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Report of Monday Morning Discussion on “Bangladesh’s Outlook towards Indo-Pacific” June 26, 2023 1030 to 1300 hrs Monday Morning Meeting

Dr Anand Kumar, Associate Fellow, Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, made a presentation on “Bangladesh’s-outlook towards Indo-Pacific” at the Monday Morning Meeting held on 26 June 2023. The session was chaired by Ms. Shruti Pandalai, Associate Fellow, MP-IDSA. The Director General, Ambassador Sujan R. Chinoy, the Deputy Director General, Maj. Gen. (Dr) Bipin Bakshi and scholars of the Instituted participated.

Executive Summary

In the presentation on “Bangladesh's perspective on the Indo-Pacific region” its efforts to balance relations with China and the United States while aligning with India's Indian Ocean initiatives were highlighted.  The divergent views among countries regarding China's assertiveness and discusses Bangladesh's importance in the Bay of Bengal and the larger Indo-Pacific region were brought up. As per the speaker, Bangladesh is likely to align itself with the economic aspects of the Indo-Pacific while avoiding the defence and security aspects.

Detailed Report

Dr Shruti Pandalai, Associate Fellow, initiated the discussion by drawing attention to Bangladesh’s Indo-Pacific outlook, stressing its importance in maintaining a balance between China and United States while aligning with India’s Indian Ocean initiatives. She also emphasised that Japan’s PM Kishida sees Bangladesh as a potential Industrial hub for supply chains.

Dr Anand Kumar began his presentation by giving a broader view on Bangladesh’s Indo-Pacific outlook. He emphasized how the Indo-Pacific strategy is championed by the United States as a response to China’s assertiveness. The speaker drew attention to the divergent view countries take regarding China's assertive behavior in the Indo-Pacific. Countries like the US, France, and Canada see China as a potential challenge and advocate for collective action to maintain a rule-based global order. In contrast, countries like South Korea, EU, and ASEAN adopt an inclusive approach, seeking to balance relationships and prioritize cooperation and economic ties.

On the United States, the speaker elaborated that the United States has recognised the need to include the economic dimension in the Indo-Pacific strategy, as not all nations will be interested in the security aspect. The US has introduced the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF).Japan also has its own initiative, the Bay of Bengal Growth Belt. However, Bangladesh remains sceptical of Indo-Pacific strategy, as it is unwilling to be a part of a security alliance or purchase arms under it.

The speaker emphasised the significance of the Indo-Pacific Strategy by elaborating on Bangladesh’s role as a bridge between South and South East Asia. Bangladesh has expanded it’s maritime area which provides it convenient access to the Bay of Bengal, making it important in the larger Indo-Pacific region.

On China, the speaker emphasised that China has also constructed its pipeline from Myanmar. China has also financed and created two submarine bases in the Bangladesh. They have done it to change the security environment in the Indian Ocean region. China also has a presence in the Western Indian Ocean which is worrying for the United States and its allies.

The Speaker drew attention to Bangladesh which is a significant player in the Indian Ocean region and BIMSTEC, with a growing economy and potential to become a middle power. Bangladesh is strengthening its military and maintains friendly relations with the US, EU, and Quad members. The key Indo-Pacific players are interested in Bangladesh for their strategies to counterbalance China, and efforts have been made to improve US-Bangladesh relations over the past decade, including discussions on developing an Indo-Pacific corridor.

He further discussed the irritants in the US-Bangladesh relationship, including concerns over elections, human rights, media freedom, and Bangladesh's military ties with Russia and China. However, despite these issues, the broader engagement between the two countries shows positive progress. The US has employed "rapid fire diplomacy" to bring Bangladesh closer, but Bangladesh has its own priorities, such as the reinstatement of the Generalized System of Preferences facilities, removal of sanctions on RAB, extradition of Rashed Chowdhary, and increased US involvement in addressing the Rohingya issue.

Dr Kumar highlighted that once the US takes a step, its allies follow suit. Bangladesh is also part of Japan's vision of the Indo-Pacific and is seen as a potential partner by the US and its allies. However, Bangladesh is cautious about this due to its relationship with China. When China's foreign minister tried to pressure Bangladesh, the country assured China of its neutral stance. Bangladesh cannot afford to alienate China as it is its largest defence and trade supplier.

Western countries, especially the US, are crucial for Bangladesh, as it exports to the US and has a significant diaspora there. Bangladesh is transitioning from a low-income to a middle-income country and aims to maintain good relations with the West.

Dr Anand Kumar emphasized that Bangladesh has introduced its own open Indo-Pacific outlook, which aims to establish a free, open, peaceful, secure, and inclusive Indo-Pacific region. The document recognizes the significance of this region, considering its collective contribution to global GDP, international trade, climate improvement, technological advancements, and other key factors that shape Bangladesh's long-term interests. The document underscores the importance of renouncing and refraining from the use of force in international relations.

Additionally, it urges nations to adhere to relevant treaties of the United Nations and specifically encourages adherence to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The outlook’s objectives are derived from the guiding principle of strengthening mutual trust among nations, promoting dialogue, and ensuring peace and prosperity.

The Speaker explained that Dhaka has adopted a balanced approach to the Indo-Pacific region, viewing it as an economic opportunity while also maintaining relations with its largest trading partner, China. As Bangladesh moves closer to its 2024 elections, the perception of free and fair elections in the West will impact the response towards Bangladesh. With President Biden emphasizing the restoration of democracy, Bangladesh may seek diplomatic support from India and China while avoiding actions that could strain relations with China.

During his final remarks, the Speaker Bangladesh is likely to align itself with the economic part of the Indo-Pacific but it would stay clear of the defence and security part. It allows Bangladesh to navigate through the complex dynamics of the Indo-Pacific region and pursue its interests in a balance way.

Q&A Session

 Amb. Sujan R. Chinoy emphasized that Bangladesh is expected to focus more on the economic aspect of the Indo-Pacific and avoid getting involved in defence matters, although complete exclusion cannot be ruled out. Bangladesh relies heavily on China for trade and investments, while the US seeks to foster cooperation. India's engagement with Bangladesh is often misrepresented by both China and Bangladeshis who have gone to China. However, the declaration of the Bay of Bengal Initiative by the Japanese PM in the context of Japan's Indo-Pacific vision, in which Bangladesh plays a significant role, offers a potential positive outcome.

Maj. Gen. (Dr) Bipin Bakshi (Retd.) expressed doubts about the accuracy of the map and the validity of the argument presented by the speaker regarding Bangladesh's classification as a middle power. He specifically inquired about the positions of the U.K. and Germany concerning Bangladesh's Indo-Pacific perspective. In reply, Dr Anand Kumar said that the maps had limited purpose and were shown to show where these countries are located.

Dr Ashok Behuria commented that Bangladesh is cautious about not aligning against China as it does not want to be on the wrong side of China's interests. He pointed out that China is more actively involved in the Myanmar issue compared to the United States. With the elections approaching, as the United States emphasizes the importance of free and fair elections, Bangladesh may require China's diplomatic support to navigate potential challenges and ensure its interests are upheld. He replied by saying that Bangladesh has come out with its own Indo-Pacific outlook to balance its relations.

Dr Swasti Rao stated that the European Union's global gateway initiative has achieved its initial objective, with South Asia, specifically Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan, agreeing to collaborate on a renewable energy project. The aim is to establish a connection with India's North-Eastern region and asked to shed light on its significance. Dr Anand Kumar replied by saying many nations are showing interest in South-Asian countries.

Mrs. Sukanya Bhattacharjee posed a how will Bangladesh address the ongoing illegal trading of weapons in the cox bazaar area of the CHT (Chittagong Hill Tracts) Of Bangladesh. In reply, Dr Anand Kumar said that Chittagong's has a role in weapon trading, but the focus of the discussion was on war-related weaponry.

The report was prepared by Ms. Shreya Rai, Intern, East Asia Centre, MP-IDSA.

Monday Morning Meeting on “Extension of CPEC into Afghanistan: Drivers and Implications” June 19, 2023 Monday Morning Meeting

Dr. Priyanka Singh, Associate Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA (MP-IDSA), spoke on “Extension of CPEC into Afghanistan: Drivers and Implications” at the Monday Morning Meeting held on 19 June 2023. The session was moderated by Dr. Smruti S. Pattanaik, Research Fellow, MP-IDSA. Ambassador Sujan R Chinoy, Director General, MP-IDSA, Maj Gen. (Dr.) Bipin Bakshi (Retd.), Deputy Director General, MP-IDSA, Lt. Gen. Yogesh Kumar Joshi, Director General, Centre for Contemporary China Studies, and scholars of the Institute were in attendance.

Executive Summary

China’s engagement with Afghanistan, throughout history, has been characterised by a combination of strategic calculations and economic interests. After the collapse of the American-backed administration in August 2021, Beijing found itself almost by default taking the lead in the crisis as a pre-eminent regional power. In recent years, China has sought to drastically increase its investments in an attempt to expand its economic and political influence in Afghanistan. With the proposal to extend China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) into Afghanistan, China’s regional stakes have skyrocketed. Pakistan is attempting to strengthen its facilitation role while China is interacting with Afghanistan, based on geopolitical, and economic considerations. Taliban views China as a key partner in the country's economic development. Hence, the trilateral China-Pakistan-Afghanistan arrangement seems inevitable in the present state of affairs. Nevertheless, the long-term benefits are uncertain due to security challenges and lack of funding. India, another strategic player in the region, has embarked on a wait and watch approach. 

