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  • Cooperation in Military Training as a Tool of Peacetime Military Diplomacy

    Military diplomacy has long been one of the essential constituents of international diplomacy and an effective methodology, to foster bilateral and regional relationships. Military training cooperation is an essential component of military diplomacy and helps to build close ties with other nations. Such cooperation also helps to strengthen strategic security relationships and address common security concerns. The Indian armed forces have rich expertise of operating in varied terrain, as also live combat experience in a vast spectrum of operations.

    July 2003

    Environmentally Induced Migration from Bangladesh to India

    Environmental crisis in the rural areas of developing countries is increasingly becoming an important cause of cross-border migration of population and South Asia is no exception to this phenomenon. Such movement of population in the Indo-Bangladesh context is generating a range of destabilising socio-political, economic, ethnic and communal tensions in India. It has embittered Indo-Bangladesh relations, causing tensions between the two countries.

    July 2003

    Exploitation of Information and Communication Technology by Terrorist Organisations

    Almost every new technology developed has brought great benefits attached with some risks. To each ‘technology’, there is an ‘antitechnology’, making it a double edged weapon. But whatever be the risks, the progress just carries on, and new methods are found to tackle the risks. The phenomenal growth of computer and communication technologies, or ICT, is no exception and the main risk it has brought along with its benefits is that it has provided terrorist organisations great advantage in their nefarious activities.

    July 2003

    The Baltic States’ Search for Security

    The Baltic States’ search for security became a major issue after their independence in 1991. Since then these States have been trying to establish links with Europe and perceive Russia as a major threat. Their aspirations for the NATO membership are based on their security perspective. Baltic States are engaged in trying to upgrade their armed forces, solve their territorial and ethnic disputes to meet the NATO membership criteria.

    July 2003

    Iraq War 2003: Rise of the 'Unilateralism'

    Iraq War 2003: Rise of the 'Unilateralism'

    Publishers: IDSA and Ane Books
    ISBN: 81-86019-47-2
    Rs 350


    Jihadis in Jammu and Kashmir: A Portrait Gallery

    Jihadis in Jammu and Kashmir: A Portrait Gallery

    Publishers: IDSA and Sage

    ISBN: 0-7619-9785-7

    Rs 380


    US Security Policy towards South Asia after September 11 and its Implications for China: A Chinese Perspective

    American security policy towards South Asia can basically be divided into three stages: balance of power in the Cold War era, beyond balance of power after the end of Cold War, and new balance of power after September 11.

    April 2003

    Conceptualisations of Guerrilla Warfare

    Guerrilla warfare is not a new phenomenon and history is witness to its repeated occurrence. In the modern era, it acquired prominence during the Napoleonic Wars which led to an examination of its role by leading nineteenth-century thinkers including Clausewitz, Jomini, Marx and Engels. Over the course of the subsequent century, the concept and practice of guerrilla warfare was integrated within social, economic and political programmes that aimed to overthrow established authority and transform society through an armed struggle.

    April 2003

