Europe and Eurasia: Publications

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  • Prime Minister Modi’s Europe Visit: An Analysis

    While the Russia–Ukraine crisis has given India the impetus to engage more proactively with European states, the need is to maintain and build on the momentum, in the pursuit of mutual benefit and prosperity.

    May 30, 2022

    Spain’s Policy Shift on Western Sahara

    Spain extending support to the 2007 Moroccan plan of granting an autonomous status to Western Sahara under Moroccan sovereignty is a significant foreign policy shift.

    May 19, 2022

    Central Asia and the Ukraine Crisis

    The Central Asian states have had to deal with significant economic and security challenges in the wake of the Russia–Ukraine conflict.

    April 27, 2022

    Russia–Ukraine Conflict and Kazakhstan

    The Russia–Ukraine conflict has put Kazakhstan’s foreign policy to a severe test. Though there are similarities between Ukraine and Kazakhstan, the NATO factor doesn’t exist in the case of the latter. In Kazakhstan’s approach to the Russia–Ukraine conflict, it is possible to discern a distinct tilt towards Russia.

    April 12, 2022

    Advancing Relations between India and Greece

    Bilateral relations between India and Greece have grown steadily over the years. A few additional steps can further enhance and deepen the strategic cooperation between the two countries.

    April 07, 2022

    Early Military Lessons from Russia’s Special Military Operation in Ukraine

    While the end state of the Russia–Ukraine conflict is still afar, an analysis of the conflict and war fighting so far, shows that there are enough early lessons for the strategic and military practitioners to decipher and take note of.

    March 28, 2022

    Decoding the Bosnian Crisis

    The crises in Bosnia have put the nation on red alert and could lead to a major conflict or civil war, if the issues are not resolved soon. Any political instability can fan ideas of disintegration and separation and take Bosnia back to the civil war era and ethnic conflicts, devastation and loss of life.

    March 21, 2022

    Relevance of Normandy Format Talks in the Ukrainian Crisis

    The Ukrainian crisis is less about Ukraine, its national politics and foreign policy, and more about redefining the rules not only of the European security but also the international order and the simmering rivalry between great powers in particular.

    February 15, 2022

    Understanding China’s Growing Military Outreach in Central Asia

    China’s growing military presence in Central Asia through military exercises, trainings, extending arms assistance and building military infrastructure, has an impact not only on the region but also its neighbours, especially Russia and India.

    February 03, 2022

    France’s EU Council Presidency and the Rocky Road Ahead

    The French Presidency has come at a time when the EU needs a liberal and strong nation at the helm of affairs, which can fine-tune relations with other European countries and stand strong for its principles and values. France fits the deal.

    January 25, 2022

