United States of America (USA)

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  • Russia-USA Stalemate on Tactical Nuclear Weapons

    The impasse over missile defence, CFE and NATO expansion has led to a stalemate in talks to reduce tactical nuclear weapons.

    March 17, 2011

    The US Defence Acquisition System

    This paper makes an attempt to analyse and evaluate the US Department of Defence Acquisition System by highlighting the relationship of the requirements generation and budgeting process, the key actors, the major phases in an acquisition programme, and the major categories of acquisitions. It argues that the Department of Defence Acquisition System represents an ever evolving system-of-systems that attempts to translate Warfighter requirements into actual developed, purchased and fielded systems.

    January 2011

    Washington’s War & Diplomacy in Afghanistan

    The defence diplomacy of the United States in the midst of the current war against terror in Afghanistan is designed towards ending the US military operations without ceding total authority to the Taliban. The US-led international coalition of forces, that include NATO forces, have failed to crush the Taliban. On the other hand, Taliban have been unable to force the external forces to quit Afghanistan. The US does not want to quit without the assurance that no second 9/11 takes place.

    January 2011

    Public Finance and National Security: Deficit Reduction and the American Military in a Time of Diminished Resources

    The United States faces a budget crisis of proportions with no precedent in its recent history. The country’s economic dominance since the end of World War II has supported a military posture with global reach and influence.

    February 24, 2011

    US Strategy in Afghanistan and Regional Concerns

    India should seek a regional solution to the Afghan conflict, involving a regional force under a UN flag to provide a stable environment for governance and development till the Afghan National Army can take over.

    February 21, 2011

    Disarmament’s ‘Lost Decade’

    The paralysis at the Conference on Disarmament (CD) captures the state of affairs that has bedevilled the field of arms control/disarmament during the last 10 years.

    February 02, 2011

    Hu Jintao’s State Visit to the United States: An attempt to put the Sino-US narrative in place

    While the Chinese president’s trip concluded with a joint statement and the signing of trade and investment deals, it achieved little in terms of addressing pressing global problems and bilateral issues.

    February 01, 2011

    How to look at President Hu Jintao’s US Visit: Détente or Stalemate?

    Primarily because of the uncertainties surrounding US-China relations, the Hu-Obama summit ended in a stalemate with both leaders agreeing to disagree on important matters.

    January 27, 2011

    The Gates Mission: Re-contextualising US alliances in East Asia

    Gates has steered Japan and South Korea towards aligning their shared threat perceptions about North Korea and China.

    January 18, 2011

    NATO and Russia: Move towards Cooperation or Deployments

    After Lisbon, the next step for NATO and Russia should be addressing issues relating to deployments of arsenals and arms control.

    January 13, 2011

