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Report on Visit of the Delegation from the National Defence College, UAE December 11, 2023 Other

A delegation from the National Defence College, UAE, led by Brig. Gen. Staff Pilot Khalifa Butti Thani Tarish Al Shamsi visited the Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA) on 11 December 2023. Director General, Ambassador Sujan R. Chinoy made a presentation on the structure and role of the Institute and India-West Asia relations. Established in 1965, MP-IDSA is an autonomous body funded by the Ministry of Defence (MoD), Government of India. The scope of research activities undertaken by MP-IDSA broadly includes issues relating to defence, internal and external security and international relations. Its governance is overseen by the Executive Council, traditionally presided over by the Defence Minister of India. Amb. Chinoy highlighted the diverse spectrum of research initiatives undertaken by the Institute's various Centres, shedding light on key issues and areas of research by the scholars. Emphasising MP-IDSA's contributions, he mentioned significant publications, specifying two esteemed peer-reviewed research journals: Strategic Analysis and Journal of Defence Studies.

Amb. Chinoy mentioned the training mechanism of the Institute in terms of capacity building through short modules for various stakeholders, including Defence Forces (NDC, DSSC, CDM), OFB, BSF Academy, ITBP, Customs, SSB, NTRO, IFS, State Governments and Young Parliamentarians. MP-IDSA has also served as a knowledge partner of MoD for the India-Africa Defence Dialogue, Aero-India and Defence Expo in Lucknow-2020 and Gandhinagar-2022. The Institute has also undertaken and completed study reports/projects on military equipment, cyber security, border infrastructure, defence cooperation, terror financing, border management and maritime security.

Amb. Sujan Chinoy provided a brief overview of India-West Asia relations, highlighting the historical and civilizational links and India’s position as a stakeholder in peace and security in the region. He emphasised that since 2014, high-level engagements have increased remarkably because of the leadership of India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Modi adopted the “Think West” policy to deepen engagement in West Asia in economic, defence, security and strategic cooperation.

With regard to energy cooperation, Amb. Chinoy stated that the Gulf region is the most reliable energy source, supplying 60 per cent of India’s total oil imports. On a positive note, India is deepening engagement with Gulf countries in the green and renewable energy sector as there is a convergence of interests between India and Gulf nations to reduce carbon emissions.

He also highlighted India’s support to West Asian countries during the COVID-19 pandemic by providing Hydroxychloroquine tablets and medical equipment to the West Asian countries. India sent a team of 88 medical and healthcare professionals to the UAE.

Amb. Chinoy said that under Prime Minister Modi, defence and security cooperation between India and West Asia has deepened substantially. The number of joint exercises between the Army, Navy and Air Force of India and the West Asian countries has increased. India has invited Gulf countries to invest in ‘Make in India’ defence initiatives. Amb. Chinoy mentioned that ISIS networks in India’s neighbourhood are a matter of concern for India. Hence, India is enhancing cooperation in exchanging information relating to terrorist activities and other security challenges to combat threats. He also underlined piracy as a common threat to India and West Asia. For both, maintaining the safety of Sea Lines of Communication (SLOC) is extremely important. Since 2008, India has consistently deployed a naval ship in the Gulf of Aden. The importance of the Joint Defence Cooperation Committee, Ex Desert Flag, Zayed Talwar, IDEX, NAVDEX and space cooperation were also highlighted.

India-UAE partnership is multifaceted, and high-level exchange of visits signify the importance of the relationship. The UAE President visited India for the G20 Leadership Summit, and PM Modi visited UAE in December 2023 to participate in the COP28 Summit. The UAE is considered India’s special friend and was invited as a Guest Country for India’s G20 Summit. Both countries have convergence of interest on issues such as trade, connectivity, climate, green energy, terrorism and piracy.

The UAE is India’s third largest trading partner, with bilateral trade of around US$ 85 billion. Moreover, both countries signed a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) in February 2022, and bilateral trade has increased by 15 per cent since the CEPA came into force in May 2022. The UAE is the seventh largest investor in India in terms of FDI and the second largest source of LNG and LPG. Remarkably, UAE is India’s second largest export destination, with US$ 31.61 billion in 2022-23. Amb. Chinoy also highlighted India’s connection with the UAE through 3.5 million Indian diaspora working and living in the UAE, contributing to the country’s progress. Notably, in 2022, India received US$ 20 billion from the UAE through diasporic remittances.

The UAE is the first international partner to invest in India’s Strategic Petroleum Reserves. Besides, Indian companies have steadily increased their participation in the UAE’s energy sector. Under the mandate of I2U2, the UAE has pledged to invest US$ 2 billion to establish Integrated Food Parks in India.

In his remarks, the head of the NDC UAE delegation Brig. Gen. Staff Pilot Khalifa AlShamsi stated that the NDC UAE broadly covers aspects relating to international relations including military, economic, diplomatic and security as primary domains. He specified that NDC UAE, through its Strategic Security Studies Programme, prepares future military and civilian leaders of the highest calibre. He expressed hope for the future of the India-UAE Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and acknowledged India's support to the UAE during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Q&A Session

Questions relating to MP-IDSA’s research on evolving issues, security challenges for India, I2U2, India’s leadership in Global South and Research and Development (R&D) were asked by the members of the NDC UAE delegation. Amb. Chinoy stated that MP-IDSA engages experts/officials from both defence and civilian categories who are experts in different areas. Scholars of MP-IDSA regularly publish books, Op-eds, commentaries, and research papers in journals. Scholars also visit various places across the country and abroad to present papers at conferences.

On the issue of security challenges for India, Amb. Chinoy spoke about threats emerging from China, Pakistan and disruptions in maritime security. He described challenges relating to maintaining rapid and inclusive economic growth with peace and tranquillity on the periphery. On the issue of India’s leadership potential in Global South, Amb. Chinoy specified that India has already showcased its capacity to be a leader of the Global South by successfully holding the G20 Presidency. The successful conduct of the Voice of Global South Summit at the beginning and end of India’s G20 Presidency has showcased India’s priorities. India’s proposal to include the African Union in the G20 was highly appreciated and was approved by all members, showing the potential of Indian leadership of the Global South. Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Programme (ITEC) has been widely appreciated in the Global South as a remarkable capacity-building initiative.

With regard to R&D, Amb. Chinoy mentioned that the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), under the Ministry of Defence, Government of India, is committed to empowering the nation with advanced defence technologies. With a mission to attain self-reliance in crucial defence technologies and systems, DRDO aims to provide the armed forces with cutting-edge weaponry and equipment aligned with the specific needs of the three Services.

Scholars from MP-IDSA emphasised enhancing collaborative efforts between maritime agencies of India and UAE, considering the adverse impact of climate change is on the rise. Suggestions were also given to deepen the joint counter-terrorism efforts by both countries.

(Report prepared by Mr. Abhishek Yadav, Research Analyst, West Asia Centre, MP-IDSA)

Monday Morning Meeting on India’s Evaluation by the FATF: Results and Implications September 30, 2024 Monday Morning Meeting

Col. Vivek Chadha (Retd.), Senior Fellow, Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA), New Delhi spoke on “India’s Evaluation by the FATF: Results and Implications” at the Monday Morning Meeting held on 30 September 2024. The session was moderated by Dr. Ashok K. Behuria, Senior Fellow, MP-IDSA. Amb. Sujan R. Chinoy, Director General MP-IDSA and scholars attended the meeting.

Executive Summary

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an international body combating money laundering and terror financing. Its mandate has evolved over time, and there is a need for better regulation of new technologies, public information dissemination, and private sector involvement. FATF’s mutual evaluation reports have influenced amendments in India's anti-money laundering and counter-terror measures.India has made strides in strengthening its Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) framework but faces vulnerabilities.Some key themes under consideration include the exploitation of gaming platforms for cyber fraud, the relationship between global economic structures and FATF reports, and the role of cryptocurrencies in terror financing and money laundering activities.