Detailed Report

In her opening remarks, Dr. Smruti S Pattanaik offered a brief overview of Afghanistan's inclusion into the CPEC. She discussed the competitiveness surrounding two ambitious ports in Chabahar and Gwadar. She asked whether the CPEC's expansion into Afghanistan meant that the Taliban were the legitimate rulers of the land.

Dr. Priyanka Singh began her presentation by stating that the expansion of CPEC into Afghanistan was already in discussion for quite some time now. Early in May 2023, the China-Pakistan-Afghanistan Trilateral Meeting and the Strategic Dialogue between the China-Pakistan formally welcomed Afghanistan into the CPEC project. Through this extension, Beijing aims to turn Afghanistan from a "land-locked" to a "land-linked" nation. Alongside this, she discussed China's comprehensive position paper on Afghanistan released in April 2023.

With this backdrop, she further focused on the motivation and rationale behind cooperative efforts of the three nations. Firstly, she said that China's engagement in Afghanistan was driven by a combination of strategic, economic, and political factors to safeguard its national interests and support its broader foreign policy objectives. For China, Afghanistan is of critical importance vis-à-vis BRI, CPEC and Central Asian connectivity. In terms of its geoeconomic interests, China has shown interest in Afghanistan's lithium reserves, a key component in producing batteries for electric vehicles and various electronic devices. She stated that Afghanistan's significant lithium deposits make it an attractive prospect for China seeking to secure a stable supply of this critical resource.

Secondly, by encouraging the expansion of CPEC into Afghanistan, Pakistan aims to maintain its strategic pre-eminence in Kabul's affairs and its role as a facilitator. She emphasised that given Pakistan's longstanding ties with the Taliban, Pakistan wants to teach the Chinese how to deal with them.

Thirdly, Afghanistan sees China as a key player in the country's economic growth since Beijing has the ability to inject substantial sums of cash. After the Taliban took control in August 2021, the economy collapsed leading to a serious humanitarian catastrophe, which got worse by the day. However, international sanctions were imposed on the new regime, and Western donors stopped providing aid. Furthermore, she added, the Taliban had relied on drugs to run their nation, but now that they have been outlawed, Afghanistan may continue to struggle financially in the near future. Further, Dr. Singh speculated that the Highway Road construction between Peshawar and Kabul, the Railway line along Peshawar and Jalalabad, and potential agreements on joint management of rivers were to be part of initial CPEC projects.

Further, she examined the possibility of a compromise among the three. In her analysis, they are bound together while each of them tries to achieve its ambitions alone. Their geographical location, CPEC’s capital and geopolitical as well as geo-economic interests will unite them together for a brief period but because there is little trust between these countries, it is unclear how the project will develop. She asserted that by expanding CPEC into Afghanistan, China hopes to undermine the US and seize the global leadership position it has long coveted. Afghanistan seeks clean sources of money that they think China will provide in their quest for recognition. All in all, Pakistan will remain the fulcrum of this trilateral arrangement and Afghanistan is vital for Pakistan in its conflict matrix with India, she explained.

Dr. Singh then addressed India's alternatives in light of the ground situation in Afghanistan. She said that India had expressed its objection to BRI's flagship CPEC project because it perceives it as an infringement on its territorial integrity and sovereignty. As a result, India is worried about the geopolitical consequences of including Afghanistan in CPEC. Further, China's expanding influence will only undermine India's goals in Afghanistan, where it has made significant investments over the years. Dr. Priyanka concluded by reiterating that while India maintains its current stance on the CPEC, it must also be strategically imperative to avoid being perceived as a regional spoiler that is impeding Afghanistan's development initiatives.

Comments and Question

After the presentation, Dr. Smruti S. Pattanaik invited the Director General, Ambassador Sujan R. Chinoy, to comment.

Ambassador Chinoy complemented the comprehensive presentation. He emphasised as to why China considers Afghanistan a vital neighbour, one of the reasons being the threat of terrorism originating from Afghanistan and its potential to become a haven for Uyghur separatists, which could have a detrimental impact on its Xinjiang province and, ultimately, China. He iterated China's long history of working with the Mujahideen during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. Post that, China and Pakistan have leveraged their sphere of influence in Afghanistan. Today's convergence between China and Afghanistan is based on Afghanistan's dire need for investment, and connectivity. China is an important actor in this evolving triangle because of its capability to invest in infrastructure and development. However, he stated that security concerns in the region had remained a significant setback to progress. As per India's concerns, he added he should view CPEC as violating India's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Finally, he reiterated that CPEC's success will be limited on the ground.

Lt.Gen. Y.K. Joshi, offering his remarks, stated that following the US exit, China’s profile in Afghanistan has continued to rise. Nevertheless, he pointed out that the security situation and lack of funding would make development and prosperity in Afghanistan very difficult.

The Deputy Director General, Maj. Gen. (Dr.) Bipin Bakshi (Retd.) underscored that the tripartite arrangement between China, Pakistan, and Afghanistan will formally bring the three nations together. However, he held that only China and Pakistan will gain from this arrangement, leaving Afghanistan to suffer. He claimed that despite Afghanistan's desire for connectivity through CPEC, prior development initiatives have failed to yield meaningful results because of the country's challenging topography and local conditions. He stressed that Afghanistan will be heavily dependent on Pakistan as a result of this arrangement. Finally, he inquired as to whether Afghanistan was producing any tangible outcomes. Dr. Priyanka responded by acknowledging the difficulties that can obstruct progress. Since the project is still in the proposal stage, she reiterated that the cooperation will be put to the test when it actually materialises.

Dr. Adil Rasheed questioned the speaker about the role of ISIS and TTP in hampering the potential developmental projects under CPEC. Agreeing to which, Dr. Priyanka drew examples of how various oil extraction agreements could not make a headway, citing security concerns.

Dr. Anurag Bisen asked the speaker if the inclusion of Afghanistan in CPEC impacted the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) project. And what would be the impact on the China-Russia contestation in Central Asia. She agreed that there could be some impact and analysed that, given the larger geo-political and geo-economic interests, both China-Russia will manage differences ahead.

Dr. Ashok K. Behuria commented on how Afghanistan’s Foreign Minister was missing from the scene when China and Pakistan announced its inclusion in the extended CPEC. He reiterated China's sudden increased participation in Afghanistan is due to Rare Earth Minerals and lithium reserves.

Dr. Ashish Shukla questioned China's ability to engage the Taliban regime directly. He asked why China would piggyback on Pakistan to negotiate with the Taliban. While answering, Dr. Priyanka emphasised that, at every intervention, be it from the US or China, Pakistan has always been at the center of the discussion.

Dr. Deepika Saraswat commented on Iran's stance. Even before the Taliban took over, Iran was one of the major trading partners for Afghanistan and had adopted a pragmatic approach. She said that Iran had also invested in Afghanistan in recent years and wanted to maintain its stake in the region.

The report has been prepared by Ms. Sneha M., Research Analyst, South Asia Centre

Report on Interaction with Prof. Ishtiaq Ahmed June 14, 2023 Other

Prof. Ishtiaq Ahmed, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Stockholm University, gave a talk at the Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi, on 14 June 2023 and shared his perspective on “Evolving Political Situation in Pakistan and Prospects of India-Pakistan Relations”. The Session was chaired by the Director General, MP-IDSA, Ambassador Sujan R. Chinoy. Scholars of the Institute participated.

Executive Summary

Professor Ahmed spoke about the historical context of the creation of Pakistan, relations with India and dynamics of the political situation in Pakistan. Given his scholarship and writings on Pakistan, his views provided insights into how civil-society of Pakistan approaches issues concerning India-Pakistan relations.

The following points emerged during his talk.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah won the case for Pakistan on the basis of “Two Nation Theory.” The theory that Jinnah raised the bogey of a separate state just to increase his bargaining power vis-à-vis Indian National Congress in securing the interests of Muslims within India does not hold in light of documentary evidences. The demand for Pakistan was not a bargaining chip but Jinnah always wanted to be credited for the creation of Pakistan.

After the death of Jinnah, a controversy emerged about the kind of state he wanted Pakistan to be. Some said he wanted a modern state, others believed that he was all for an Islamic state, few thought he was in favour of a secular state. Every group has its own reasons to think that way. The confusion prevails because Jinnah may be quoted in any of the three ways.

There are plenty of evidences to suggest that Jinnah made attempts to bargain out Pakistan’s geostrategic location in lieu of military and financial support from the West. While Pakistan was yet to be a reality, he had already explained to US officials how Pakistan would support America in its efforts to contain Soviet Union’s expansion in South Asia.

Jinnah very much wanted Pakistan as a separate state but he did not think that relations with India would deteriorate. He had his plans to retain his properties in India. The violence in the wake of partition and largescale migration changed the situation on ground. As he realised that Pakistan would be flooded with a large number of refugees, which would be difficult for it to manage, he delivered his famous 11th August speech in the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan where he said that “You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place or worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed -- that has nothing to do with the business of the State.”

Pakistan has wasted its energy to compete with India and paid a heavy price for its enmity with India. The official narrative in India is that India is an existential threat and enemy number one, which is not based on any objective reality. None of the wars was initiated by India. Right since the beginning, it was the politico-security establishment at the helm which propagated this wrong idea.

