Taiwan’s Unending Dialogue over ECFA

The fundamental ideological difference between the KMT and DPP supporters makes the debate on ECFA more complicated than it needs to be actually, with a peculiar intermix of politics and economics.

June 01, 2010

Learning from Times Square: Socialising the Counterterrorism Approach

Since safeguarding the public space such as mass transportation networks, financial and industrial hubs from sporadic acts of terror is increasingly becoming difficult, socialising citizenry in democratic societies to the needs of counterterrorism assumes salience.

May 31, 2010

Israel’s Nuclear Opacity and New Challenges

Given the rapidly evolving situation in West Asia, and the growing danger of new threats like nuclear terrorism, it would seem that the time has come for Israel to come clean on its nuclear arsenal.

May 28, 2010

'Terrorism Abandonment' [DDR] as a Key to Counter-Terrorism Strategy in Future

Unlike ‘hard’ measures, ‘soft’ ones can succeed in softening the hearts and minds of even hard-core terrorists, especially when they are disillusioned, longing for a normal life, and want to exit from terrorism.

May 28, 2010

The ascendancy of Political Islam in Malaysia

While the notion of Malaysia as an Islamic state appears almost unthinkable, this is exactly what has transpired since the early 1980s, posing serious challenges for the country’s internal and external politics.

May 24, 2010

Ideology sans Jargon? Contextualising Xi Jinping’s Politics of Simplification

Xi Jinping's attempt to dejargonise political language is timely. however, how it impacts the ideology is going to be important.

May 24, 2010

The Maoist Menace: Time for Serious Action

Air presence is a critical factor in counterinsurgency operations as it provides a high level of dominance and control over the situation.

May 20, 2010

Law Needs to Keep Pace with Evolving Terror Threat

There is a need to modify existing laws and if need be create new ones so that extremists and terrorists do not go scot-free and continue to pose a threat to the country.

May 19, 2010

MMRCA: A difficult choice for the IAF

As an old fighter pilot, I would always pitch for a light, easily manoeuvrable, agile and relatively inexpensive fighter that delivers every time, generates high sortie rates and is easy to maintain and train on a day to day peace time schedule.

May 19, 2010

Iran-Turkey Nuclear Swap Deal

While the Turkey deal represents an advance on the Iran nuclear issue, it remains to be seen if it would lead to more constructive solutions in addressing concerns generated by the Iranian nuclear programme.

May 19, 2010