Detailed Report

The session began with the moderator, Dr. Ashok. K. Behuria’s opening remarks, who commented on the historical context and the purpose behind creating the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) as an international watchdog to monitor and assess threats and set global standards regarding issues such as money laundering and terror financing. He emphasised that FATF was primarily set up to reduce the vulnerabilities of the international system, which faces the risk of being exploited by terrorists and criminal networks.
Col. Chadha began his presentation by explaining the necessity behind the creation of FATF and highlighted how its mandate has evolved since 1989. He pointed out that it initially began looking into terror financing in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks and more formally in 2003, marking a shift from its narrow focus on money laundering. Later, the organisation weaved counter-terror measures into its anti-money laundering guidelines and examined how to enforce them effectively.
Col. Chadha also distinguished between terror financing and money laundering and highlighted how terror-related activities are often financed through legitimate avenues. He also underscored FATF’s mandate, organisational structure, the scope of its activities, and the impact of countries like Pakistan being placed on the grey list. He also explored how the organisation conducts mutual evaluations, their relevance, the process of publication of such reports, the review process following their publication, the reasons behind some countries being placed on grey and black lists, and how India’s counter-terror measures and anti-money laundering legislations have been amended based on past mutual evaluation reports.
He also shed light on the findings of the mutual evaluation report released in 2024 about India’s efforts to counter money laundering and terror financing and provided insights on its achievements and the vulnerabilities it continues to face. In addition, he drew comparisons between India, the United States, Australia, Japan, Singapore, China, South Africa, Brazil, Türkiye, and Pakistan in terms of their effectiveness in curbing terror financing and money laundering.
At the same time, he also underlined the main conclusions that could be derived from the risk assessment conducted by India before FATF’s mutual evaluation, and the findings of India’s National Strategy for AML/CFT, and the critical regional threats faced by the country. He emphasised that the challenge to India posed by illicit financial flows can be primarily attributed to cross-border threats from the Western front.
Additionally, he assessed the successes and limitations of India’s Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism strategies, its successes since 2010, and how they have not been effectively implemented due to the slow pace of persecution of those indicted on such charges. He also spoke about how virtual currencies can be exploited by terrorists.
Finally, he emphasised the need for regulating new-age technologies, disseminating relevant information in the public domain, and involving the private sector in addressing the challenges related to terror financing and money laundering.

Q/A Session

The Q/A Session broadly delved into themes such as the exploitative use of gaming platforms to carry out cyber fraud, the linkage between a dollar-driven or a G-7-driven economic order and the mutual evaluation reports, and the potential impact of de-dollarisation efforts on future evaluation reports released by FATF. Furthermore, issues such as the role of bitcoin in terror financing and money laundering-related activities, the link between tax evasion and money laundering, reasons behind the international legitimacy granted to FATF reports, India’s involvement in Pakistan being placed on the grey list in 2018, the scope of FATF’s involvement in reviewing non-state actors’ financial dealings, and use of hawala networks to transfer money by expatriates were also discussed.
Col. Chadha provided insightful responses to the questions and comments raised.
This report was prepared by Ms. Saman Ayesha Kidwai, Research Analyst, Counter-Terrorism Centre, MP-IDSA.

Report of Fellows Seminar on "The Necessity of Military - Civil Fusion (MCF) for Making India a Global Drone Hub@2030" August 27, 2024 Fellows' Seminar

The MP-IDSA Fellow’s Seminar presentation by Gp. Capt. (Dr.) R.K. Narang (Retd.), Senior Fellow, MP-IDSA, on “The Necessity of Military - Civil Fusion (MCF) for Making India a Global Drone Hub@2030” was held on 27 August 2024. It was chaired by Dr. V.K. Saraswat, former Secretary, Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), currently Member NITI Aayog. The External Discussants for the paper were Professor Hari Babu Srivastava, former DG DRDO, currently Professor of Practice at IIT Delhi, and Cmde. Jaideep Maolankar (Retd.) from Newspace Research & Technologies Pvt. Ltd. The Director General, MP-IDSA, Ambassador Sujan R. Chinoy, the Deputy Director General, Gp.Capt. (Dr.) Ajey Lele (Retd.) and scholars of the Institute participated in the Seminar.

Executive Summary

The session deliberated on making India an atmanirbhar (self-reliance) drone hub @2030, emphasising military-civil drone technology development initiatives, challenges and the way forward. Key challenges include reliance on imports, lack of civil drone R&D ecosystem, gaps in defence UAV development programs and reducing import dependence of critical systems. Recommendations by the speaker included military-civil technology fusion (MCTF), designating an existing ministry as a nodal ministry for drone technology, launching civil drone R&D initiatives, fostering design capabilities, building testing infrastructure, creating indigenous content certification mechanism and formulating Indian standards among others, on which further discussion took place.

Detailed Report

Amb. Sujan R. Chinoy, Director General, MP-IDSA opened the session by introducing Dr. V.K. Saraswat, Member of NITI Aayog, as the Chairperson. He highlighted India’s progress towards greater self-reliance, emphasising that this does not equate to self-sufficiency. Self-reliance, he explained, allows ample room for international collaboration. India has actively engaged with countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, France and others. It is negotiating with global partners on the development of aero engines and other technologies.

Dr. V.K. Saraswat noted thatIndian industry’s efforts toward aatmanirbharta (self-reliance) in the field of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been limited, particularly in the development of those with strategic value. However, he acknowledged significant progress in civilian drone technology, with applications ranging from entertainment and agriculture to logistics. The core technology behind drones remains consistent, with variations primarily in payloads and command and control systems. In the civilian sector, however, the understanding of drone technology in India is limited, with only a few companies excelling in this area.

Furthermore, Dr. Saraswat underlined that due to lack of focus, the civilian sector has largely depended on import of critical components. There are also distinct differences in the requirements for civilian versus military applications. As future warfare is likely to involve large-scale deployment of unmanned systems, achieving self-reliance in UAV technology requires a mission-driven approach to develop all critical components.

Gp. Capt. (Dr.) R.K. Narang (Retd.) began his presentation by highlighting the critical role of the Semi-Conductor Laboratory (SCL) in Chandigarh in hand-holding of the drone startups, aimed at exploring the feasibility of developing chips to enhance security. He noted that his presentation addresses four key areas: military-civil drone policies, technology development, ecosystems and military-civil technology fusion (MCTF). He emphasised the need for significant reforms in the civilian drone sector, as well as some improvements in the defence sector.

According to Gp. Capt. Narang, while India has set the ambitious goal of becoming a global drone hub, the definition of what this entails remains unclear. He defines it as a technology and innovation-driven, high-tech, high-value civil-military drone industry, where India is self-reliant in critical technologies, while also being a global leader in certain niche technologies.”

The growth of the Indian drone industry, he explained, will depend on proactive R&D, innovation and the creation of drone technologies. Additionally, the formulation of Indian standards, standardisation and trial-based certifications of emerging and enabling drone technologies will play a crucial role in achieving this vision. With standards for drones still evolving, India must adopt a proactive approach to formulate Indian standards to remain competitive in this sector.

Gp. Capt. Narang further elaborated on the contribution of civil drone policy initiatives, beginning with the Drone Rules 2021, which significantly transformed India’s drone sector by addressing operations, certification, training, and Production-Linked Incentives (PLI).  He also highlighted certain gaps and limitations in the drone policies. He observed India does not have a policy on certification by a drone technician. The PLI scheme supported drone manufacturing by domestic industry while simultaneously easing the import of drone components, which, in turn, made the industry reliant on imports. Although India has an airworthiness certification mechanism, there is no indication of whether products or components are indigenous. He also called for reforms in certification of drone batteries by citing an example where an Indian company developed innovative batteries, but the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) found it difficult to deviate from predefined standards to give them certification.

Gp. Capt. Narang pointed out that policy initiatives were focused on facilitating drone operation and not on development or the validation of indigenous drone technologies. Notably, the Ministry of Civil Aviation lacks policies, structures and mechanisms for atmanirbharta in civil drone technologies. Discussing development challenges, he emphasised the lack of focus of innovation hubs on addressing the technology gaps. Furthermore, civil drone development initiatives by the Department of Science and Technology, MeitY and others are not focused on developing specific drone technologies. Globally, civil aviation entities are leading development of enabling technologies and integration of drones into their national airspace; however, similar initiatives by Ministry of Civil Aviation/Directorate General of Civil Aviation are lacking.

