity of the MMA / 49; Military-ISI-Ulema Linkage / 51; Marginalisation of PPPP and PML-N / 53; 9/11 and the Anti-US Sentiments / 53; Drive Against Madaris / 54; MMA's Political Sagacity and Unity / 55; Committed Cadres and Network / 56; Ideological Bankruptcy of Disjointed Mainstream Parties / 57; MMA's Provincial Strategy / 58; Peoples' Antipathy to General Musharraf's April Referendum / 60; Conclusion / 61
    3. MMA and Islamisation: Extreme Measures
      Gloves Off Post-Election / 67; Enforcement of Sharia / 68; Hisbah Bill / 68; Legal System / 71; Status of Women / 72; Hudood Ordinance / 73; Registration of Madaris / 77; Passport Controversy over Religion Column / 78; Islamic Banking and Interest-Free Economy / 79; Land Reforms / 80; Educational Reforms / 81; Curbs on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) / 82; Stoking Anti-US and Anti-West Sentiments / 83; Conclusion / 85
    4. Military-MMA Alliance: Marriage of Convenience
      Legal Framework Order (LFO) 2002 / 93; Vote of Confidence in the National Assembly / 96; Twin Hats / 96; National Security Council (NSC) / 98; Local Governments / 100; Differences Over FATA Operations / 102; Locking Horns Over Balochistan Operations / 104; Conclusion / 109
    5. Military and the Jihadis: Friends Turned Foes?
      Islam-Military Linkage Rationale: Professional or Ideological? / 119; General Muhammad Aziz Khan / 122; Lieutenant General Mehmud Ahmed / 123; Lieutenant General Hamid Gul / 124; Hand in Glove: Army/ISI-Jihadi Relations / 125; JKLF-ISI Linkage / 126; Army-ISI-Taliban Linkage / 126; Army-Taliban: Kunduz Evacuation / 127; Ahmed al-Khadir Episode: ISI's Role / 128; Omar Saeed Sheikh and Daniel Pearl Kidnapping / 128; The Recoil Effect: Army-Jihadis Connivance / 130; Musharraf under Islamists' Influence / 133; The Necessary Evil? / 134; Chasing Al-Qaida, Ignoring the Taliban / 136; Conclusion / 138


    I : Party Positions in National Assembly (As of June 2004)
    II : Party Positions in the Senate (As of February 2003)
    III : Major Party Positions in the Provincial Assemblies (As of January 2003)
    IV : The MMA Manifesto



    Publisher: Shipra
    ISBN 978-81-7541-431-0
    Price: ₹. 450
    Maritime Forces in Pursuit of National Security: Policy Imperatives for India Maritime Security Gurpreet S Khurana Terrorism & Internal Security 2008 BOOK
    • Publisher: Shipra

    The growing interest of nations in the ocean-realm has become discernable in recent years, leading to an increased significance of maritime security. This is particularly relevant to India, whose vital stakes are expanding beyond its terrestrial confines. How has this increased the responsibility of Indian maritime forces? Can we expect these forces to satiate national-security interests beyond maritime affairs? What approach and capabilities are needed for this? As an attempt to answer these questions, this book is intended for a 'wide-spectrum' readership; ranging from a layman but a keen observer of national/ global events that affect him, and who seeks an association with India's growing eminence; to the academics and Indian policy makers.

    • ISBN 978-81-7541-430-3,
    • Price: ₹. 395/-

    About the Book

    The growing interest of nations in the ocean-realm has become discernable in recent years, leading to an increased significance of maritime security. This is particularly relevant to India, whose vital stakes are expanding beyond its terrestrial confines. How has this increased the responsibility of Indian maritime forces? Can we expect these forces to satiate national-security interests beyond maritime affairs? What approach and capabilities are needed for this? As an attempt to answer these questions, this book is intended for a 'wide-spectrum' readership; ranging from a layman but a keen observer of national/ global events that affect him, and who seeks an association with India's growing eminence; to the academics and Indian policy makers.

    About the Author

    Commander Gurpreet S Khurana was commissioned into the Indian Navy in 1988 and is a Missile Warfare specialist. He has held appointments of Missile Officer of corvettes, Commanding Officer of Torpedo Recovery Vessel, Staff Officer to Vice Chief of Naval Staff and Deputy Director Naval Intelligence. In 2002, he commissioned INS Tarmugli (Fast Attack Craft based at Port Blair) as its first Commanding Officer. He joined IDSA as Research Fellow in 2003. His research interests include maritime security/ strategic issues in the Indo-Pacific region and armed forces doctrines. He is presently involved in the study of the Chinese naval strategy and modernisation.