People in Pakistan are not against India and Indian people. In fact, they welcome Indian people with open arms. One can ask Hindus and Sikhs visiting Pakistan to confirm this point. They are treated well by the ordinary Pakistanis. The official narrative between the two countries needs to be changed. It will benefit Pakistan more if it shuns its inimical approach towards India. To a question, whether the Muslims of India were treated as warmly in Pakistan, he said, as a communal state the behaviour of Pakistanis would be naturally warm towards them, but what really needed scrutiny is the attitude of the Pakistani Muslims towards non-Muslims from India.

Over the years, Pakistan has emerged as a rentier state. It allows its land and institutions to be used by outside powers for economic and military aid. Throughout the Cold war, United States paid the rent and used the Pakistani state the way it wanted. Now in the changed circumstances, Chinese are doing the same. However, Chinese are tough nuts to crack, as far as economic matters are concerned. They very much focus on recovering their money with profit, he said.

The political situation in present day Pakistan is fragile. There is a division in Pakistan Army, as some insiders are supporting Imran Khan. How deep this division is, nobody knows as of now. It is clear that unlike in the past, Punjab is no longer supporting the Army wholeheartedly. That is a worrying aspect for the Pakistan Army.

Bilawal Bhutto has his eyes on the security establishment. He is trying hard to get close to the establishment for political purposes. This was the reason he made an unceremonious remark against Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He has premiership in his mind. The Army may also back him as the current PML-N leadership is not considered reliable.

In the present circumstances, Imran Khan and his PTI do not seem to be coming back to power again, even if the future does not look certain now. Sharif brothers may have their chance to get hold of power again if they play their cards well. However, it will depend upon what the security establishment will decide in the days to come. Prof. Ishtiaq considered the Army an institution too critical for the survival for Pakistan and held that it still has enough power to shape the future course of politics in the country.

The talk was followed by comments by the Director General, Ambassador Sujan R.  Chinoy, and other scholars.

The report was prepared by Dr. Ashish Shukla, Associate Fellow, South Asia Centre, MP-IDSA.

Report of Monday Morning Discussion on “Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict: Implications for Regional Security” June 12, 2023 Monday Morning Meeting

Dr. Jason Wahlang, Research Analyst, Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, made a presentation on “Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict: Implications for Regional Security” at the Monday Morning Meeting held on 12 June 2023. The session was moderated by Dr. Rajorshi Roy, Associate Fellow, MP-IDSA.

Executive Summary

The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan spans ethnic and territorial issues over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh (NK), inhabited mostly by ethnic Armenians. The presentation involved a comprehensive overview of its historical roots, recent developments, and the role of regional and extra-regional powers.

Detailed Report

Dr. Rajorshi Roy initiated the discussion by highlighting the genesis of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict. He emphasized the importance of analyzing the developments not only through the bilateral prism but also through the lens of geo-strategic and geo-economic competition unraveling in the region.

Dr. Jason Wahlang began his presentation by giving a broad overview of the current situation in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. He highlighted the recent instances of ceasefire violations reported by peacekeepers in the Lachin Corridor. This has led to fears of a renewed flare-up.

Dr. Wahlang proceeded to give a historical background of the conflict, starting from the creation of the Transcaucasia Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR). He highlighted the demand for independence of the Armenian majority population, living in Nagorno- Karabakh, from Azerbaijan in 1988 as a key factor in fuelling an all-out war post the collapse of the Soviet Union. Over time, there have been major and minor clashes with the largest, which led to an all-out war, being in 2020. It resulted in Azerbaijan regaining territory it had lost to Armenia in 1994.

The Speaker highlighted the strategic calculations of Yerevan, Baku, and Stepanakert. He observed that Yerevan has intrinsically viewed the region of Artsakh (Armenian term for Nagorno Karabakh) as one of its own on account of the majority Armenian population residing in Artsakh. This has led Armenia to assume the mantle of being the leading security provider to the region amidst its ideational connection with the people.

The Speaker also highlighted the traditional linkages of Armenian leadership with Nagorno-Karabakh, with the previous two Presidents being born in Nagorno-Karabakh. However, the current Prime Minister Nicol Pashinyan’s seemingly outsider links, having been born in Yerevan, and his recent statement that Armenia is ready to cede Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan has enraged the Armenian population.

On Baku, Dr. Wahlang referred to the international recognition of Nagorno- Karabakh as being part of Azerbaijan in shaping the country’s strategic outlook. The fact that even the Soviet Union incorporated Nagorno- Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan SSR burnishes Baku’s claim to Nagorno- Karabakh. He briefly mentions the idea of the Zangezur corridor and how it plays an important role in connecting Turkiye with Azerbaijan.

On Stepanakert, Dr. Wahlang observed that with the leadership of Stepanakert being predominantly Armenian, it is inevitable that they view the struggle against Azerbaijan as a struggle for their independence. However, their main concern, particularly since 2020, has been the treatment meted out by the Azeri population because the latter is gaining more ground in their territories. Meanwhile, there exists disappointment in Stepanakert about Yeravan’s recent policies towards Nagorno- Karabakh.

Moving on to the role of regional and extra-regional actors, Dr. Wahlang delved into the strategic calculations of Russia, Turkiye, Iran, the USA, and the European Union.

On Russia, Dr. Wahlang highlighted Russia’s historical connection with the conflict on account of the Soviet heritage, Moscow’s subsequent peace initiatives, and the Kremlin’s robust relationship with both Armenia and Azerbaijan. He referred to Armenia as being a part of CSTO and the EEU. In the last two decades, Russia has been at the forefront of attempts to forge a peace deal even though, ironically, it has also provided weapons to both sides.

On Turkiye, Dr. Wahlang referred to Turkey’s attempts at expanding its footprints in the Caucasus with its key regional partner being Azerbaijan. Turkey has extended economic and military support to Azerbaijan with Turkish military aid believed to be a key factor in Azerbaijan’s success in 2020. Meanwhile, Armenia has had a fractured relationship with Turkey since the Ottoman Period. It was only the recent earthquake and subsequent HADR operations which led to the opening of borders between the two nations for the first time in decades.

On Iran, the speaker highlighted Iran’s shared borders with both Armenia and Azerbaijan. He emphasized the strong Iranian support for Armenia. He also referred to the complicated relationship between Iran and Azerbaijan amidst their ongoing friction over the Azeri diaspora in Iran. Notably, Azerbaijan procures approximately 70 percent of its military supplies from Israel. The drones procured from Israel played a crucial role in Azerbaijan’s successes in 2020. Moreover, Iran remains concerned over growing pan-Turkism in the region which could dilute Iranian influence in its neighbourhood.

On the United States, Dr. Wahlang highlighted American participation in the OSCE Minsk Group as part of the efforts to find a peaceful solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. This group is co-chaired by France, Russia, and the United States. Dr. Wahlang felt that even though the US has limited influence in shaping outcomes in the region, Russia’s distraction on account of the conflict in Ukraine could tempt the US to expand its regional footprints.

On the European Union, Dr. Wahlang highlighted the organization’s cordial relations with both Armenia and Azerbaijan. He referred to both countries as being a part of the EU’s Eastern Partnership programme since 2009. He observed that the EU is a significant economic partner of Azerbaijan as well. He referred to the EU launching a mission to monitor the security of NK for two years. However, there exist apprehensions in Armenia about its efficacy in preventing future attacks by Azerbaijan.

Q&A Session

The Deputy Director General, Maj. Gen. (Dr.) Bipin Bakshi (Retd.) elaborated on the frozen conflicts in the region post the disintegration of the Soviet Union. He referred to growing conflicts around the world with people’s sense of identity contributing to the unrest.

Dr. Adil Rasheed observed that Iran is not the only reason for good relations between Israel and Azerbaijan. He also remarked on how Iran can benefit from the Turan Corridor even though at present it remains suspicious of NATO’s involvement. Agreeing with the observations, Dr. Wahlang emphasised that NATO’s involvement is largely due to Turkey’s membership of the military alliance.

Dr. Deepika Saraswat, highlighted Iran’s evolving approach towards the region. She observed that Iran remains “uncomfortable” with the irredentist nature of the situation, which affects them more than Russia or NATO. She concluded by saying that the conflict is moving in a completely new trajectory. Replying to this, Dr. Wahlang observed that Russia’s “soft approach” towards the conflict has given rise to further complexities even though Russia continues to be a key stakeholder.

Group Captain (Dr.) R.K. Narang (Retd), posed a question on the role of Pakistan in the conflict and the nature of the Pakistan-Azerbaijan relationship. Dr. Wahlang responded by highlighting the growing trilateral relationship between Pakistan, Azerbaijan and Turkey which brings Pakistan into the conflict fold.

Mr. Harshit Sharma posed a question on whether Israel opening an embassy in Baku could have an impact on the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict. The speaker replied by highlighting the “good relations” between Israel and Azerbaijan and that Israel’s assistance to Azerbaijan, while appearing tactical, will benefit Azerbaijan.

The report was prepared by Mr. Karan Phular, Intern, Centre of Europe and Eurasia, MP-IDSA.