Gp. Capt. Narang explained that a major limitation in India is the absence of an R&D vertical within the Ministry of Civil Aviation. In the private sector, investment in R&D is alarmingly low—that generally varies between 1 to 5 percent in most companies as compared to 10-20 % by global leaders—indicating a lack of focus on technological innovation. He stressed the need for greater demands on industry bodies and the private sector to drive meaningful technological progress.

Gp. Capt. Narang explained that India must also prioritise building an ecosystem for civilian drone test sites, as some Indian companies are currently forced to test their drones abroad. Accreditation remains a challenge for the Indian drone industry, and there is a pressing need to archive civil drone test data to facilitate the validation of technologies. Currently, drone education in India is limited, with only a few courses like the M.Tech program at IIT Kanpur and a handful of other universities offering specialised education. Strengthening higher education in the drone sector is essential to foster deep research in critical drone technologies within the country.

Focusing on the defence UAV sector, Gp. Capt. Narang mentioned that significant policy measures have been implemented, such as the MAKE-1, MAKE-2, and Indigenously Designed, Developed, and Manufactured (IDDM) categories in the Defence Acquisition Procedure (DAP). Initiatives like iDEX and the Mehar Baba Competition have also played a key role in advancing technological development in the drone sector. Additionally, he recommended induction of test pilots and test engineers by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) and industry to help them in bridging the gap between drone designs and user expectations in UAV programs and the broader development of aviation technologies.

On the issue of indigenous content (IC), Gp. Capt. Narang emphasised the need for an expert body dedicated to IC certification, which is currently lacking. India does not have a mechanism to identify indigenous content, and he stressed the importance of creating one. He drew attention towards the need for archiving indigenous designs and content within Defence Public Sector Undertakings (DPSUs) and the DRDO. He recommended reforming the Development Cum Production Partner (DcPP) model to a Development Production and User (DPU) model, where the user becomes a partner in the process rather than merely a reviewer of technology.

Gp. Capt. Narang also suggested that platforms like GeM should include verticals for iDEX, Mehar Baba, or IDDM to promote indigenous technologies. Also, there is a need to standardise trial methodologies that are universally accepted, which would help reduce challenges faced by startups in the drone industry.

Gp. Capt. Narang further highlighted the long-standing lack of interest in developing drone engines, emphasising the urgent need to address this gap. According to him, internal combustion (IC) engines, in particular, remain a weak area for India, with challenges in commercialisation, as well as competing with global Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in terms of quality and efficiency. Another issue is the increasing acquisition of promising Indian startups and talent by foreign companies and VCs, which calls for concerted efforts to prevent the loss of domestic talent and innovation.

Gp. Capt. Narang proposed the development of a mechanism to test the indigenous content (IC) of materials and software components for greater transparency and clarity. Moreover, he advocated for the creation of a National MCTF initiative, alongside a policy for aatmanirbharta in civil drone technology. He also called for designation of an existing ministry as a nodal ministry for civil UAV technology, a National UAV Technology Mission, and a National UAV Technology Fund to focus efforts in this critical domain. Additionally, there is a need for a Positive Indigenisation List across all ministries and the creation of civil drone testing corridors and sites.

Lastly, he proposed introducing an “IC 1” rating, in addition to L1 and T1 criteria, to recognise the highest levels of Indigenous Content in drone technology.

Prof. Hari Babu Shrivastava made several observations and recommendations, raising key questions such as what defines a “hub” and how the MCTF initiative would benefit society, industry, and the economy as a whole. He referenced a report by Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, expressing concern that India’s indigenisation process may not keep pace with the country’s projected capabilities by 2030. He also noted that countries like Turkey and Iran have made significant advances in drone exports, emphasising the need for India to accelerate its efforts in this sector to remain competitive on the global stage.

Cmde. Jaideep Maolankar (Retd.) expressed concern that specific recommendations may not be effective if the mechanisms and processes for implementation remain unchanged. He also raised concerns on the draft of the Military Airworthiness Bill, pointing out that many issues stem from deep-rooted cultural challenges, such as a risk-averse mindset and siloed working practices. He noted that many countries are already ahead of India in drone technology, and instead of following the same path, India should think ahead and adopt a different approach.

For instance, he suggested that India should focus on collaborative robotics rather than UAVs. He emphasised the importance of understanding business models and advised companies to prioritise customer needs over their own preferences, highlighting the necessity of focusing on requirements engineering to align with real market demands.

Questions and Comments

Ambassador Chinoy, in his remarks, posed the question of how drone technologies can be developed to meet the specific needs of infantry, particularly in terms of supply delivery and stock management. He also said that regarding engine testing, the Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE) already has robust facilities, such as those used for the Kaveri engine. If India’s private sector develops its own engines, these testing facilities can be made available to support the testing and validation of their designs, encouraging collaboration between public and private sectors.

In his concluding remarks, Dr. Saraswat said that in India, the technological lag often leads organisations to import new technologies for commercial use, rather than focusing on developing their own innovations. This approach creates challenges in increasing indigenous content, especially in critical technologies. Indigenous content should be measured in terms of critical technology development, not merely by the percentage of cost of local components in a product.

Another issue is India’s reliance on foreign designs, which are re-engineered and manufactured locally, highlighting the need to strengthen domestic design capabilities. Additionally, India should aim to leapfrog technological advancements rather than merely trying to catch up with advanced technologies.

Report prepared by Mr. Rohit Kumar Sharma, Research Analyst, North America & Strategic Technologies Centre.

Monday Morning Meeting on Presidential Election in Sri Lanka September 23, 2024 Monday Morning Meeting

Dr. Gulbin Sultana, Associate Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA (MP-IDSA), spoke on “Presidential Election in Sri Lanka” at the Monday Morning Meeting held on 23 September 2024. The session was chaired by Dr. Ashish Shukla, Associate Fellow, MP-IDSA. Ambassador Sujan R. Chinoy, the Director General of MP-IDSA and the scholars of the Institute attended the meeting.

Executive Summary

Anura Kumara Dissanayake won Sri Lanka's 2024 Presidential Election after a historic second round of counting, marking the closest election in the country's history. In the first round, no candidate secured over 50 per cent of the vote required to win the election. Dissanayake received 42.31 per cent and his opponent Sajith Premadasa obtained 32.7 per cent of votes. This was the first election since the 2022 ‘Aragalaya’ -  mass protests ousted former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa following a severe economic crisis.  Dissanayake's promises of good governance and anti-corruption resonated with voters, leading him to victory. He also pledged to revive the economy by developing the manufacturing, agriculture, and IT sectors while continuing the International Monetary Fund bailout agreement with modification of some of the clauses to provide economic justice to the people.  With 17 million eligible voters, the poll was one of the most peaceful in Sri Lankan electoral history.

Detailed Report

In his opening remarks, Dr. Ashish Shukla provided a concise overview of the recent political developments in Sri Lanka. He noted Sri Lanka’s period of economic crisis and widespread protests in 2022, which led President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to flee the country. Dr. Shukla also highlighted the positive role of Sri Lanka's leadership in securing an International Monetary Fund bailout to navigate the crisis, and said that this move, nevertheless, generated substantial public resistance. Additionally, he stressed the importance of the 2024 Presidential Election, focusing on voter turnout and the competition among three prominent candidates. He mentioned that for the first time in Sri Lankan history, preference votes were counted to declare the winner. He concluded by emphasising the election's crucial role in shaping the nation's future political landscape.

Dr. Gulbin Sultana began her presentation by contextualising Sri Lanka's 2024 Presidential Election within the nation's ongoing economic crisis and public dissatisfaction with traditional leadership. She characterised this election as a pivotal moment in Sri Lankan politics, marked by the emergence of new political dynamics as citizens sought alternatives to the traditional political culture and leadership, reflecting a widespread demand for transformative change. She highlighted the competitive nature of the election, where multiple prominent candidates contended for power amid economic challenges and social unrest.  She noted a complex interplay of opinions within the electorate, with differing views on the newly elected leader, Aruna Dissanayake’s ability to lead the country towards economic recovery.

