Non-lethal Weapons

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  • Automation of Kill Cycle: On the Verge of Conceptual Changeover

    Considering the loss of tactical advantage that would come about by not adopting automation and autonomous weapon systems in future, militaries would invariably be obligated to adopt the concept of full automation while keeping humans on the loop.

    January 24, 2020

    Non-lethal Weapons and Crowd Control

    There is a need to appreciate the medical, social and ethical consequences and liabilities of the use of non-lethal weapons before putting them to use.

    September 03, 2010

    The Case for Employing Non-Lethal Weapons

    At first glance, ‘Non-Lethal’ and ‘armed forces’ do not seem to go along, considering that the primary role of the military is to preserve national interests and safeguard territorial integrity, sovereignty and unity of India against external threats. However, changes in the security dynamics have embroiled the Indian Army more and more in the secondary task of providing assistance to government agencies to cope with internal threats as part of ‘Aid to Civil Authority’ when requisitioned for the purpose.

    June 03, 2009

    Mumbai Attacks and the Need for Enhanced India-US Defence Cooperation

    The staggered attacks on Mumbai across seven places were extremely demanding on time and resources required for counter operations. The attacks have also amply demonstrated that there is no scope for any lacunae in India’s security apparatus. The guard has to remain up to prevent the real ‘9/11 of India’.

    December 11, 2008