Africa Day Round Table on the theme “India’s G20 Presidency: Furthering India- Africa Ties” May 23, 2023 Round Table

The Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA) organised an Africa Day Roundtable on the theme “India’s G20 Presidency: Furthering India-Africa Ties” on 23 May 2023 between 11:00 to 13:00 hrs IST in MP-IDSA Auditorium as a Think20 (T20) side event. The opening remarks were delivered by Ambassador Sujan R. Chinoy, Director General, MP-IDSA & T20 Chair for India’s G20 Presidency. The special remarks were delivered by H.E. Mr. Joel Sibusiso Ndebele, High Commissioner of South Africa to India; H.E. Mr. Haymandoyal Dillum, High Commissioner of Mauritius to India and Mr. Sherif Elgammal, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt to India. Ambassador Chinoy chaired the panel discussion. The panellists included Ms. Ruchita Beri, Ambassador Rajiv Bhatia, Mr. S Kuppuswamy, Mr. Tarun Sharma, Ms.Shivali Lawale, Dr. Nivedita Ray. The concluding remarks was delivered by H.E. Mr. Alem Tsehaye Woldemariam, Ambassador of Eritrea to India, Dean of Diplomatic Corps, India. Maj. Gen. (Dr.) Bipin Bakshi (Retd.), Deputy Director General, MP-IDSA proposed the Vote of Thanks. The roundtable was attended by MP-IDSA scholars, interns, MP-IDSA members and guest attendees, including officials from the Ministry of External Affairs and members of various think tanks and universities.

Executive Summary

The Roundtable brought out perceptive inputs on the theme “India’s G20 Presidency: Furthering India-Africa Ties”. Ambassadors, High Commissioners of African countries to India, eminent scholars, and experts from India were in attendance.  The event emphasised the importance of India-Africa relations and maintaining pan-African interactions. South-South collaboration was highlighted, particularly in clean technology, climate-resilient cultivation, gender equality, and democratising global institutions. The significance of institutionalised mechanisms like the India-Africa Forum Summit (IAFS) and India-Africa Defence Dialogue (IADD) in fostering India-Africa relations was reiterated.

Experts in the panel discussion emphasised Africa's potential, India's consultative partnership, and collaboration in trade, healthcare, infrastructure, and agriculture. They discussed initiatives like the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and the Global Sovereign Debt Roundtable. The panellists proposed strategies to further enhance India-Africa Partnership, including elevating the African Union to a G20 member, hosting the India Africa Forum Summit, and promoting student exchange programs.

The roundtable aimed to strengthen India-Africa ties through collaboration, mutual respect, shared values, inclusive growth, sustainable development, and cooperation in addressing global challenges for a promising future.

Detailed Report

Inaugural Session

The event commenced with opening remarks by Ambassador Sujan R. Chinoy (Director General, MP-IDSA). At the outset, he acknowledged the distinguished speakers and guests for their presence and warmly welcomed all the participants. He mentioned that MP-IDSA has been organizing the Africa Day Roundtable for last seven years, showcasing its commitment to Africa. Ambassador Chinoy highlighted India's historical ties, maritime connections, and the role of diaspora vis-a-vis the African continent.

He underscored India's G20 Presidency is the presidency of the Global South and recalled Prime Minister Modi's thoughts at the Voice of Global South Summit. He also assessed India's G20 Presidency as the first ever G20 with a human-centric approach to solving global problems. He highlighted the T20's role in connecting institutions and individuals worldwide to share views and suggestions in line with India's G20 theme, "One Earth, One Family, One Future."

Ambassador Chinoy acknowledged the webinar's timely and significant theme, addressing critical issues of the Global South. He highlighted topics such as macroeconomics, development, healthcare, climate change, green transition, and reform of international financial and multilateral institutions. He emphasised the responsibility of developed countries to provide capital and technology for a rapid green transition to combat global warming. Furthermore, he mentioned India's focus on inclusivity and achieving gender equality, aligning with the views of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Amb. Chinoy highlighted the challenges in reaching a consensus due to dispersed power globally. He mentioned the need for revitalizing and democratising multilateral institutions to address global issues. He identified common challenges faced by the Global South, including poverty, climate change, and food and energy insecurity.

He stated that under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India has carried out unprecedented outreach and engagement with Africa, including institutionalising the India-Africa Defence Ministers Conclave and launching of India-Africa Security Fellowship Programme at MP-IDSA .

Finally, Amb. Chinoy emphasised that India-Africa partnership is built on equality, mutual respect and mutual benefit. He mentioned India’s expanding defence engagements with several African nations. He was convinced that strong relations between India and Africa would strengthen multipolarity. He hoped the discussion would contribute to a shared effort to create a more promising future.

H.E. Mr. Joel Sibusiso Ndebele (High Commissioner of South Africa to India began his special remarks by underscoring the importance of Africa Day, commemorating the Charter of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) signing on 25 May 1963. It celebrates Africa's liberation from colonialism and apartheid and rejects colonial or imperialist domination. He discussed the establishment of the African Union (AU) in 2002, as well as its predecessor, the OAU, founded in 1963, and described the AU as the fulfillment of the African goal of Pan-Africanism, now commemorating 20 years.

He enumerated South Africa’s structural and socio-economic challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 Pandemic. However, he iterated the country’s willingness to engage with those committed to shared prosperity and rule-based order. He opined that India's G20 Presidency commitment to "One Earth, One Family" resonates in Africa. The High Commissioner identified four crucial areas of cooperation in which India and Africa could work closely. One, supporting the ideas and vision of Agenda 2063 with special attention to Sustainable Development Goals and green transition. Two, continued support for the G20 partnership with Africa. Three, emphasising the G20's initiatives on industrialisation in Africa. He remarked that the South African administration is looking for multilateral cooperation through BRICS and harnessing inclusive growth for all, as aligned with India's views. Four, need to prioritise women empowerment. In conclusion, he acknowledged that the G20, under India's Presidency, could play a catalytic role in ensuring multilateral rules and conduct for a peaceful and prosperous Africa.

H.E. Mr. Haymandoyal Dillum (High Commissioner of Mauritius to India) began his remarks by appreciating MP-IDSA's multidisciplinary approach to advancing India's G20 vision. He stated that under India's presidency, the G20 had taken a new turn in ensuring more inclusivity and raising concerns about the Global South on the international platform. The rallying point in India-Africa relations is India's continued support for African liberation and the end of racial struggle. He highlighted that since India-Africa relations are rooted in friendship, mutual respect, and cooperation, it has paved the way for a solid political and economic partnership.

He emphasised that the successive India-Africa Summits have fostered enhanced cooperation in various areas such as political engagement, economic collaboration, development initiatives, information technology, and climate change. He praised India for providing African countries with tremendous help during the pandemic through its signature "Vaccine Maitri" campaign and its dedication to obtaining medications, food, and financial aid. He argued that the lack of finance and technology limits Africa's ability to grow and develop, despite the continent's huge landmass, the wealth of raw materials, availability of labour, and vibrant leadership. Thus, he urged for the adoption of a new trade paradigm in the future that is focused on "glocalisation" and regional interests. He added that Mauritius has been instrumental in creating special economic zones to support an integrated commerce chain between India, Mauritius, and Africa. He concluded by quoting, "If you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go together".

Mr. Sherif Elgammal (Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt to India) began by emphasising that India's G20 Presidency will be successful. He commended India's G20 theme, "One, Earth, One Family, One Future, " which aligns well with Egypt's shared vision in COP27. India and Egypt, two of the oldest civilisations in the world, have a long history of close engagement. Historically, trade cooperation flourished along the banks of the rivers Nile and Indus, creating a strong sense of shared culture and identity. 

He mentioned that India and Egypt elevated their bilateral ties to a strategic partnership in January 2023 to further their relations. Despite global challenges, bilateral trade cooperation and joint investment have soared in the last few years. Mr. Elagammal further highlighted the strong commercial partnership between Egypt and India, with bilateral trade reaching USD 7.26 billion in 2021-22. Indian businesses have significantly invested in Egypt's infrastructure, electricity, and telecommunications. He concluded by outlining the enormous potential for furthering the expansion of economic and commercial ties between the two countries and, subsequently, to the African continent. 

Panel Discussion

The panel discussion was chaired by Ambassador Sujan R. Chinoy (Director General, MP-IDSA.

Ms. Ruchita Beri (Consultant, Africa, LAC, and UN Centre, MP-IDSA) highlighted the significance of Africa and the potential for strengthening India-Africa ties during India's G20 Presidency. She emphasised four key points: the African Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA), making Africa the largest free trade zone in the world, Africa's young population as a crucial resource for global economic growth, the continent's vast uncultivated arable land and its impact on global food security, and the abundance of resources needed for the green transition. Ms. Beri acknowledged the challenges faced by African countries but remains optimistic about Africa's future. She further emphasised India's consultative partnership with African nations and how it aligns with the G20 priorities of climate change, inclusive growth, and multilateralism.

Ms Beri also highlighted Africa's efforts in renewable energy innovation and progress in women empowerment, which provide opportunities for collaboration between India and African countries. She underscored the importance of India's G20 Presidency in strengthening relations with Africa, promoting the African Union as the 21st member of the G20, and called for the early hosting of the India Africa Forum Summit. Quoting former Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari, she highlighted historical similarities and potential for a distinct partnership between India and Africa. She expressed hope that India's G20 Presidency would enhance cooperation between the two.