Dr. Sultana drew attention to the contrasting perspectives of the elites and masses regarding the leadership’s capacity to navigate both domestic and international political landscapes. She also examined the divided political support among minority communities, noting that while some candidates received their backing, there was a concern about the persistence of existing power structures and the potential for change. Dr. Sultana further analysed the electoral strategies of the leading candidates, noting that while promises of significant policy shifts were made, many candidates' historical affiliations with the existing political establishment raised doubts about their ability to enact meaningful change. She emphasised that the new leadership would need to manage public expectations carefully, particularly in relation to economic recovery and governance reforms, to ensure political stability in the future.

Regarding the new President, Anura Kumara Dissanayake, Dr. Sultana observed that while he is traditionally seen as aligning with leftist ideology, his party’s (National People’s Power) manifesto is not based on pure Marxist-Leninist principles. Rather the manifesto takes a pragmatic approach to deal with  political, economic, social and foreign policy issues. Despite his pragmatism, there is scepticism among a section of electorates about his ability to deliver on election promises.

On the issue of devolution of power, Dr. Sultana noted that past administrations have been reluctant to pursue significant changes. Dissanayake, however, has expressed a commitment to decentralising power and granting local communities political and administrative authority by drafting a new constitution. He has acknowledged the need to address Tamil issues and build a unified Sri Lankan nation that respects diversity. She concluded by stressing that Dissanayake's handling of sensitive issues and projects, particularly relations with India, will be critical to his ability to meet the electorate’s expectations.

Comments and Questions

Following the presentation, Ambassador Sujan R. Chinoy, DG, MP-IDSA complimented Dr. Sultana for a comprehensive presentation and raised key questions. He inquired about the potential impact of unresolved issues like the Tamil question on Sri Lanka’s internal dynamics and its long-term political cycles. He also questioned how the election outcomes might affect India-Sri Lanka relations, noting the gap between pre-election promises and post-election actions. Furthermore, he sought clarity on Sri Lanka’s debt to China, comparing it to the situations in Bangladesh and Pakistan, and questioned why India's larger financial aid has received little media attention.

 The scholars inquired about the pragmatic approach needed by the new government in Sri Lanka to maintain diplomatic and economic relations, alongside discussions about Sri Lanka's sensitive stance on foreign influence and internal reforms, including ethnic and land rights issues. The discussion also touched upon China's increasing presence and Sri Lanka’s balancing act between foreign assistance and national autonomy.

Dr. Gulbin Sultana responded to the comments made by the Director General and the questions raised by MP-IDSA scholars.

Report prepared by Ms. Sneha M, Research Analyst, South Asia Centre, MP-IDSA.

Monday Morning Meeting on ‘India’s Engagement With Taliban-ruled Afghanistan: Three Years On’ September 09, 2024 Monday Morning Meeting

Mr. Vishal Chandra, Research Fellow, South Asia Centre, MP-IDSA, spoke on ‘India’s Engagement With Taliban-ruled Afghanistan: Three Years On’ at the Monday Morning Meeting held on 9 September 2024. The session was moderated by Dr. Priyanka Singh, Associate Fellow, South Asia Centre, MP-IDSA. MP-IDSA scholars attended the meeting.

Executive Summary

India’s approach towards Afghanistan has evolved pragmatically in response to shifting power dynamics in the country over the past decades. India’s commitment to developmental projects and humanitarian assistance has remained consistent, and its people-centric approach continues to foster ties with Afghanistan’s diverse ethnic groups. These long-lasting ties with the Afghan people have endured, with India adapting to another power shift in Kabul in August 2021. Looking ahead, India needs to broaden its engagement, recognising that Afghanistan will remain a critical cog in the broader interplay of geopolitics and geoeconomics around it.

Detailed Report

The session began with moderator Dr. Priyanka Singh highlighting India’s historically fraught relationship with the Taliban, notably influenced by the execution of President Najibullah, who was an ally of India, in 1996, and the hijacking of Indian Airlines flight IC–814 in 1999. India had aligned itself with the Northern Alliance, opposing the Pakistan-backed Taliban’s rise to power in the late 1990s. Dr. Singh stated that these events, among others, have shaped India’s cautious approach towards engaging with the Taliban-led interim government. Over the past two years, diplomatic engagements with the Taliban have occurred, signalling that India is open to dialogue while ensuring that its national interests are safeguarded.

Mr. Vishal Chandra’s presentation revolved around India’s evolving approach towards a Taliban-ruled Afghanistan over the past three years. His presentation highlighted India’s continued humanitarian outreach and assistance to the people of Afghanistan; reflected upon the security landscape of Afghanistan, the state of India’s relations with an Islamist Kabul, and the level of bilateral trade; and India’s approach moving forward. The Speaker, Mr. Chandra, began his presentation by quoting Prime Minister Narendra Modi from his address delivered at the inauguration of the India-constructed Afghan Parliament building in Kabul in December 2015, where he emphasised the centuries-old ‘timeless relations’ between the peoples of the two countries. Mr. Chandra was of the opinion that the Prime Minister’s speech aptly captured the spirit of what is termed as “Indo-Afghan”. Elaborating on the point, he stated that “Indo-Afghan” is a much broader historical dynamic, and has its momentum, than the formal state-to-state “India–Afghanistan” relations. It has long guided India’s people-centric approach towards Afghanistan, particularly in times of political uncertainty and instability in the country, and is well-reflected in India’s current policy pronouncements.   

Reflecting upon the state of relations with Kabul, Mr. Chandra noted that the Taliban regime has variously signalled its interest in building ties with New Delhi. A working understanding of sorts on non-interference and non-threat appears to have been attempted over the past two years. He also referred to visits by Indian delegations to Kabul in June 2022 and March 2024, and the deployment of officials and staff at the Indian mission in Kabul in June 2022 to coordinate the delivery of much-needed humanitarian aid and assistance to the Afghan people. He referred to the people of Afghanistan as India’s longest-standing partner in the country.

On the changed security landscape in Afghanistan, Mr. Chandra remarked that from Herat in the west to Peshawar in the east, one finds only Pashtun Sunni Islamist groups—the Afghan Taliban; Haqqani network (both as a distinct entity and as part of the Taliban ‘emirate’); the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP), mainly comprising of former elements from Pakistani and Afghan Taliban; and the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) or the Pakistani Taliban—collaborating, competing and warring to establish their power dominance and ideological hold in the region. He further noted that the underlying interlinkages, and convergences and divergences among them and their global and regional affiliates, point to a complex maze of resurgent Sunni Jihadist entities seeking to dominate and transform the social and political landscape in the region.

Mr. Chandra highlighted India’s pragmatic approach to Afghanistan, adapting to shifts in power and priorities. He pointed out the faultlines within the Taliban and their so-called ‘emirate’, which is marked by competing power centres. The Taliban chief, Hibatullah Akhundzada, governs from Kandahar, where there is an extreme concentration of power, while the Haqqani Network holds sway in Kabul. Additionally, prominent figures like Sirajuddin Haqqani (acting Taliban interior minister and leader of the Haqqani Network) and Mullah Yaqoob (acting Taliban defence minister and son of founder chief Mullah Omar) have questioned some of Akhundzada’s governing policies and decisions, including the restrictions imposed on girls’ education. Mr. Chandra informed that the Taliban have allowed women to work in select sectors, particularly health and education. However, it cannot be regarded as a major policy shift, for the Taliban had allowed women to work in these sectors earlier during their first regime in the late 1990s.

Mr. Chandra underscored India’s broad-based role in Afghanistan, spanning two decades of developmental projects and aid delivery. He informed that between 2002 and 2021, India committed USD 3 billion in aid and assistance, making India the largest regional development partner of Afghanistan. India’s reconstruction assistance was multi-sectoral: education, health services, transportation, telecommunications, civil aviation, agriculture, irrigation, power generation & transmission, industry, and rural development. After the power shift in Kabul in August 2021, India quickly resumed humanitarian aid and relief assistance, dispatching 50,000 metric tonnes of wheat, 50 tonnes of essential medicine, and 28 tonnes of disaster relief assistance. India has also supplied 1100 units of female hygiene kits for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime female rehabilitation centres in Afghanistan.

Mr. Chandra added that India continued to annually allocate a budget of Rs. 200 crore for ‘Aid to Afghanistan’ through the financial years 2022–23, 2023–24, and 2024-25. The annual trade between the two countries stood at USD 889.85 million in 2022–23 and USD 997.74 million in 2023–24. As per the World Bank’s latest data, India remains the second-largest export market for Afghan products.

