Atma Nirbhar in Defence Technology

While the steps stipulated in draft DAP-2020 to enable smooth acquisition of systems indigenously designed by DRDO and other public sector entities are a right move, they need to be strengthened further to make procedures more robust and conducive for timely completion of projects.

August 10, 2020

Should MoD Persist with Defence Offsets?

The changes proposed in the offset guidelines require a fresh look, both on conceptual and empirical grounds, as the new regime is likely to yield diminishing returns.

August 07, 2020

The August 5 Anniversary: J&K on Home Straight

The internal and external situation on the first anniversary of the historic revocation of the special status of Jammu and Kashmir appears assuring, even as the need for safeguarding the initial gains calls for sustained efforts.

August 04, 2020

India’s Chabahar Dilemma

India has taken a cautious and balanced approach in dealing with Iran. However, the growing US-Iran confrontation continues to cast a shadow on the Chabahar project and overall bilateral ties.

July 31, 2020

Pre-emptive Strike Capability: Shifting Winds in Japan?

Japan’s quest for pre-emptive strike capability indicates a major shift in its defence doctrine. It is only a matter of time before Japan takes up such an offensive defence doctrine carrying a high possibility of conflict initiation/escalation with it.

July 24, 2020

Decoding Cyberattack on Australia

With the adoption of varied digital means in times of pandemic, the states are likely to witness increased cyberattacks. Absence of an effective response would only mean an open playground for perpetrators.

July 14, 2020

Beijing’s Soft Diplomacy in West Asia in Times of COVID-19

China’s soft diplomacy in West Asia, particularly in times of pandemic, is a way to improve its global image and recast itself as a responsible actor at relatively low cost, rather than a sign of any deeper commitment towards the region.

July 03, 2020

Pakistan’s CPEC Obsession: Boon or Bane?

While the ruling elite including army in Pakistan considers CPEC a boon, many analysts view it as a Chinese game-plan to turn Pakistan into a permanent colony, a rentier-cum-client state.

June 30, 2020

Deciphering Russia’s New Nuclear Strategy

Russia’s new nuclear strategy is both a tactical and a strategic document. It leaves the door open for adversaries to recalibrate their strategies while giving Russia the scope to manoeuvre the ongoing turbulence in its ties with the US

June 23, 2020

It is Advantage Turkey in Libya

Under President Erdoğan, Ankara has become more ambitious and is using every opportunity to intervene in regional politics.

June 22, 2020