Ambassador Rajiv Bhatia presented a six-point formula for the India-Africa Partnership. He emphasised the historical significance, shared values, and common interests that enrich the relationship. First, implementation of initiatives announced by the Prime Minister at the Voice of the Global South Summit before G20 Summit. He stressed the importance of implementing these initiatives at least 100 days before the Delhi Summit, as they require planning and additional budgetary resources. Second, the Ambassador advocated the elevation of the African Union from a guest to a member of the G20. While expressing support from major leaders and powers, he called for a clear decision on this matter in the Delhi Declaration of the Summit. Third, Ambassador Bhatia highlighted the urgent need for the fourth India Africa Forum Summit. He suggested it should take place after the G20 Summit, within the window of October or November. This would accelerate the positive work done during the previous summits and strengthen bilateral relations. Fourth, the Ambassador called upon the African Union to make a prompt decision to establish diplomatic representation in Delhi. While acknowledging the efforts of African Ambassadors, he stressed the necessity of having a pan-African voice and representation to facilitate discussions on the African continent. Fifth, Ambassador Bhatia expressed his hope for greater representation of African diplomats, businesspeople, students, and tourists in India. He urged African diplomats to visit Indian universities, think tanks, and institutions to address the growing demand for knowledge and information on Africa. Amb. Bhatia concluded by suggesting that India and Africa promote student exchange programmes, emphasising the necessity of expanding the number of African students in India and vice versa.

Mr. S. Kuppuswamy, Advisor, Shapoorji Pallonji Group, provided valuable private-sector perspectives. He highlighted the importance of a concerted approach by India and the G20 Forum in dealing with ongoing projects in Africa, ensuring that loan disbursements are not affected. He underscored that India has taken an integrated development approach for Africa, focusing on the four pillars of the economy: agriculture, infrastructure, housing, and healthcare. Regarding housing, he emphasised that India alone cannot bridge the widening gap in housing demand and supply in Africa, and suggested that all G20 countries pool their resources to find a solution. In healthcare, he stressed the need for multi-speciality hospitals and recommended that India and collaborating countries not only provide equipment and infrastructure but also bridge the gap in working capital for the first five years. This would ensure the hospitals can run without interruption and stabilise their operations. In agriculture, he mentioned India's efforts to assist Africa with irrigation, water treatment equipment, and scaling up the production of various crops. He suggested that G20 countries, including Japan, Korea, and France, could provide additional support. Lastly, he highlighted the importance of infrastructure development in Africa to utilise its raw materials and contribute to the global economy. He proposed the integrated development of Africa as the theme for G20 countries, with India as the fulcrum.

Mr. Tarun Sharma, Deputy Managing Director of the Export-Import Bank of India (Exim Bank), highlighted several key points in his statement regarding the India-Africa Partnership. He emphasised the significance of the Global Sovereign Debt Roundtable, co-chaired by the IMF, World Bank, and India, which aims to create mechanisms for debt sustainability and supplement existing frameworks. He discussed the Exim Bank's role in supporting sustainable growth in Africa through lines of credit in various sectors such as connectivity, power generation, manufacturing, agriculture, and water supply. He also mentioned Exim Bank's focus on sustainability, particularly in environmental, social, and governance, and its commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the energy transition. Trade assistance and financing were identified as critical areas, with Exim Bank implementing a program to support incremental trade between African countries and India. He highlighted the importance of both physical and digital connectivity, with projects and initiatives supporting these aspects. Lastly, he mentioned India's support for e-governance and digital services in Africa, drawing from successful experiences in India.

Dr. Nivedita Ray (ICWA Director of Research), in her remarks on Africa Day, highlighted the significance of the year 2023 for both Africa and India. She mentioned that it marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the OAU (Organization of African Unity) and the completion of the 10-year implementation plan of Agenda 2063 in Africa. She also highlighted the importance of India's G20 presidency and its role in promoting India-Africa ties through the India-Africa Forum Summit and the G20. Dr. Ray raised two main points: the need for better representation of African priorities and concerns within the G20 and the alignment of G20 priorities with Africa's Agenda 2063. She noted the importance of giving voice to African countries and their aspirations, suggesting that the African Union should become a member of the G20 to ensure a more representative platform. Furthermore, she called for aligning G20 priorities with the projects outlined in Africa's Agenda 2063, such as the African Continental Free Trade Agreement, silencing the guns by 2030, extending the Pan-Africa e-network, and developing the Africa Virtual University. Dr. Ray also emphasised the need for India's technical expertise and support in realising these projects and ensuring their success.  She concluded by underscoring India's active role in advancing Africa's agenda within the G20 and aligning priorities for sustainable development.

Ms. Shivali Lawale (Director, Symbiosis School of International Studies) began her remarks by highlighting the Lifestyle for Environment initiative (LiFE) launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at COP26 and discussed the need for progress at the grassroots level. She commended the multi-stakeholder approach adopted by the G20 Presidency and emphasised the importance of youth engagement, particularly in countries like India, Nigeria, and Egypt. She underlined the importance of sustainable agriculture, stressing the need to safeguard and sustain indigenous knowledge systems in agriculture from both India and African countries. She suggested using technology to create a repository of oral traditions for future generations.

Ms. Lawale also underlined the significance of sustainable consumption, particularly among the large youth population. They encouraged ethical consumption patterns and highlighted the importance of recycling and upcycling, which have caught the attention of young people globally. Regarding sustainable energy, she cited the example of the Solar Alliance launched by India and France, which includes many African countries. She also suggested focusing on research and development collaborations, dual degree programs, and joint PhDs in sustainable consumption, agriculture, and energy.

During the Q/A session, Ambassador Bhatia and H.E. Mr. Haymandoyal Dillum discussed the potential role of India in engaging with African nations in sustainable development programs through partnerships, knowledge sharing, financial assistance, people-to-people exchanges, regional integration, and research collaboration. By adopting a collaborative approach, India can leverage its expertise, resources, and experiences in sustainable development to support African nations in their development goals. Furthermore, this collaborative model promotes mutual development and strengthens bilateral relations between India and African contries.

Concluding Session

H.E. Mr. Alem Tsehaye Woldemariam (Ambassador of Eritrea to India and Dean of Diplomatic Corps, India) made the concluding remarks. He reiterated that the main aim of South-South cooperation is to provide a framework for collaboration among the countries of the global south in political, economic, social, environmental, and technological areas. In addition to congratulating India on heading the G20, Ambassador Woldemariam emphasised that India's leadership position on the international stage offers humanity a justice-driven approach to addressing persistent problems. He stressed that Africa favoured the proposed global agenda, built on the four R's of respect, response, recognition, and reform. He believed that the G20, led by India, would become the authentic voice for the African continent.

Maj Gen. (Dr.) Bipin Bakshi (Retd.), Deputy Director General, MP-IDSA proposed the Vote of Thanks. He underlined that the opportunity for India and Africa to deepen their strategic partnership is enormous, given India's G20 chairmanship. He emphasised that together, India and Africa can overcome obstacles, seize opportunities, and create a better future for their people by combining their different talents and experiences. He concluded by underscoring that the discussion had been beneficial and reflected the ambitions of the Global South as a whole.

The report was prepared by Mr. Mohanasakthivel J, Research Analyst, Africa, LAC, and UN Centre, MP-IDSA and Ms. Sneha M, Research Analyst, South Asia Centre, MP-IDSA.

Report of Webinar on Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse and Satellites in Low Earth Orbit May 01, 2023 Other

The Strategic Technologies Center hosted the webinar titled ‘Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse and Satellites in Low Earth Orbit’ by Dr. D.V.Giri on 1 May 2023 at 1500 Hrs. Dr. Cherian Samuel, Research Fellow at the Centre for Strategic Technologies Centre, MP-IDSA, moderated the session.

Dr. Giri began his talk by sharing his connection with India despite residing in the US for almost five decades. He mentioned that he had trained a group of Indian engineers in satellite technology and had also served as a professor at the Indian Institute of Science. He began his career amidst the increased tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union and the looming threat of a nuclear Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP). He shared a brief timeline of how the research on EMP began in 1945 with the Trinity Test, the first detonation of a nuclear weapon. During the test, Nobel Laureate physicist Enrico Fermi tried to calculate the possible electromagnetic fields to be produced from nuclear explosions, also considered the birth of the High Power Magnetic Field (HPEM).

Later, during 1945-1962, the major powers conducted a series of atmospheric nuclear tests, culminating in the first human-caused EMP in 1962 when the 1.4 megaton Starfish Prime thermonuclear weapon detonated 400 km above Pacific Ocean. After the Limited Test Ban Treaty (LTBT) of 1963 forbade nuclear weapons testing or any other nuclear detonations in the atmosphere, underwater, or outer space, countries began to carry out nuclear tests underground.

Furthermore, Dr. Giri elucidated the growing significance of EMP’s impact as manifested in the first Nuclear Electromagnetics Meeting (NEM) in 1978. To bring the challenging problem of EMP engineering to the attention of the general electrical engineering community, the Antennas and Propagation Society and the Electromagnetic Compatibility of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) jointly sponsored the special issue concerning some of the more fundamental aspects of the EMP technology. However, with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the USSR, the importance of high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) began to fade. Subsequently, given the growing potency and weaponization of EMP and related tools, the US formed Congressional Committees on EMP in the early 2000s.

