Alok Rashmi Mukhopadhyay

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  • He was working at Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses from 2003 to 2010.

    European Energy Security: Facing a Future of Increasing Dependency by Peter Truscott

    November 2010

    26/11 Redux in Europe: Strategic Imperatives

    The current terrorist threat has reemphasised the importance of Europe, considered to be increasingly irrelevant in global security and strategic calculus.

    October 21, 2010

    Poland and India: Bracing for a strategic partnership?

    As the European political landscape is continuously changing and assertive voices from the CEEC are expected to be heard, India and Poland should seriously think about establishing a strategic partnership.

    September 27, 2010

    Neither ‘fundamental’ nor a ‘shift’

    The ISI threat assessment may be received with great enthusiasm in Western capitals and policy circles, but for observers from the subcontinent it is neither ‘fundamental’ nor a ‘shift’.

    August 19, 2010

    Beyond the Summitry: David Cameron in India

    What is new for the observers of British foreign policy after the new coalition government came into power, is the endeavour to reposition Britain in a fast-changing global scenario

    August 03, 2010

    The EEAS and the EU-India Strategic Partnership

    Seen from this part of the globe, it is indeed relevant to have a preliminary analysis of the EU-India strategic partnership after the EEAS has formally come into existence.

    July 22, 2010

    Changing World Order: India, EU and US—A Trialogue by B. Krishnamurthy and Geetha Ganapathy-Doré

    Changing World Order: India, EU and US—A Trialogue by B. Krishnamurthy and Geetha Ganapathy-Doré
    Shipra Publications, New Delhi, 2009, pp. 342, Rs. 950, ISBN 9788175415355

    May 2010

    EU-India Counter-Terrorism Cooperation: Post-Lisbon Prospects

    Since both India and EU face the same threat of religious radicalism at home and from across the border, focused cooperation on this issue must be given serious thought.

    February 26, 2010

    Dutch withdrawal from Afghanistan may have cascading effects

    The Dutch withdrawal from Afghanistan may have cascading effects, as smaller European countries notwithstanding their importance in contribution or numerical strength, may also announce their exit citing their own national caveats in the months to come.

    February 23, 2010

