Kritika Roy

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  • Ms Kritika Roy is a Threat Intelligence Researcher at DCSO Deutsche CyberSicherheitsorganisation, Berlin, Germany.

    The Grandeur of GandCrab

    Every time a cyber security organisation comes out with a decrypter to counter the effect of GandCrab, a brand new version of the ransomware is generated by effecting a small fix in the code.

    March 22, 2019

    An Era of True Fakes

    With increasing advances in artificial intelligence technologies and machine learning, a new era of deep fakes has emerged, which has the potential to weaken the fabric of democratic society.

    January 10, 2019

    Russia's Foiled Cyber Attack on OPCW

    Earlier this year, the Dutch Security services along with the help of British officials were able to thwart the plan of group of Russians to compromise and disrupt systems at the OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons). Russia's actions has brought to the forefront the grave reality of cyber threat that international organisations face today.

    July-December 2018

    Paris Call: Another Missed Call?

    Paris Call could be seen as a positive step towards finding a middle path between Western democracies and authoritarian regimes on the issue of cyber governance.

    December 18, 2018

    Revisiting Aadhaar System: Post the Supreme Court Verdict

    One understands that long term benefits of Aadhaar actually outweighs many concerns. However, adequate norms need to be laid down from collection to retention of biometric data, in addition to formulating strong data protection and privacy laws.

    November 02, 2018

    Quantum Computing and its Impact on Cryptography

    Advances in technology has brought into focus the need to have double assurance on data security, especially with the world moving from classical to Quantum Computing, which latter has the power to unlock the toughest of cyber-locks.

    July 19, 2017

    Analysing Aadhaar through the Prism of National Security

    Though there might be several prevalent concerns over Aadhaar’s data security, these do not outweigh the benefits it has to offer.

    June 22, 2017