He further informed that educational ties continue through initiatives like the 1,000 online annual scholarships for Afghan students in undergraduate and postgraduate courses offered by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations. The New Delhi-based South Asian University, through a South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation initiative, continues to give admission and provide scholarships to Afghan students in postgraduate and doctoral courses.

In his concluding observations, Mr. Chandra stated that India must step up its people-centric engagement with Afghanistan to deal with the long-term impact of the changed political and security landscape in the country. He also highlighted the fact that none of India’s projects or diplomatic properties were harmed by the Taliban, underscoring the Taliban’s intent to normalise relations with New Delhi. He argued that the Taliban regime may not come across as a relatable entity or authority, but an independent Taliban is preferable to one exiled and under Pakistan’s tutelage. He noted that India’s development assistance and capacity building programmes facilitated engagement with Afghanistan’s diverse ethnic groups, including Tajiks, Uzbeks, Hazaras, and Pashtuns. This outreach helped counter anti-India propaganda by certain state and non-state actors. India needs to constantly monitor and assess the evolving ground situation in Afghanistan.

Looking ahead, Mr. Chandra argued that if the engagement is to expand, then developments in Afghanistan will have to be viewed in its social-political context, which has been upended multiple times over the past five decades, to better deal with its layered complexities.

Questions and Comments

The presentation was followed by comments and questions from the floor, focussing on India’s national interests in Afghanistan; prospects of Indian investment in Afghanistan’s mineral resources and access to Afghan and Central Asian markets; and Taliban’s regional diplomacy. The approach of Central Asian Republics, particularly that of Tajikistan, and China’s growing engagement with the Taliban regime were also discussed.

The Speaker, Mr. Chandra, responded to the questions and comments from the MP-IDSA scholars.

Report prepared by Ms Puspa Kumari, Intern, South Asia Centre, MP-IDSA.

Monday Morning Meeting on The Paradox of South Korea’s Quest for Nuclear Weapons September 02, 2024 Monday Morning Meeting

Dr. Ranjit Kumar Dhawan, Associate Fellow, Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA), New Delhi spoke on “The Paradox of South Korea’s Quest for Nuclear Weapons” at the Monday Morning Meeting held on 2 September 2024. The session was moderated by Mr. Niranjan Oak, Research Analyst, MP-IDSA. MP-IDSA scholars attended the meeting.

Executive Summary

The Korean Peninsula is of strategic importance for the United States in its efforts to balance China as well as Russia. The resurgence of the debate whether South Korea should develop its own nuclear arsenal has gained much attention in the recent times. President Yoon Suk Yeol also made a statement in favour of developing nuclear weapons in 2023, however, retracting the same later. This move has sparked a discussion whether South Korea should go nuclear. The session focused on various aspects regarding concerns about the nuclear development of South Korea, providing a comprehensive analysis of the topic.

Detailed Report

The session began with opening remarks by Mr. Niranjan Oak, giving an introduction of the topic wherein he shared a brief history of South Korea’s move towards nuclear technology. Further, he discussed drivers that led to the current contemplation of South Korea’s seeming necessity for nuclear weapons. Some of the drivers were the exponential rise in tests by North Korea and its increasing proximity towards China and Russia, its discussion on employment of tactical nuclear weapons, and development of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) with the ability to reach continental United States. The aforementioned factors have ignited the discussion on the need for owning nuclear weapons in South Korea, wherein numerous surveys have revealed the public opinion in favour of developing the nation’s own nuclear weapons, given its credible civil nuclear industry.

Dr. Ranjit Kumar Dhawan began his presentation by explaining that a major reason behind the requirement of nuclear warheads in South Korea is North Korea’s strengthening of its conventional and nuclear weapons capability and its cooperative alliance with Russia in the past few years. Another concern is America’s withdrawal of its armed forces from South Korea. Highlighting the history briefly and the events consequent to the Korean War, he described how geopolitics has evolved over the decades. He focused on nuclear development in North and South Korea, the strength and numbers of the armed forces of both the nations and the consecutive nuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula.

Apart from security aspects, political considerations including government policies and public opinion regarding the development of nuclear weapons were discussed. Citing the data in the “KINU Unification Survey 2024: North Korea’s Two-State Claim/US Presidential Election Outlook and ROK-US Relations”, published by Korea Institute for National Unification in June 2024, Dr. Dhawan stated that it showed public demand for South Korea’s own nuclear warheads surpassing the comparative percentage of people wanting US nuclear umbrella. Consequent to the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Pyongyang, Seoul signed an agreement on the Guidelines for Nuclear Deterrence and Nuclear Operations on the Korean Peninsula with the US on 11 July 2024. Pyongyang reacted by threatening to increase its nuclear arsenal against the agreement between US and South Korea.

Further into his presentation, Dr. Dhawan pointed out challenges that might impact the current situation and further policies of South Korea. He pointed out four possibilities resulting from South Korea’s nuclearisation, on the basis of the existing literature:

  • A domino effect in the East Asian region, specifically in Taiwan and Japan
  • Withdrawal from the Non – Proliferation Treaty, resulting in economic sanctions, making it a costly affair for South Korea
  • South Korea continuing to benefit from the US nuclear umbrella
  • Lack of acceptability of South Korea’s own nuclear weapons program to the US

Explaining each of the apprehensions, Dr. Dhawan pointed out that South Koreans are doubtful about the reliance on US for nuclear weapons, thereby fuelling the need for South Korea’s nuclear program. The reason behind it is the apprehension of the US needing to protect its own territories against North Korean ICBMs with nuclear capacity. US might be found at a crossroads while protecting South Korea and that could give strategic advantage to its adversaries. Furthermore, US cannot let its control in East Asia slip away so easily, weakening its presence against China, as the increasing influence of the Chinese in the Peninsula has significantly impacted its diplomatic stronghold in the region. South Korea giving up US protection might prove to be the last nail in the coffin. Another impact might be the trigger effect on the nuclear arms race in the East Asian region.

Concluding his presentation, Dr. Dhawan also specified the potential ideas that might benefit Seoul. Having already established a thriving civil nuclear program for technological and industrial purposes, it could be relatively easy to understand and analyse the dynamics and technicalities of the development of nuclear weapons in South Korea according to Dr. Dhawan.  He added that the analyses of Project 890 shall also act as a guidebook for future endeavour, which will imperatively arm and strengthen South Korea against North Korea. However, regional political dynamics and the alliance with the US could prevent South Korea from going nuclear.

Scholars at MP-IDSA posed a diverse range of questions to which the speaker gave detailed answers.

Report was prepared by Ms. Shipra Dwivedi, Intern, Nuclear and Arms Control Centre, MP – IDSA.

Monday Morning on An Overview of China’s Cognitive Warfare Capabilities August 19, 2024 Monday Morning Meeting

Dr. Abhishek Kumar Darbey, Associate Fellow, spoke on “An Overview of China’s Cognitive Warfare Capabilities” at the Monday Morning Meeting. The session was chaired by Dr. M.S. Prathibha, Associate Fellow and was followed by insightful remarks by the Director General MP-IDSA, Ambassador Sujan R. Chinoy and other scholars.

Executive Summary

Research about cognitive warfare is increasing in China. Through cognitive operations, China aims to control brains of the target population primarily by means of digital platforms, thereby influencing the decision making of the target country. As China aims to increase its diplomatic clout and geopolitical standing, Chinese military scholars are vigorously researching on means and ways to develop cognitive warfare capabilities. Given the increasing applications of non-kinetic warfare in contemporary times, China is building its cognitive operation capabilities considering it as the highest form of non-kinetic warfare. Taiwan and Hong Kong remain two important testing grounds of China’s cognitive warfare capabilities.

Detailed Report

The session began with brief introductory remarks by Dr. Prathibha. She noted that Chinese researchers and academics for a longtime have been interested in warfare capabilities in the cognitive domain that can be used in warfare and have been closely studying the United States’ (US) cognitive warfare capabilities since the 1990s. Highlighting that cognitive warfare is often confused with information warfare and psychological warfare, she contended that both China and the US make a distinction among these concepts and apply them accordingly. Cognitive warfare is primarily understood as attempts to affect the cognition of the enemy and make them take actions that are not in their interests.

