Coastal Security

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  • Krishan Puri asked: What are the contours of a technological road map to ensure coastal security?

    Manoranjan Srivastava replies: Technological advancements in surveillance mechanisms have the potential to make coastal security more robust. In India, the technological solutions have been efficiently utilized and integrated to enhance effectiveness of coastal security.

    India’s Maritime Security: Five Concerns

    There are five fundamental deficiencies in India’s maritime security mechanism that will need to be addressed by the newly appointed National Maritime Security Coordinator (NMSC), to prevent a recurrence of a 26/11 scenario.

    May 18, 2022

    The Costliest Pearl: China’s Struggle for India’s Ocean by Bertil Lintner

    The ‘string of pearls’ is a western narrative about China’s economic and/or military engagements with countries in the Indian Ocean littorals with a strategic outlook of encircling the Indian peninsula. Most of these engagements are established in locations overlooking the important trade Sea Lanes of Communication (SLOC) in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). The ‘string of pearls’ theory, enunciating an expansionist view of China in the Indian Ocean, is what makes Bertil Lintner’s book a knowledgeable read for Indo-Pacific watchers.

    October-December 2020

    Saikat Das asked: What is the policy of Indian Navy/Coast Guard regarding pursuit of a rogue vessel into the territorial waters of a neighbouring country?

    Sarabjeet Singh Parmar replies: In the first instance we need to understand what a rogue vessel or rogue ship is. In the absence of any internationally recognised definition, the given definition can be assumed: “Any ship that has violated a condition that warrants her arrest and detention is called a rogue ship.” The condition could be related to terrorism, piracy, or any recognised act of maritime crime, or violation of any law or regulation stipulated by a coastal state in her maritime zones.

    Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard and the Australian Connection

    The government needs to focus on meeting the Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard’s urgent requirements for fuel so that their existing assets could be put to optimal use rather than squander funds on procuring an additional patrol boat from an Australian company.

    June 08, 2018

    Too Early to Celebrate! The Decline of Somali Piracy off the East Coast of Africa

    The pirates of Somalia constitute one one of the greatest threats to maritime security in modern time.Their operations started amidst the political instability, economic crisis and state collapse that characterised the fall of the Siad Barre regime in Somalia in 1991.

    November 2017

    Odisha’s Potential Role in Enhancing Security in the Bay of Bengal

    A long coastline, ports, and availability of airfields all make Odisha a strategic asset that provides considerable leverage for securing India’s national interests and enhancing influence in South East Asia.

    November 13, 2017

    Rebuilding the Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard

    Rebuilding the Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard

    A scramble for assets between the years 2013 and 2015 culminated in the procurement of a fleet of vessels that have restored a degree of capability and viability to the TTCG.

    August 26, 2016

    Why a Central Marine Police Force is not required for Coastal Security

    Why a Central Marine Police Force is not required for Coastal Security

    Raising a Central Marine Police Force and wasting resources on their training and equipment is neither necessary nor advisable given that the country already has a central organisation to protect the coast – the Indian Coast Guard.

    June 21, 2016

    Forum for India Pacific Islands Cooperation moves ahead

    Forum for India Pacific Islands Cooperation moves ahead

    FIPIC-2 has added substantially to the package of projects and activities. This has now to be matched by delivery and implementation, which are challenging tasks for the Indian government.

    August 25, 2015