Moving ahead, Dr. Giri explained the three components of the EMP: E1, E2, and E3. The E1 component has a rise-time measured in the range of a fraction of a billionth to a few billionths of a second. This is extremely fast that produces an intense pulse immediately following an explosion. Electromagnetic shock disrupts electronics-based control systems, sensors, communication systems, computers, and similar devices. The middle-time component E2 lasts from 1 microsecond to 1 second, which is far more geographically widespread in character and somewhat lower in amplitude, making it a lesser threat. The final major component of EMP is a subsequent, slower-rising, longer-duration pulse (lasting 1 second to several minutes), E3, that creates disruptive currents in long electricity transmission lines, damaging the electric supply.

Elaborating further, Dr. Giri elucidated other consequences of HEMP causing ‘orbital debris’ and producing X-rays and Gamma (γ) rays. Dr. Giri explained how X-rays and Gamma rays generated by a space detonation could impact a satellite but won't reach the ground. He also said that EMP could cause damage to solar panels and optical components and burnout of a satellite.

Micro debris, also known as small debris, is challenging to identify. On the other hand, medium debris, referred to as "risk objects," cannot be monitored and can potentially cause catastrophic destruction. In contrast, large debris is routinely traced and cataloged. Dr. Giri introduced the audience to Haystack Radar, which has been used to monitor orbital debris. The radar is considered the most powerful in the world and can detect 1 cm of objects orbiting at 1000 km altitude.

Dr. Giri also explored the decades of nuclear electromagnetic pulse (NEMP) simulator development. The purpose of a NEMP simulator is to replicate the effects of EMP in a controlled environment to test the resilience of electronic devices and systems against such an event. It can also be used to evaluate the effectiveness of various protective measures and mitigation strategies. Dr. Giri talked about one of the largest NEMP generators in the world, ATLAS-1, better known as Trestle, designed to test the radiation hardening of strategic aircraft systems against EMP pulses from nuclear warfare. Other major electronic systems that went through NEMP simulations were the B1 Bomber, F-5 Tigers fighter jets, and Air Force One.

Furthermore, Dr. Giri shared the list of above-ground explosions before the LTBT of 1963 came into effect. The table detailed the location, altitude, and yield of the explosions during the period. Elaborating further, he underscored the major satellite subsystems in jeopardy following a NEMP, including- power systems; altitude control system electronics; communication systems; surveillance systems; information processing systems, and thermal controlling systems.

According to Dr. Giri, the worst case of a NEMP is the exposure of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites to direct X-ray radiation. On the other hand, Medium Earth Orbit satellites (MEO) and Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites are unlikely to be damaged because of large distances from the bursting point. Also, MEO and GEO satellites are designed to operate in harsh environments. To mitigate the impact of NEMP, Dr. Giri emphasised the importance of keeping critical electronics within the satellite safe and the significance of building protections in the design of the systems. Unfortunately, in most cases, Dr. Giri observed that systems go through retrofitting, adding new technology or feature to older systems. He also shared his impression that the Rafale fighter jets brought by India are not tested for EMPs; however, he also shared his optimism about DRDO’s ground-based facility to test EMPs on electronic systems. He further mentioned that EMPs are discouraged from being used against satellites because all major nations have their satellites in orbit, providing a built-in deterrent. Dr. Giri concluded the talk by accentuating the importance of studying the survivability of space and ground-based components of ISRO’s assets and the significance of R&D efforts in assessing the NEMP effects to reduce the uncertainties.

In the Q&A session that followed the talk, Dr. Giri explained to Gp. Cpt. (Retd.) Ajey Lele that the system testing process is intricate and involves step-by-step testing before integration when queried about Elon Musk's 49 satellites that were destroyed by a solar flare. He also said that international agreements and treaties make the use of NEMP unlikely unless a country goes rogue.

The report was prepared by Mr. Rohit Kumar Sharma, Research Analyst, Strategic Technologies Centre.

Report of Monday Morning Discussion on “Analysing the Nuclear Dynamics in East Asia” June 05, 2023 Monday Morning Meeting

Niranjan Oak, Research Analyst, Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA), spoke on “Analysing the Nuclear Dynamics in East Asia” at the Monday Morning Meeting held on 5 June 2023. The session was moderated by Dr. Rajiv Nayan, Senior Research Associate, MP-IDSA. Ambassador Sujan R. Chinoy, the Director General of MP-IDSA, Maj. Gen. (Dr.) Bipin Bakshi (Retd.), the Deputy Director General of MP-IDSA and scholars of the Institute were in attendance.

Executive Summary

Although, numerically the overall nuclear weapons trend appears to be on a downward track, there exist reverse trajectory in East Asia. At a systemic level China is trying to compete with its strategic rival, the United States, vis-à-vis the nuclear domain, both in qualitative (technological advancement and precision missiles) and quantitative terms. At a regional level, the nuclear dynamics will substantially be impacted by the US extended nuclear deterrence. Japan and South Korea remain the threshold states with active deliberation over nuclear weapons introduction in the region. In recent times, they have tried to resolve bilateral disputes in order to align their strategies against a common threat. North Korea, despite rampant provocations, would maintain its regime security by not resorting to a pre-emptive strike on its neighbours. Thus, nuclear dynamism of the region would continue to keep the pot boiling for an unforeseeable future.

Detailed Report

Dr. Rajiv Nayan began the meeting with a synoptical analysis of the nuclear dynamics in the East Asian region and emerging contemporary issues. In his introductory remark, he briefly touched upon the nuclear priorities of governments of Japan and South Korea, and their immediate implication in terms of Chinese response.

Mr. Niranjan Oak began his presentation with the G7 joint statement on Nuclear Disarmament. He further contextualised the Chinese numerical enhancement of nuclear weapons with the overall reduction in nuclear warheads from more than 70,000 in 1986 to approx. 12,500 currently. With the background of North Korean incessant cruise, ballistic and hypersonic missile tests, Mr. Oak gave a comprehensive analysis of the East Asian countries with substantive military and technological capabilities.

As per US Nuclear Posture Review 2022, China is slated to increase the number of nuclear warheads to 1000 by 2030. The estimate is based on 250 missile silos which were discovered in 2021, and are predictably to be filled with Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicle (MIRV) missiles. In the midst, a possibility of bluff and ambiguity can also not be ignored. Mr. Oak described the wide range of ballistic, cruise, hypersonic missiles and other weapon delivery systems that China possesses, along with its ambitious modernisation plan juxtaposed with emerging technologies. Contextualising North Korean threats, Mr. Oak detailed North Korea’s military capabilities along with their pronouncements including no pre-emptive strike. Pyongyang is projected to increase its nuclear warheads by the end of this decade. It has further tried to enhance its survivability by diversifying its delivery platforms. Mr. Oak attributed the barrage of missile tests in 2022 and 2023 to potential causes such as acute food shortage impacting the economy, using tests as a bargaining chip to extract economic concessions from the west and preference to regime security.

South Korea President Yoon Suk Yeol’s interest in redeploying the nuclear weapons on its soil reflects increasing frustration with North’s aggression towards South. Mr. Oak attributed the timing to this nuclear utterance by South Korean President to increased provocation by North Korea with its missile tests, its sophistication and declining credibility of United States extended nuclear deterrence. The United States responded with forging ‘the ‘Washington Declaration’ in March 2023. The declaration includes the commitment of ROK to provide full conventional military support to the US nuclear or conventional operations. ROK further expressed its full commitment towards NPT. The United States, on the other hand, committed itself to strengthen the consultation process in nuclear planning and operations through the establishment of the Nuclear Consultative Group. These initiatives ensure that South Korea plays a supporting role in any operation with its conventional forces implying that command and control related to nuclear weapons stay completely with the US.

Mr. Oak further detailed Japan’s security dynamics in the East Asian geopolitical canvass. Japan’s National Security Strategy 2022 lists North Korean missile threats, increased defense budget of China and Taiwan’s quagmire as threats to Japanese security interests. Japan has already included counter-strike capabilities in its security strategies. Within five years, with the support of allies and partners, Japan intends to equip itself to defend its territories in case of foreign invasion. As a part of its ten years goal, Japan intends to disrupt and defeat the invasion much earlier and develop robust long range missile capabilities. Japan has begun changing its pacifist nature and adapting to deal with the changing security environment by increasing the share of ‘defense and other outlays’ spending to upto 2% of the GDP.

Chinese adventurism in Taiwan is bound to have repercussions for both Japan and the United States. In recent times China has increased its provocative activities with more missile launches, more naval activities and more central line crossing over Taiwan Strait, effectively establishing a new normal. To meet China’s challenge, Taiwan’s modest missile stockpile consists of anti-ship cruise missiles and short range ballistic missiles among others.

Mr. Oak concluded that the nuclear dynamics in the region continues to be volatile. This volatility is on account of Chinese rivalry with the United States, North Korea’s increasing missile tests, dwindling credibility of the US extended nuclear deterrence to its East Asian allies and escalating Taiwan crisis.

Dr. Rajiv Nayan commented on the advancement of hypersonic capabilities of China and North Korea at a time when most of the western world is struggling to acquire the capability. On the question of nuclearization of East Asia, he pointed out that Japan possesses enough fissile material to produce approx. 6000 nuclear warheads. He further pointed out that successive governments in Japan have refrained themselves from taking a political decision to acquire nuclear weapons. He further predicted a spiral effect as a result of Japan’s nuclear acquisition. Besides, he alluded to the dithering commitment of the United States to its East Asian allies that induces these countries to look for security in the nuclear option.   

