Africa, Latin America, Caribbean & UN

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  • Diana: A Human Face to Expatriates

    Until I met Diana, the South Asian Diaspora in the Middle East meant six million Indians, $50 billion in annual remittances and the problems of evacuation during crises. Diana put a human face to that understanding.

    September 05, 2011

    Increasing Normalisation of the Turkish State

    With the resignation of the service chiefs and Erdoğan’s consolidation of control, Turkey has taken a huge step towards political normalization and consolidating its democracy.

    August 01, 2011

    OIC Astana Session: Emphasising Change and Action

    Though the Astana meeting reflected a change in the OIC’s approach and understanding of the issues and problems of the Islamic world, lack of concrete action would lead to a further loss of credibility for the organisation.

    July 14, 2011

    Sudan in Transition

    As a new nation emerges in Africa, India needs to shape its policy to deal with impending changes in Sudan. India’s deep engagement with Sudan suggests that its role in post referendum Sudan will be important

    July 08, 2011

    Oil Factor in India - Nigeria Relations

    Fellows' Seminar
    July 29, 2011
    1030 to 1300 hrs

    India-Africa ties get a boost

    At the Second India-Africa Forum Summit held in Addis Ababa, India’s relations with African countries have got a boost with the various cooperation initiatives unveiled by the Indian Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh.

    June 09, 2011

    Interaction with Israeli Delegation

    Round Table
    May 05, 2011

