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      War crimes trial in Bangladesh: Pakistan stands exposed

      December 25, 2015

      Associate Fellow, IDSA, Dr Anand Kumar’s article on war crimes trial in Bangladesh, titled ‘War crimes trial in Bangladesh: Pakistan stands exposed’ was published in South Asia Monitor, on December 25, 2015.

      Kargil 1999: Pakistan’s Fourth War for Kashmir

      Kargil 1999: Pakistan’s Fourth War for Kashmir

      Publisher: IDSA and Knowledge World

      ISBN: 81-86019-22-7


      Synergisation for Future Wars

      It is essential to have an army which is capable of responding to conventional as well as sub-conventional warfare requirements with bare minimum turbulence while switching roles from one form of warfare to another.

      July 13, 2010

      Bangladesh War Crime Trial: The Surprise Second Verdict

      The verdict against Abdul Quadir Molla by the War Crime Tribunal 2, which sentenced him to life, came as a surprise to many given the graveness of his crime.

      February 12, 2013

      Operational Lessons of the Wars of 21st Century

      Operational Lessons of the Wars of 21st Century

      Military capabilities matter. Countries and regions where wars have taken place have one important attribute- battle and operational experience. The monograph examines 21st century wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Georgia and Libya. New trend of cyber war is also included. Key highlights have been extracted and distilled into lessons to be learnt.


      Will India Ally with America?

      India’s decision to ally with America would be contingent upon the degree of convergence between their positions on core issues and the extent of military assistance needed in a two-front war scenario.

      August 20, 2019

      The Need for Declassification of War Histories and other Documents

      Civil society in general and the strategic community in particular must demand the release of documents pertaining to India’s security.

      July 06, 2011

