
Combating Terrorism: Perspective from the Ground

Even if solutions are known the Government does not implement them due to lack of political will, resource crunch, turf wars, apathy, and general inertia.

January 25, 2010

Hiccups in Sino-US Relations over Arms Sales to Taiwan

The military dialogue seems likely to remain suspended over the arms sales issue; discord over Iran’s nuclear issue may increase and more war of words may define the relationships between the two countries.

January 25, 2010

Japan mulls granting right to franchise to permanent foreign residents

To gain the trust of Seoul and Beijing, the DPJ government plans to present a bill in the Diet for granting the right of franchise to foreign nationals registered as permanent residents, a majority of whom are South Korean and Chinese.

January 21, 2010

Balochistan is no Bangladesh

Unless Baloch nationalists get their act together in pursuit of ‘achievable nationhood’, it will be only a matter of time before this latest upsurge in Balochistan will be brutally crushed.

January 19, 2010

The Cautious Handling of Secularism in Bangladesh

The landslide victory of Awami League in Bangladesh elections created hope of revival of the 1972 constitution of which secularism was an important element. The government of Shaikh Hasina is trying to deal with this issue in a cautious manner.

January 19, 2010

Sino-Bhutan Boundary Negotiations: Complexities of the ‘Package Deal’

Bhutan and China have decided on a joint field survey to enable harmonising the reference points and names of the disputed areas.

January 19, 2010

Bangladeshi Illegal Migration into Assam: Issues and Concerns from the Field

The issue of Bangladeshi illegal migration has troubled the state of Assam for decades now. Assamese political and social discourses fear that this unchecked migration from across the border will subvert their way of life and change the demographic profile of the state in the near future.

January 14, 2010

Global War on Terror and the Africa Link

Across the globe, a crucial but largely unseen and unheard of force in the Global War on Terrorism is emerging – young, hardened, militant, radicalized recruits from Africa – a force potent enough to compel governments to revise their handbooks on how best to contend with Islamic extremism.

January 14, 2010

Maoists rhetoric on India-Nepal Relations

India should clarify through actions and words that it has no intention of interfering in Nepal, that it respects Nepal’s sovereignty and that it is ready to work with any dispensation in Nepal for furthering mutual security and economic concerns.

January 13, 2010

Looking Ahead

If India indeed considers itself to be a rising power, it cannot remain a passive in the face of instability all around it.

January 12, 2010