Comment and Questions

The floor was opened for questions and comments. The Director General, Ambassador Sujan R. Chinoy, the Deputy Director General, Maj. Gen. (Dr.) Bipin Bakshi (Retd.), and scholars from the Institute contributed to the discussion. In his remarks, Ambassador Chinoy complimented the presentation for its crisp, precise and usefulness of factual information. Ambassador Chinoy further suggested the need for focussing on Japanese nuclear debate and its implications on South Korea in particular and Korean peninsula in general. The strategic duality reflected in the security alliance between the US and its two East Asian partners, on one hand, and ambition to acquire nuclear weapons both in Seoul and Tokyo on the other, should also be examined. Ambassador Chinoy commented on Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s alignment (or dis-alignment) with nuclear weapons given his ancestral connection with Hiroshima, one of the cities to be bombed by nuclear weapons. He further asked how the NPT provisions explain the transfers of certain kind of fissile material for non-military purposes. He also expressed his desire to understand the Chinese reaction to the AUKUS trilateral agreement for the transfers of nuclear submarines.

Maj. Gen. (Dr.) Bipin Bakshi (Retd.) highlighted the strong abhorrence to nuclear weapons and nuclear reactors in Japan. Further, he asked about the implications of various missile and defense systems on South Asian security dynamics with special reference to the prospects of Indian Ballistic missile defense systems.

In the question and answer session, issues such as credibility of claims of defense systems and its battle effectiveness, Chinese tactical nuclear weapons, Indian ballistic missile defense system and China’s response to the AUKUS deal were taken up.

Mr. Niranjan Oak pointed out the rhetorical approach of the Chinese with respect to any security alliance or military build-up in East Asian region. He further clarified that AUKUS is not a violation of NPT as it commits the transfer of nuclear propelled submarine and not the nuclear weapon carrying submarine. He also pointed out the South Asian security dynamics in terms of the China-Pakistan nexus and India’s involvement with minilateral groupings like Quad, among others.

The report was prepared by Mr. Abhishek Verma, Research Analyst, Internal Security Centre. MP-IDSA.

Round Table Discussion with a Delegation from Israel June 08, 2023 1100 hrs Round Table

The Delegation will be headed by Mr. Amir Peretz, Chairman of the Board, Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), formerly Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister of Israel.

Amb. Sujan R. Chinoy, DG MP-IDSA will chair the session.

Venue: Boardroom # 104, First Floor

Report of Monday Morning Meeting “Takeaways from Prime Minister Modi’s Visits to Japan, Papua New Guinea, and Australia” May 29, 2023 Monday Morning Meeting

Dr. Arnab Dasgupta, Research Analyst, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, spoke on “Takeaways from Prime Minister Modi’s Visits to Japan, Papua New Guinea, and Australia” at the Monday Morning Meeting held on 29 May 2023. The Session was moderated by Mr. Om Prakash Das, Research Fellow at MP-IDSA. Ambassador Sujan R Chinoy, Director General, MP-IDSA, Maj Gen. (Dr.) Bipin Bakshi (Retd.), Deputy Director General, MP-IDSA and scholars of the Institute were in attendance.

Executive Summary

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's high-power diplomacy at the G-7 summit is to understand the developed world's perspective on global security challenges and the challenges of the Global South to act as a viable interlocutor to address these concerns through India’s G20 Presidency. A key outcome of the Quad Leader Summit is moving beyond the security function to development concerns such as connectivity and space cooperation.  The Prime Minister’s visit to the strategically significant Pacific Island countries and Prime Minister’s announcement of a 12 Point Action Plan to address developmental challenges are of particular significance at the 3rd Forum for India- Pacific Island Cooperation Summit.

Detailed Report

Mr. Om Prakash Das, Moderator, introduced the topic. He spoke about the significance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi attending the G7 Summit.  There were high expectations from the G7 Summit taking place amid the Russia -Ukraine War.  The Prime Minister's participation in the FIPIC Summit is noteworthy and in addressing the concerns of the Global South.  The Prime Minister’s visit to Australia is significant and diaspora plays an important role in strengthening India-Australia relations.

 Dr. Arnab Dasgupta outlined the structure of his presentation by posing key questions. What did Prime Minister Modi achieve with these visits? What are the key diplomatic takeaways, and do they serve India’s goals? What are the major steps needed to further foreign policy objectives?

 Dr Dasgupta discussed the significance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Japan at the invitation of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in the G7 Hiroshima Summit.  The Prime Minister engaged G7 leaders bilaterally and multilaterally. Prime Minister Modi addressed Session 6, where he highlighted the multiple crises confronting the global community as the COVID 19 and Ukraine crises aggravated global food shortages, global health challenges arising from climate change and sustainable development.

Dr. Arnab Dasgupta highlighted the key takeaways of the G7 Summit. First, the inclusion of Global South in the G7 agenda and the call for the reform of the multilateral institutions. These institutions do not cater to the needs of the 21st Century. Dr. Dasgupta emphasised Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on the sidelines of the G7 Summit. The Prime Minister assured humanitarian aid to Ukraine and he stated that dialogue and diplomacy are the only way forward to resolve the conflicts.

 Dr. Dasgupta pointed out the key outcomes of the Quad Summit which was held on the sidelines of the Hiroshima Summit on May 20, 2023. The Quad Leaders’ Summit focused on stability and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific. Quad Leaders major initiatives are: first, the agency and   the centrality of the ASEAN, Pacific Islands Forum, and IORA will be preserved. Second, clean energy supply chain will be created for clean economic transition; third, reorientation of Quad vaccine partnership to health security partnership in order to contain the future Pandemics. Fourth, Quad infrastructure fellowship has been announced to create 1800 professionals in infrastructure field. Fifth, Quad leaders emphasized connectivity protecting the undersea cable creating a partnership for cable connectivity and resilience Sixth, an Open Radio Network is to be established in Palau, Sixth, Quad investment in emerging technologies will be done through various initiatives such as Quad joint partnership in software development and the Space Working Group.

Dr. Arnab   Dasgupta clarified about Quad expansion vs overreach debate. He cited the Foreign Secretary Vinay Mohan Kwatra as saying that the Quad Summit meeting on the sidelines of the G7 Summit in Japan and the canceling of the Summit in Australia did not undermine the Quad Summit as it does not have a formal institutional structure like NATO.  Quad exists as long as its members are willing to talk to each other as the Quad.

Dr. Arnab Dasgupta talked about the FIPIC Summit that was held on 22 -23 May 2023 in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea under the leadership of Prime Minister James Marape and Prime Minister Modi. India has deep roots in the region many of the Pacific Islands have special diaspora connections and ancestry traced back to the Indian subcontinent. Dr. Dasgupta mentioned that China's inroads into the Pacific Islands are a cause of concern.  India has good intentions, but China has the money. India’s intangible economic footprint is deeper in the region. India’s outreach is in response to the needs of Pacific Island countries. Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the 12 Point Action Plan for infrastructure development. India’s developmental expertise is indispensable in the areas of health, IT, solar and desalination projects, and small and medium enterprises infrastructure.

 Dr. Arnab Dasgupta analysed the last leg of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit which was to Australia. According to him, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Prime Minister of Australia, Anthony Albanese transformed India-Australia bilateral relations. Key outcomes of the visit include a comprehensive economic partnership agreement, future cooperation in the mining of the minerals, the migration and mobility agreement, and agreeing to share expertise in green and clean energy transitions. The mutual security interests of Australia and India are to secure a free and open Indo-Pacific and to address the challenges posed by China. 

Dr. Arnab Dasgupta concluded his presentation by identifying guideposts and significant inflection points with respect to foreign policy moves on Indo Pacific and the Global South, in particular Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s forthcoming visit to the US to comprehend President Biden’s approach to Indo Pacific, and his visit to France in July to ensure the continuation of Indo – French cooperation in the Indo Pacific.  The Prime Minister's  engagement with the world leaders can be understood as exercises to generate goodwill, which in turn would enable the conduct of the G20 Summit in a smooth, cordial, and fruitful manner.

Comments and Questions

Mr. Om Prakash Das invited the Director General, Ambassador Sujan R. Chinoy to give his comments.

Ambassador Chinoy shared his experience as an Indian Foreign Service officer who served in all three areas- Japan, Marshall Islands, and Australia. Ambassador Chinoy stated that India’s primary focus is on the Indian Ocean region and geographical distance need not be a factor in greater interaction with Pacific Islands.

Ambassador Chinoy expressed that there is ambiguity about whether China is to be considered part of Global South or not, and that whenever Chinese leader Xi Jinping speaks of leadership of developing countries there is a pushback from many developing countries on China’s ‘debt trap diplomacy’. Thus, India is not seeking ownership of Global South. India is the voice of the Global South.

 With regard to the Quad summit that was held on the sidelines of the G7 Summit in Japan Ambassador Chinoy pointed out that it was a successful meeting. The contours of Quad have changed from 2017 to 2021. It has raised the expectations of the world. The primary focus of the Quad is preventing supply chain disruption in the Indo-Pacific and preventing economic and military threats to the region. Quad leaders are to work on infrastructure, connectivity, space, undersea cables and are not just looking at the elephant in the room. Quad is looking for creating a new environment for development.