    List of Maps
    List of Photographs

    Historical Backdrop
    Current Geo-Strategic Setting

    Maritime Zones
    Island Territories
    Overseas Trade
    Strategic Imports
    Stability in the Indian Ocean Region

    Regional Littorals
    Extra-regional Powers

    Military Conflicts
    Military Confrontations Short of War
    Security of Sea-lines/Strategic Imports
    Maritime 'Disorder' at Sea

    The Three Broad Imperatives
    Mission-based Imperatives: Review & Recommendations



    Publisher: Shipra
    ISBN 978-81-7541-430-3
    Price: ₹. 395/-
    Changing Security Dynamics in Southeast Asia Asian Security Conference Publications Sreeradha Datta, N. S. Sisodia East Asia, South East Asia and Oceania 2008 BOOK
    • Publisher: Magnum Books

    The 21st century has been described as the ‘Asian Century.’ Home to 60 per cent of the world’s population and accounting for one-fourth of its Gross Domestic Product, by 2050, Asia will also have three of the world’s largest economies—China, India, and Japan. A dynamic hub in this rising Asia is the Southeast Asian region—encompassing diverse countries, peoples and cultures. The 9th Asian Security Conference addressed a range of issues and trends affecting this crucial region and their implications for regional and Asian security.

    • ISBN 978-81-7541-430-3,
    • Price: ₹. 795/-

    About the editors

    N.S. Sisodia is the Director General of IDSA. He has served as Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministries of Finance and Defence. He has co-edited ‘Emerging India: Security and Foreign Policy Perspectives’, and ‘West Asia in Turmoil: Implications for Global Security’ amongst others. He is also the editor of the journal Strategic Analysis.

    Sreeradha Datta is a Research Fellow at IDSA, specializing on contemporary developments in South Asia. She is the author of 'Bangladesh: A Fragile Democracy' and 'The Northeast Complexities and its Determinants'. She has published research articles in various refereed journals including Energy Policy, South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, South Asia, International Institute for Study of Islam in Modern World (ISIM). She was also editor of South Asia Watch. She has been periodically contributing to various national and international media outlets.

    Contributors: Abd. Rahim Hussin, Aileen San Pablo-Baviera, Amita Batra, Andrew T.H. Tan, Azyumardi Azra, B.S. Malik, Bernard Tan, Bounnheuang Songnavong, C. Raja Mohan, Chap Sotharith, Chyungly Lee, Denni Jayme, Eunsook Ye. Chung, G.V.C. Naidu, Gurpreet S. Khurana, Jonathan D. Pollack, Kishore Mahbubani, Mohamed Jawhar Hassan, Rahul Roy-Chaudhury, Rizal Sukma, Ron Huisken, Sudhir T. Devare, Tim Huxley, Tsutomu Kikuchi, Udai Bhanu Singh, Victor Sumsky, Zhai Kun, Zhao Gancheng

    About the book: The 21st century has been described as the ‘Asian Century.’ Home to 60 per cent of the world’s population and accounting for one-fourth of its Gross Domestic Product, by 2050, Asia will also have three of the world’s largest economies—China, India, and Japan. A dynamic hub in this rising Asia is the Southeast Asian region—encompassing diverse countries, peoples and cultures. The 9th Asian Security Conference addressed a range of issues and trends affecting this crucial region and their implications for regional and Asian security.

    The conference, titled ‘Changing Security Dynamics in South East Asia’ deliberated on Southeast Asian perspectives on security, the role of external powers—both current and also those that were rising, the problems of religious fundamentalism and terrorism, the challenges of maritime cooperation among countries abutting crucial world energy transit routes, the advantages of regional, multilateral organizations in fostering cooperative behaviours, and India’s growing role and stakes in this region.

    The contributors point out that the primary security concerns confronting the region were often internal in nature. On the external front, they note the changing geo-political situation—due to the rise of China, a revitalized Japan, a more active Indian presence, along with the continued primacy of the United States. Stressing that these changes were accompanied by their own sets of opportunities and challenges, they express confidence in the ability of regional organizations like the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) to deal with the challenges.

    The waterways of the Southeast Asian region are vital routes for the transit of energy supplies feeding East Asian economic growth. Participants discussed ways to more effectively coordinate responses to the varied threats and challenges facing these waterways—including piracy, terrorism and transnational criminal networks.