Dr. Darbey’s presentation consisted of two parts. In the first part he explained the concept of cognitive warfare. He noted information, cyber, and psychological warfare are subsets of cognitive warfare. For instance, information warfare is the attack and destruction of the adversary’s information system and gaining advantage over the enemy’s information system. On the other hand, cyberwarfare deals with attacks on the physical network of a particular organization to disrupt their activities. However, cognitive warfare targets the brain and combines cyber, information, psychological and social engineering capabilities of mind that alter the adversary’s cognitive process and exploit their mental biases.

Elaborating on the difference, Dr. Darbey noted that the key difference between cognitive, information and psychological warfare is that unlike the other forms of warfare, cognitive warfare operates on weaponisation of neuroscience that intends to control the brain through environmental stimulation. Also, cyber and information technologies make cognitive warfare very fast and powerful. He highlighted that subjects such as philosophy, psychology, anthropology, artificial intelligence, nano technology, biotechnology and information technology are part of cognitive science.

He observed that the initiator decides the plan and strategy about cognitive warfare according to the interest and goal they want to achieve. Accordingly, there are three kinds of cognitive warfare; First is the strategic cognitive warfare which is a long-term systematic influence operation carried out on the cognition of the targeted group to subvert or control the politico-economic system, military power or ideological orientation of a country. The second is campaign cognitive warfare which is undertaken for a medium time period, targeting the social cognition of the population to primarily disrupt the social solidarity of the enemy country. Finally, there is tactical cognitive warfare which is a short-term attack on the target population to mislead and manipulate political views. Further, the implementation of cognitive warfare is a five-step process; first is intelligence collection, second is target analysis, third is decision-making, fourth is information design and the last is evaluation.

Moving to the second part of his presentation, that is, China’s cognitive warfare capabilities, Dr. Darbey contended that this is a new domain for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and its capabilities are at a nascent stage compared to that of the other major powers like the US and Russia. He argued that the PLA intends to use  cognitive warfare as an invisible hand to control the opponent’s will as Chinese researchers talk about four tactics to control the adversary’s mind, that is, perception manipulation, changing the historical memory and imposing new values on the target population, changing the line of thought and finally deconstructing symbols and challenging identity. Also, it is noteworthy that while earlier writings in PLA focussed on using cognitive warfare capabilities only to affect adversaries’ decision-making during war, present scholarship has turned towards discussing ways to utilise cognitive warfare capabilities in peacetime.

With regard to the theoretical basis of China’s cognitive warfare, Dr. Darbey noted that it is based on Sun Tzu’s Art of War and I Ching: Book of Changes. These two texts have been the basis of the ‘Three Warfare Doctrine’ adopted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 2005. Notably, the doctrine mentions cognitive warfare. Further, in 2010 when the document was revisited, the amended version instructed that the PLA members will have to train in three warfares, that is, develop a discursive power where the CCP will have the power to influence the target audience, control narratives and improve one’s own version of facts.

Elaborating on PLA’s approach to cognitive warfare, he observed that Chinese military scholars contend that PLA’s offensive potential is greater than originally assessed. At present PLA has been using intimidation and disinformation as part of its cognitive warfare and key PLA units directly under the Central Military Commission including PLA Information Support Force are responsible for cognitive warfare operations. Similarly, within the government, the State Security Department, Taiwan Affairs Office and Ministry of Foreign Affairs are responsible for cognitive warfare.

Dr. Darbey concluded his presentation by stating that China’s cognitive warfare projects are still in the initial stages as Beijing is in the process of developing its ‘Network Information System’ by means of its newly established PLA Information Support Force (PLA ISF) which will be able to acquire, transmit and assess massive amounts of data required to conduct cognitive warfare. Further, as Beijing aims to expand its domain of cognitive warfare, the study of metaverse will play a key role in strengthening China’s cognitive warfare capabilities.

Following the presentation, Amb. Sujan R. Chinoy, Director-General, MP-IDSA, observed that cognitive warfare has been employed for generations and is becoming increasingly relevant in the present era, characterized by a world that has imploded, globalized, and interconnected through unparalleled data flows. As we progress towards artificial intelligence, the complexity will continue to escalate. Referring to Japan's cognitive warfare against its own citizens, he contended that it remains one of the most exemplary instances of cognitive warfare, perpetrated not by an adversary but by one's own system. Amb. Chinoy noted that America also used cognitive warfare against China to bring about change in their political system. He concluded his remarks by highlighting that currently a lot of cognitive warfare is at play, especially as being witnessed in the Ukraine and Gaza War.

Q & A Session

As the floor was opened for questions scholars queried about the possible parameters that are used to assess the success and failure of cognitive influence operations in Hong Kong and Taiwan; lessons China was adopting from the Ukraine war and how technology controls could affect China’s cognitive warfare capabilities. Scholars also queried about the difference between cognitive and psychological warfare, means to identify cognitive warfare and counter measures that can be used to combat such operations.

Report was prepared by Dr. Mayuri Banerjee, Research Analyst, MP-IDSA.

Monday Morning Meeting on “Military Takeover in Bangladesh: What Next?” August 12, 2024 Monday Morning Meeting

Dr. Smruti Pattanaik, Research Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA (MP-IDSA), spoke on “Military Takeover in Bangladesh: What Next?” at the  Monday Morning Meeting held on 12 August 2024. The session was moderated by Dr. Pushpita Das, Research Fellow, MP-IDSA. The MP-IDSA scholars attended the meeting.

Executive Summary        

The session provided a comprehensive analysis of the ongoing crisis in Bangladesh, with a focus on the military's role, the dynamics of the protest movement, and the broader implications for Bangladesh's political future. The discussion underscored the complexities of the situation and the challenges ahead as Bangladesh navigates this period of transition. The meeting concluded with reflections on the potential outcomes and the importance of monitoring the developments closely.

Detailed Report

In her opening remarks, Dr. Pushpita Das offered an overview of the recent political developments in Bangladesh, particularly the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and the formation of an interim government led by Dr. Mohammad Yunus. She highlighted the significance of the ongoing protests in Bangladesh, which originated from discontent over the country's quota system but soon escalated into a broader political movement demanding Sheikh Hasina's resignation.

Dr. Smruti Pattanaik, began her presentation by showcasing posters that were widely circulated on social media, which became symbols of the resistance. Dr. Pattanaik informed the audience that the protests began in June 2024 in response to the decision taken by the High Court of Bangladesh reinstating a 30 percent quota for descendants of freedom fighters, reversing the government decision made in response to the 2018 Bangladesh quota reform movement. She assessed that the order made students insecure about getting a government job based on merit. However, these protests soon escalated into a nationwide demand for Sheikh Hasina's resignation. She acknowledged that the situation intensified and Hasina was allegedly forced to resign and flee to India. The interim government, led by Dr. Mohammed Yunus, took charge amidst demands for immediate elections. Dr. Pattanaik highlighted that these protests resulted in the killing of more than 200 people including students and children.

Dr. Pattanaik highlighted the military's preference for behind-the-scenes control rather than direct governance, a strategy reminiscent of the 2007 crisis when the military took over in Bangladesh. She pointed out that the military's refusal to fire on protesters and its cautious approach were significant factors in the events that have occurred. Dr. Pattanaik assessed that the protests, initially focused on reservation reforms, gained momentum due to the government's inability to engage constructively with students, civil society and the killing of Abu Saeed, who was the only educated person in his 13 member family who aspired to get a government job and became a symbol that the protesters rallied around. She noted that the killing of student leaders and the police's heavy-handed response further fueled public anger. The protest movement, which saw participation from students, teachers, and various political factions, led to widespread mobilisation against the government. The role of the government-backed student organisation, Chhatra League, in countering the protests with violence along with the police who used brutal methods was also discussed.

Dr. Pattanaik acknowledged the increased attacks on minorities, particularly Hindus, in the aftermath of Hasina's ouster. These attacks, driven by both communal and economic motives, were reminiscent of past violence in Bangladesh. She noted that the potential for further violence, especially against minorities, remains a concern as the interim government and military navigate the transition.

