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  • Imagining Asia in 2030: Trends, Scenarios and Alternatives

    Imagining Asia in 2030: Trends, Scenarios and Alternatives
    • Publisher: Academic Foundation

    Bringing together a pool of renowned international experts, the book deals with the potential drivers of future change in Asia like economic growth, climate change, demographics, urbanisation, migration, resource competition, technology, military modernisation, globalisation, nationalism and identity politics, radical movements, extremism and terrorism, and great power competition.

    • ISBN 978-81-7188-870-2 ,
    • Price: ₹. 1295/-
    • E-copy available

    Iranian interests in the Egyptian Unrest

    Mubarak’s fall may bring Iran closer to Egypt than ever before. Iran has taken a pro-people stand and hopes to reap a harvest of good-will in the Arab world. The Iranian Opposition has also extended support to the movement, though for different reasons.

    February 14, 2011

    Lessons from Egypt: do not underestimate the power of peaceful Satyagraha and the Internet

    The people’s movement, in bringing down the former President Hosni Mubarak, has once again showed the power of peaceful protest and ideas. There are many lessons to be learnt from the transformative developments.

    February 14, 2011

    After Tunisia and Egypt: The mood in the Arab streets and palaces

    The events in Tunisia and Egypt have raised hopes among the people and, on the other hand alarmed the undemocratic and authoritarian Arab rulers. Time has arrived for the rulers to take note of the aspirations of the people.

    February 10, 2011

    Crisis in Egypt: Implications for India

    In the past India has followed a policy of non-intervention in the internal affairs of other countries. However, it cannot shy away from its commitment and support to a peaceful mass movement for political reform.

    February 04, 2011

    Accelerating India's “Look West Policy” in the Gulf

    The Gulf region is important for India because of increased cooperation in the fields of trade, business, politics and security. The "Look West Policy" intends to further deepen India's engagement with its "extended neighbourhood."

    February 04, 2011

    The Arab tumult in its wider meaning

    The threat of extremism has been used too long to deny democracy. Instead, democratisation is a possible antidote for extremism.

    February 04, 2011