    India and the countries of Southeast Asia have a rich shared history. New Delhi’s policy initiatives like the ‘Look East’ policy have also deepened its economic and security links with the region. Contributors examine different aspects of this growing and multi-faceted relationship, including in meeting the common challenges of energy security, humanitarian and disaster relief, combating trans-national terrorism, among other issues. In order to further intensify India’s security and economic engagement, authors call for more joint military exercises and training, cooperation in areas like hydrography, search and rescue operations, strengthening of maritime conventions, and establishing an India-inclusive Asian Free Trade Agreement (FTA) which will have the potential to impact both global and regional economies.

    The rich milieu of issues addressed in the conference will be a useful guide in understanding this dynamic region and India’s increasing linkages with it. Further strengthening of regional cooperative mechanisms will no doubt lead the peoples of this region towards a speedier redressal of their unresolved concerns and a future of shared prosperity.

    Publisher: Magnum Books
    ISBN 81-87363-94-0
    Price: ₹. 795/-
    India's North East: New Vistas for Peace Northeast India Namrata Goswami, Pushpita Das Terrorism & Internal Security 2008 BOOK
    • Publisher: Manas Publications

    This book is an attempt to suggest a way towards peace and development in the North East. The authors, mostly belonging to the region, have provided valuable insights on the issues of insurgency, development and security and have also suggested concrete measures to tackle the myriad problems afflicting the region.

    • ISBN 978-81-7049-326-6,
    • Price: ₹. 695/-

    This book is an attempt to suggest a way towards peace and development in the North East. The authors, mostly belonging to the region, have provided valuable insights on the issues of insurgency, development and security and have also suggested concrete measures to tackle the myriad problems afflicting the region. They assert that local participatory initiatives are extremely important not only to counter the exclusive narratives of rebel groups but also to lead the region on its path to peace and prosperity. They also emphasize that the media and the security forces should contribute positively towards this effort. Only when all the actors of the society work towards the common goal of peace and development, this region could be unshackled from the bonds of underdevelopment and recurring violence.

    Order Hard Copy

    Please email us at adps.idsa [at] or call +91-11-2671 7983 (Ext. 7303)

    Publisher: Manas Publications
    ISBN 978-81-7049-326-6
    Price: ₹. 695/-
    Asian Strategic Review 2007 Asian Strategic Review, E-Book S. D. Muni South Asia, East Asia 2007 BOOK
    • Publisher: Academic Foundation

    The volume, divided into four sections, deals with strategic developments pertaining to Asia. Recognising the diverse 'push' and 'pull' factors impinging on a country's strategic posture, the volume starts off by dealing with issues which the Advisory Committee of Experts guiding this publication felt were of immediate relevance.

    • ISBN 978-81-7188-667-8,
    • Price: ₹. 795/-


    The volume, divided into four sections, deals with strategic developments pertaining to Asia. Recognising the diverse 'push' and 'pull' factors impinging on a country's strategic posture, the volume starts off by dealing with issues which the Advisory Committee of Experts guiding this publication felt were of immediate relevance. Accordingly, the first section, on “International Security Issues” has articles analysing India's responses to the global energy security challenges, the resurgent Russia, the emerging military technologies and their security implications for India, the 'global war on terror' and the issues concerning the nuclear non-proliferation regime.

    The next three parts contain in-depth analyses of major events in South, East and the West and Central regions of Asia. These constitute India's immediate and extended strategic neighbourhood. The wide range of issues dealt with include the evolving partnership between India and the United States, the changes in the contours of the Sino-Indian and the Sino-Japanese relationship, an evaluation of the India-Pakistan peace process, the challenges of institutionalising democracies in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Afghanistan, the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka, the East Asian 'economic dynamism and political flux', Pyongyang's nuclear 'brinkmanship', Iran's nuclear programme, developments in Israel-Palestinian relations, and the role of major powers in Central Asia.

    The volume also presents a Statistical Appendix containing defence and conflict-related data for important countries in Asia.



    S.D. MUNI, Senior Visiting Scholar, IDSA was formerly professor and Chairperson of the Centre for South, Central and Southeast Asian Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He was also India's Ambassador to Laos (1997-1999) and Special Envoy in pursuance of India's claims for a permanent UNSC seat.

    The author/editor of more than 20 books including Internal Conflicts in South Asia, Maoists Insurgency in Nepal, India's Energy Security, China's Strategic Engagement with the New ASEAN, Responding to Terrorism in South Asia, and over a 100 research papers, Prof. Muni is a distinguished expert on South/Southeast Asian political and security affairs. He was bestowed with Sri Lanka's highest honour for a non-national, 'SRI LANKA RATNA' in 2005.