Dr. Pattanaik drew parallels between the current crisis and previous student-led movements in Bangladesh, such as the 1952 Language Movement, the 1969 anti-government protests, 2013 Shahbagh Movement, 2018 anti-quota movement, and safe road movement which was started by the school students. She emphasised that student activism has historically played a crucial role in Bangladesh's political landscape. Dr. Pattanaik also compared the current situation to the events of 1971 and 2007, highlighting the cyclical nature of political unrest in Bangladesh.

The interim government's composition, including student leaders, BNP sympathisers, religious party leaders and one from the minority community was discussed as a new development. However, uncertainties remain regarding the timeline for elections and the interim government's ability to handle the ongoing crisis in the country. Dr. Pattanaik questioned the participation of Jamaat-e-Islami leaders which remains a banned political party and the exclusion of other political parties in the swearing-in ceremony of the interim government. The circumstances surrounding Hasina's resignation and exile to India were also debated. Dr. Pattanaik analysed the impact of Hasina’s departure on her political legacy and the perception of her as a grassroots leader.

Comments and Q&A

Following the presentation, the moderator, Dr. Pushpita Das opened the floor for questions and comments. Scholars of MP-IDSA emphasised the need to closely monitor the role of other political parties in the evolving situation. They also inquired about the role India should play in the evolving situation, about the upcoming elections in the country and the ability of the interim government to handle the current situation in the country.

Scholars also inquired about the role of foreign powers in the current situation that has unfolded in Bangladesh leading to the resignation of Sheikh Hasina and how the foreign media is looking at it.

Dr. Pattanaik responded to the comments and questions raised by the scholars of MP-IDSA.

Report prepared by Ms. Puspa Kumari, Intern, South Asia Centre, MP-IDSA.

Monday Morning Meeting on “Saudi Foreign Policy in the Emerging Regional Order in West Asia” August 05, 2024 Monday Morning Meeting

Dr. Prasanta Kumar Pradhan, Research Fellow at the Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA) made a presentation on “Saudi Foreign Policy in the Emerging Regional Order in West Asia,” at the Monday Morning Meeting held on 5 August 2024. The session was moderated by Dr. Deepika Saraswat, Associate Fellow at MP-IDSA. Scholars of MP-IDSA attended the meeting.

Executive Summary

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is an important player in the West Asian region. Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy has been shaped by a number of factors including its perception of national security, regional stability, geopolitical developments in its neighbourhood and its ambition to play a leadership role in the region. It has established strategic partnerships and alliances with important regional and global powers in order to achieve its foreign policy objectives. As the situation in the West Asian region continues to remain tense, it has adopted a more pragmatic and cautious approach in its foreign policy.

Detailed Report

In her introductory remarks, Dr. Saraswat observed that the Gulf States are emerging as key power brokers in the Arab world. She reflected on Saudi Arabia’s target of achieving Vision 2030 goals and its navigating through the regional order which saw changes from a ‘militaristic turn’ of intervention against the Houthis in Yemen, and involvement in Syria to a preference for de-escalation with key players including Turkey and Iran, and normalisation efforts with Israel, which have been complicated by the ongoing Israel-Palestine war. Further, Dr. Saraswat also commented on the dynamics of Saudi Arabia’s interactions with external powers and increasing engagement of the Gulf States with China.

In his presentation, Dr. Pradhan highlighted that the regional order in West Asia continues to remain fragile. The region suffered significantly during the Arab unrest with protests and regime changes. The region has always remained prone to external intervention. But recently, the Abraham Accords and Saudi-Iran rapprochement have been positive developments with potential for further cooperation. The Israel-Hamas War and the involvement of Houthis and Hezbollah have further complicated the regional situation. The whole region has become even more volatile since the beginning of the Israel-Hamas War and its spillover effect in the Red Sea, the Strait of Hormuz, involvement of Iran, Lebanon and the neighbourhood along with significant involvement of Hamas, Houthis and Hezbollah.

Dr. Pradhan noted that the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Iran, the two regional powers has been a pivotal determinant in the regional order in West Asia. After decades of hostility, both the countries signed an agreement in March 2023 that restored their diplomatic ties. However, both states have serious differences when it comes to regional security in the Gulf. Saudi Arabia vouches for a Western security architecture in the Gulf. On the contrary, Iran believes that the regional security framework of the region should be controlled by the regional players only and perceives the American military presence in the West Asian region as a threat. He also stated that Turkiye and Israel, the two other major non-Arab players in the region also have a major influence in the region.

Dr. Pradhan outlined that when it came to the Israel-Palestine issue, Riyadh’s position has undergone a significant change over the decades. The Saudi-Israeli talks to explore the normalisation of relations between them is an indication of Saudi Arabia’s changing perception towards Israel. However, since the beginning of the Israel-Hamas War, Saudi Arabia has reaffirmed that there will be no diplomatic relations with Israel until an independent Palestinian state is established. Saudi Arabia supports the Arab Peace Initiative which proposes a two-state solution with the 1967 borders and East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.

Yemen has always been a major concern for Saudi Arabia since it has a long and porous border and the former has also mostly been a very unstable state with presence of terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda. The Houthi capture of Sana’a was a red line for the Kingdom since Riyadh believes that the group is backed by Iran. Thus, Houthis presence on the Saudi-Yemeni border is an obvious national security threat for the Saudis. Houthis have launched several attacks on Saudi Arabia including sensitive infrastructure such as airports and oil installations.

Dr. Pradhan noted that Saudi Arabia’s position towards Bashar Al- Assad in Syria has also undergone a change. There has been a gradual course correction in recent years with the intent of engaging with the Assad regime and bringing Syria back to the Arab world.

Saudi Arabia has adopted mediation as a foreign policy tool. The Kingdom has mediated between different factions in Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, Sudan and for prisoner exchange between Russia and Ukraine.

There has been a significant change in Saudi Arabian Foreign Policy thinking since Mohammed bin Salman became the Crown Prince. The Kingdom has been making efforts to improve its global image by undertaking a number of social reforms including improvement in the human rights situation.

Dr. Pradhan argued that when it comes to Saudi-US relations, there have been many ups and downs. Bilateral ties have been interdependent and strategic in nature, with defence and security being given a significant focus. But Biden Administration’s stopping of arms supply to Riyadh at a time when the Kingdom was fighting a war against the Houthis became a major irritant for Saudi Arabia. He outlined that when the oil prices were crashing, in the middle of the Arab Spring, Saudi Arabia and other oil-producing countries were severely hit by the loss of revenues. The OPEC and non-OPEC oil-producing countries came together to form the OPEC+. As a major non-OPEC oil producer, Russia also played a big role in the oil market and forged close cooperation with Saudi Arabia.  This energy cooperation between the Russia and Saudi Arabia was perceived as having the potential to change the global oil market and growing Saudi-Russia cooperation. Saudi Arabia maintains a neutral position in the Russia-Ukraine War.

Dr. Pradhan stated that Saudi Arabia’s relationship with China is also growing significantly. Saudi-China ties are mainly propelled by bilateral trade and energy as China is a key importer of Saudi crude. There is a mutual convergence of interests between the two countries, as Saudi Arabia has expressed its support for the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and China has expressed its support for Saudi Vision 2023.

With reference to India-Saudi Arabia bilateral relations, Dr. Pradhan stated that both countries are strategic partners and are moving beyond the traditional buyer-seller relationship. Total bilateral trade between the two stands at approximately US$ 45 billion and Saudi Arabia is also a source of energy for India. West Asia is India’s ‘Extended Neighbourhood’ and Saudi Arabia is an important country in India’s ‘Think West’ policy. Both the countries have a convergence of interests in fighting terrorism, extremism and piracy. The signing of the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) has the potential to further enhance connectivity between the two countries.

Dr. Pradhan concluded by stating that the regional order in West Asia continues to remain fragile and tense; and thus Saudi Arabia has recalibrated its approach accordingly. It is gradually adopting a more accommodative and pragmatic foreign policy approach in recent years than ever in the past.

Questions and Comments

Scholars at MP-IDSA engaged in a question and answer session that focused on US-Saudi relations, Russia’s support to the Houthis, China-Saudi Arabia collaboration to produce military drones, prospects of the IMEC project, potential of India-Saudi defence cooperation and the Saudi policy towards the Syrian Crisis. Dr. Pradhan provided insightful responses to the questions and comments from the floor.