 Ambassador Sujan R. Chinoy highlighted that India’s presence in the Pacific Islands is not about matching Chinese capabilities. It is about serving India’s interests and keeping in mind the primary stakeholders, USA, China and Japan in the region. India’s presence is as a pro bono provider of public goods. Ambassador Chinoy shared his observations on India’s successful initiatives such as Information Technology Centers in Africa. Pacific Islands are difficult to visit and therefore, Singapore, which created a dedicated cadre of experts with the rank of Ambassadors who promoted Singapore’s vision abroad, is a worthy model to emulate in the Pacific Islands as well.

Dr. Dasgupta agreed with the views expressed by Ambassador Chinoy.  He further added that area specialists and language experts need to be chosen while engaging with the Pacific Island countries.

 Mr. Das invited the Deputy Director General to make his comments. Maj. Gen. (Dr.) Bipin Bakshi highlighted the G7 Summit held in Hiroshima. According to him Prime Minister Modi's visit to the Cenotaph and Peace Memorial Park had particular symbolism attached, as the Japanese were the only people hit by nuclear weapons. He also pointed out Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s emphasis on reform of the UN  Security Council.  Maj. Gen. (Dr.) Bipin Bakshi said the Prime Minister’s meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reflects India’s emergence on the world stage as a mediator or peacemaker in resolving conflicts.  He emphasised that Prime Minister Narendra Modi's outreach was warranted as Pacific Island countries are very small but significant countries. He stated that the Quad CDS meeting was scheduled but was canceled due to technical reasons.

Dr. Dasgupta responded that the nuclear memorial evokes a visceral understanding of nuclear conflict beyond a logical and intellectual understanding of nuclear security.

Dr. Rajiv Nayan, Senior Research Associate, emphasised that the Pacific Island countries are recognising the cultural capital of India. Different schools of thought, concepts, and ideas on Vishvaguru need to be debated so that they can be better utilized as cultural capital in India’s diplomatic interaction with the rest of the world.

Gp. Capt. Rajiv Kumar Narang VM, (Retd) highlighted the context of Quad investment in strategic technologies. Dr. Dasgupta responded that indigenisation of technology has limits. India's best possible option is the joint development of technology.

Dr. Anand Kumar asked the speaker how Quad interactions create reactionary responses from China. How is it possible to reconcile dilemmas of security and economic engagement with China?

Dr. Dasgupta answered by noting that the key dynamic is not to shut out China, but to figure out how cooperation can be managed.

 After the senior scholars, research analysts, and interns of the institute enriched the discussion with questions and comments, Mr. Om Prakash Das concluded the session. 

Report prepared by Dr. Velpula  Ramanujam,  Research  Analyst, South East Asia  and  Oceania Centre, MP- IDSA.

Report on “The Unfolding Ethnic Conflict in Manipur” May 22, 2023 1030 to 1300 hrs Monday Morning Meeting

Dr. Pushpita Das, Research Fellow, Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA), spoke on “The Unfolding Ethnic Conflict in Manipur” at the Monday Morning Meeting held on 22 May 2023. The session was moderated by Col. Gurinder Pal Singh, Research Fellow. Ambassador Sujan R. Chinoy, the Director General of MP-IDSA, Maj. Gen. (Dr.) Bipin Bakshi (Retd.), the Deputy Director General of MP-IDSA and scholars of the Institute were in attendance.

Executive Summary

The tribal dimension in the North Eastern socio-political landscape is one of the dominant issues. The flashpoint of Manipur is innately associated with the issue of tribal claims and aspirations. The supposedly disproportionate land holdings among theMeiteis, Kukis and Nagas have been the crux of the problem. This resentment has further been exacerbated by the migration of these communities into the hill and valley areas. The overlapping territorial claims by various militant organisations have caused mutual distrust and hostility amongst the communities which is exacerbated by corrupt and non- inclusive governance.  

Detailed report

Col. Gurinder Pal Singh began the meeting with a brief introduction about Dr. Pushpita Das.

Dr. Pushpita Das detailed the large scale ethnic violence witnessed in Manipur on 3 May 2023. The genesis of this violence could be traced back to a protest march organised by All Tribal Students Union of Manipur in headquarters of all the hill districts of Manipur. Initially a peaceful march, it turned violent when the Kuki militants allegedly attacked Meitei community members in Churachandpur district. In retaliation the Meitei community attacked Kukis in valley areas. In the aftermath of these violent ethnic conflicts more than 70 people were killed and more than 48,000 people were rendered displaced, along with large scale damage to infrastructure. Prompt action was taken by the government with suspension of internet, curfew was imposed and a shoot at site order was given.

The protest march was in response to a High Court judgement in April 2023. The High Court ordered the state government to send a recommendation for the inclusion of Meitei community in the Scheduled Tribe community. The Supreme Court has termed this judgement as ‘factually wrong’. The Meitei community has historically been demanding the inclusion in the Scheduled Tribe list. In 1995, the Meitei community was granted Other Backward Class (OBC) status. In 2012, the Scheduled Tribe Demand Committee of Manipur Valley was established and the demand for inclusion of the Meitei community in the Schedule Tribe category intensified. In 2013, the Union Government asked the state government to forward the recommendations for the inclusion of the said community in the Schedule Tribe list. The Manipur Government did not respond.

The issue has revived a decade later and again the state government has not replied to the Union Government’s call for recommendations. The Meitei tribal union filed a writ petition this year in the High Court asking the High Court to direct the state government to reply to the 2013 letter of the Union Ministry for Tribal Affairs.

A point of consideration is that both the Nagas and Kukis are against the inclusion of the Meitei community in the ST category. Kukis have simmering anger against the Meitei dominated state government. There are several decisions taken by the incumbent government which have been contested by the Kukis. Prominent among them is the issue of migration. After the military coup in Myanmar, rampant migration from Myanmar has created socio-economic issues. In response, the government has suspended the free movement regime, detained 400 illegal migrants from Myanmar and issued eviction notices. These strict government responses have attracted criticism from the Kuki community because the migrating people from Myanmar are of their own community of the ‘Kuki-Chin- Mizo’ tribe.

Another issue is ‘war on drugs’, a campaign started in 2017. The Kuki community dominates the business of illicit cultivation of poppy and the government’s crackdown, according to them, is directed against their community. As a result, large scale protests have ensued with intermittent violence. The state government considers these protests as motivated by Kuki militants and hence anti- government.

In 2016 as peace talk started, the Kukis expected that their demand for a separate Kukiland will be met. This demand has been dominating their agenda since the 1960s. The demand is in light of the animosity Kukis feel against Meitis and Nagas. The decade of 1990s witnessed a kind of ethnic cleansing of Nagas and Kukis. As a result, the demand for a separate Kukiland was intensified by Kuki militant groups. In 2008, two broad organisations subsumed all the Kuki militant groups, Kuki National Organisation and United Peoples Front. In 2016, it is these organisations with which the government started negotiations. The talks failed because of the lack of convergence in demand between the two groups.

In a larger context, Hill-Valley divide is the crux of the problem. Dr. Pushpita Das detailed the geographic and demographic landscape of both Hill and Valley areas. Further she explained that its Meiteis which from 53% of the population but inhabit only 10% of the land. Northern districts are occupied by Nagas which constitute 17% of the population while Kukis, which form 26% of the population are concentrated in the southern part of the state. This disproportionate spatial distribution of the Meities and tribals is the crux of the problem.

Dr. Das concluded by suggesting that if peace has to see its day, all the three communities will have to step back from their rigid demands and uncompromised stand. Government should be the first initiator and provide inclusive and efficient governance, rest will follow. Kukis need to reconsider their demand for greater Kukiland for more than one reason.  

Comments and Questions

The floor was opened for questions and comments. The Director General, Ambassador Sujan R. Chinoy, in his remarks, complimented the clarity and comprehensiveness of the presentation. He brought out the point that it’s not just the internal developments that have bearing on the internal security situation but it’s also about what’s happening in other neighbouring countries, in this case, Myanmar. He deplored the violent setback to the peace process that has been continuing for almost a decade. He pointed out the complexities in the implementation of Sixth Schedule. He also talked about the social mobility that has been witnessed in the demands of Meities for ST status over a period of time.

The Deputy Director General, Maj. Gen. (Dr.) Bipin Bakshi (Retd.) mentioned that Meities consider all non-Meiteis as outside their identity and society. He also referred to the Vaishnavite Meitei Kingdom and its influence in present days. Further, he pointed out the feeling of discrimination among Kukis where he mentioned that crackdown on poppy cultivation is not followed up with crackdown on its manufacturing and transportation which is being handled largely by Meiteis. He further pointed to the politician-police and smugglers nexus.

Dr. Rajiv Nayan commented on demographic composition of the Kuki community and their role in bureaucracy.

Mr. Anil Kamboj, Former Senior Fellow, IDSA, commented on the peculiar logistics arrangement in Manipur. He also alluded to the huge density of population in Meitei dominated valley (610-650 per sq. km) and miniscule density in hill areas (19-20 per sq. km). As per his view the restrictions on purchase of land should go away.

Mr. Niranjan Oak asked about the logic of Meiteis demanding Scheduled Tribe status when they already have OBC category. He also asked the prospects of Article 371 as a-succour for the problem.

Dr. Das mentioned that the Meiteis demands are centred on land and their ability to buy land in hill areas. The Eighth Schedule already provides sufficient safeguards for Meitei language. The need is to start acting on a peaceful path.

The Report has been prepared by Mr. Abhishek Verma, Research Analyst, Internal Security Centre.