    International Security Issues

    1. Global Energy Security Challenges: India’s Response
      Shebonti Ray Dadwal
    2. Emerging Military Technologies: Security Implications for India
      Ajey Lele
    3. Global War on Terror: The Long War to Nowhere
      Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
    4. A Supranational Agency for Nuclear Materials?
      Rajiv Nayan
    5. Resurgence of Russia
      P. Stobdan
    6. II
      South Asia: Concerns and Hopes

    7. India–Pakistan Peace Process: Gathering Momentum
      Ashutosh Misra
    8. Pakistan 2006: Between Internal Constraints and External Pressures
      Ashok K. Behuria
    9. Bangladesh: Amidst Constitutional Crisis
      Sreeradha Datta
    10. Sri Lanka: Towards Eelam War IV?
      Alok Bansal and M. Mayilvaganan
    11. The Challenge of Building a New Nepal
      Smruti S. Pattanaik
    12. Afghanistan: Growing Uncertainties
      Vishal Chandra
    13. Naxalism/Left-wing Extremism in India: Purpose and Strategy
      Namrata Goswami
    14. III
      Dynamism and Flux in Asia-Pacific

    15. East Asia in 2006: Economic Dynamism and Political Flux
      G.V.C. Naidu
    16. Sino–Indian Engagement?
      Raviprasad Narayanan
    17. Sino-Japanese Strategic Relations
      Abanti Bhattacharya
    18. Japan’s Leadership Transition
      Arpita Mathur
    19. Nuclear Brinkmanship in East Asia: Responses and Ramifications
      S. Samuel C. Rajiv
    20. Meeting Threats to Sea-Lines Collectively: Emerging Contours in the Indian Ocean
      Gurpreet S. Khurana
    21. IV
      Engagements and Conflict in West and Central Asia

    22. Indo–Saudi Engagement: Breaking New Ground
      Gulshan Dietl
    23. Iran’s Nuclear Defiance
      Rajesh Kumar Mishra
    24. Hamas, Israel, and Peace
      A. K. Pasha
    25. The Second Israel–Lebanon War: An Appraisal
      V. Krishnappa
    26. Major Powers in Central Asia: Imperatives for India
      Meena Singh Roy
    27. V
      Statistical Appendix
      Appendix Tables


      Alok Bansal
      Research Fellow, South Asia, IDSA

      Ashok Behuria
      Research Fellow, South Asia, IDSA

      Abanti Bhattacharya
      Associate Fellow, East and South- East Asia, IDSA

      Vishal Chandra
      Associate Fellow, South Asia, IDSA

      Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
      Associate Fellow, USA and Europe Studies, IDSA

      Shebonti Ray Dadwal
      Research Fellow, Energy Security, IDSA

      Sreeradha Datta
      Research Fellow, South Asia, IDSA

      Gulshan Dietl
      Professor, Centre for West Asian Studies, JNU

      Namrata Goswami
      Associate Fellow, Internal Security, IDSA

      Gurpreet Khurana
      Research Fellow, Military Affairs, IDSA

      V. Krishnappa
      Research Fellow, Military Affairs, IDSA

      Ajey Lele
      Research Fellow, Modeling and Net Assessment, IDSA

      Arpita Mathur
      Associate Fellow, East and South- East Asia, IDSA

      M. Mayilvaganan
      Associate Fellow, South Asia, IDSA

      Rajesh Kumar Mishra
      Associate Fellow, Weapons of Mass Destruction, IDSA

      Ashutosh Misra
      Research Fellow, Griffith Asia Institute, Brisbane

      G.V.C. Naidu
      Senior Fellow, East and South-East Asia, IDSA

      Raviprasad Narayanan
      Associate Fellow, East and South-East Asia, IDSA

      Rajiv Nayan
      Research Officer, USA and Europe Studies, IDSA

      A.K. Pasha
      Professor, Centre for West Asian Studies, JNU

      Smruti Pattanaik
      Research Fellow, South Asia, IDSA

      S. Samuel C. Rajiv
      Research Assistant, Military Affairs, IDSA

      Meena Singh Roy
      Research Officer, Russia and Central Asia, IDSA

      P. Stobdan
      Centre for Strategic and Regional Studies, Jammu University

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      Please email us at adps.idsa [at] or call +91-11-2671 7983 (Ext. 7303)

      Other books in Asian Strategic Review Series

    Publisher: Academic Foundation
    ISBN 978-81-7188-667-8
    Price: ₹. 795/-