Report was prepared by Ms. Sandra Sajeev D Costa, Intern, West Asia Centre, MP-IDSA.

Interaction with Dr. Michael Malley, US Naval Postgraduate School August 01, 2024 Other

On 1 August 2024, Dr. Michael Malley, Senior Lecturer, Department of National Security Affairs at the US Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, visited MP-IDSA to deliver his remarks on multilateral maritime security cooperation. Ambassador Sujan R. Chinoy, Director-General MP-IDSA, chaired the meeting, which was attended by scholars from various centres.

Amb. Chinoy commenced the proceedings with a brief introduction of Dr. Malley and the circumstances of their acquaintance at the recently-concluded Indian Ocean Defence and Security Conference in Perth, Australia. He then turned the floor over to the Speaker. The Speaker also gave a brief introduction of the Naval Postgraduate School and his own educational background. He cited particularly the NPS' role in training and capacity-building of the militaries of other countries as germane to his remarks.

The Speaker informed the audience that his remarks would primarily revolve around the challenges of maritime cooperation in the region and how they create opportunities for allies and partners of the US to work together. He held maritime security cooperation to be the product of the immediate post-Cold War era, when the threat of global nuclear conflict as an expression of superpower confrontation receded.  At the same time, he argued, maritime trade boomed as a result of the economic modernisation and integration of China and India, which in turn led to the growing convergence of trade and security agendas on the high seas. These trends led the spotlight to fall on navies, which were now tasked not to manage superpower conflict, but to prevent non-traditional security threats such as pirates, traffickers, terrorists and fishers engaged in Illegal, Unregulated and Unrecognised (IUU) fishing.

Dr. Malley noted that the world was now experiencing the 'rapid proliferation of maritime security cooperation initiatives' in which the US was involved to varying degrees. He pointed to some concrete examples in the form of initiatives mounted in the Caribbean against drug trafficking, the Indian Ocean against piracy, and the Southeast Asian region. All these initiatives, he pointed out, have been designed to be flexible in terms of membership and interoperability in light of the desires of several states in the region to preserve their sovereignty and strategic autonomy.

Grey zone conflict challenges this model of maritime security cooperation seriously, the Speaker noted. This is because grey zone activities may be present as classical non-traditional security threats, but in actuality are likely to have a state actor pulling the strings in the background. An example offered by him in this regard was the Chinese Coast Guard's recent violent clashes with Philippine law enforcement personnel, where water cannons were used to disperse the latter, vis-à-vis the protection offered by it to the so-called 'maritime militia' which often forms the spearhead of China's intrusions into disputed waters.

Broadly speaking, Dr. Malley noted, maritime security cooperation can be divided into three forms. The first form is interdiction or kinetic action cooperation, where the US along with its allies and partners uses its ships to actually interdict vessels conducting illegal actions. The second form is that of information-sharing, where states agree to collect, analyse and disseminate relevant intelligence to improve maritime domain awareness. Finally, the third type of cooperation involves capacity-building, where states such as the US (and increasingly Japan) help smaller countries which are presently incapable of monitoring their vast maritime domains to be able to do so. He concluded his remarks by expressing an interest in understanding how India approaches these forms of security cooperation and the concerns it has relating to them.

Amb. Chinoy thanked Dr. Malley for sharing his remarks and presented his view of India's stance on these issues. He noted that while major power contestation is well underway in the modern era, there is a space for like-minded countries to band together. This may involve strengthening the traditional alliance structure in some cases, but goes beyond these to the creation of an 'era of quasi-alliances', which are not predicated on close synchronicity of thought on every count to achieve cooperation. Nevertheless, issues of sovereignty have the potential to create friction and present limits to cooperation.

In light of his previous remarks, Amb. Chinoy posed a few questions to the Speaker. Firstly, he invited the Speaker to clarify whether the US commitment to international legal instruments such as the UNCLOS could be relied upon in light of the US’ non-ratification of UNCLOS. Secondly, on the issue of Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPS), he invited the Speaker to remark on whether friendly nations are expected to condone, or at least tolerate, US FONOPS conducted against them in the same manner as when they are conducted against countries such as China. Finally, he urged the Speaker to comment on the reasons behind the US' absence from the International Seabed Authority.

Dr. Malley answered the last question first by noting that the US' stance on the ISA and global efforts to codify common norms on seabed mining are rooted in the peculiar worldview of 1980s US politics, as is its stance on UNCLOS. He confessed that there should not be any expectation of a sudden change in the US position on this issue given the vagaries of US domestic politics, though there is ample support within the US armed forces as well as sections of its defence bureaucracy for ratification. He encouraged the audience to think of statements regarding the 'rules-based international order' made by US officials as forms of signalling support of UNCLOS as an element of that order.

Similarly, Dr. Malley characterised FONOPS as another 'oddity' of US foreign policy, devised as a legalistic effort to deny any other country in the international system the right to any exclusive national claim to the maritime commons under the belief that silence on such claims-making would be construed as assent. He also argued that there were significant doubts on the deterrence potential of FONOPS in the South China Sea region, where it acts a 'tool with various impacts' on the concerned countries.

The Chair then invited questions from the floor. Scholars from the Indian side obliged by asking the visitor a host of questions on topics ranging from particular policy stances adopted by the US government to the modalities of the India-US relationship. He answered most of them fully and frankly, engaging the audience for their views on the issue.

On a question from the Indian side regarding backlash to the Indo-Pacific Maritime Domain Awareness (IPMDA) programme from certain countries in Southeast Asia, the Speaker answered that behind such attitudes may lie a perception that existing information-sharing structures operating in Southeast Asia, which these countries happen to host presently, may be supplanted by a broader structure that could cause them to lose their primacy in the information supply chain.

To a question on the perception in many Asian countries that the US is steadily losing focus on the Indo-Pacific as it invests gargantuan amounts of aid in Ukraine and Israel, the Speaker answered that this only seemed to be the case. He noted the coming together of the naval chiefs of the United Kingdom, US, Australia and Japan at Perth to set up a mechanism to host a nuclear submarine maintenance base in the region as a promising development. He also offered the analysis that the differing policy preferences of various incumbent Presidents may also be a factor in creating this impression.

In response to a question concerning the US Armed Forces' preparation for combatting climate change, the Speaker stated that the US Armed Forces, especially the Navy, are extremely cognisant of the dangers of climate change and have set up varying mechanisms to account for it in their strategic plans, such as appointing an Assistant Secretary on Climate Change at the Pentagon and conducting apolitical studies on the likely impacts of climate change.

Another question posed to Dr. Malley concerned the US military's assessment of the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN)'s exercises around Taiwan Strait. He replied to the question by agreeing that the US was closely monitoring such exercises, and that its conclusion is that the PLAN's capacity to blockade Taiwan is increasing. This is true not only of its maritime interdiction capacity, but also the capacity to mount shore-based attacks. This has ensured that US forces concentrated in Japan and the Republic of Korea are also within range of land-based missiles. As a result, the US military is now preparing to enact a strategy of 'distributed lethality', by which these US forces are being broken up into smaller detachments and distributed across the First Island Chain so as to ensure their survivability.

In a second round of questions, the Chair Amb. Chinoy inquired of the Speaker as to what he would consider as a 'red line' for the US military that would trigger intervention by it against China in the SCS. He noted that the lack of a red line is cause for concern on the part of several actors across the region, as it does not encourage confidence in the US' commitments.

The Speaker in his response first flagged the criticality of the question posed, but could not reassure the audience that any such 'red line' could be clearly defined at present. He argued that while an attack on the Senkaku Islands would trigger Article 5 of the US-Japan Security Treaty, making US intervention inevitable, it is not at all clear whether an attack on Taiwan's offshore islands (such as Jinmen and Matsu) would constitute grounds for intervention. He hypothesised that the trigger for intervention in Taiwan would most likely be legal-political.

After Amb. Chinoy delivered his closing remarks, the meeting came to an end.

Report was prepared by Dr. Arnab Dasgupta, Research Analyst, East Asia Centre, MP-IDSA.

