Defence Economics & Industry: Publications

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  • A Critical Review of Defence Procurement Procedure 2011

    In the absence of reforms in several areas, DPP-2011 may not be able to achieve its stated objectives of expeditious procurement and greater involvement of domestic industry in defence production.

    January 25, 2011

    An American Solution to India’s Defence Acquisition Problem?

    India’s increasing reliance on FMS route is indicative of its desperation to bridge the gaps in its defence preparedness and shows the weakness of the Defence Procurement Procedure.

    October 08, 2010

    Defining a New Conceptual Framework: Defence Economic Infrastructure

    If basic equipment shortfalls that the defence sectors face are to be addressed, then Indian defence planners need to use the DEI framework to create solution models.

    September 20, 2010

    Dynamics of Rules and Regulations in Defence

    During application of prescribed procedures, many contradictions and ambiguities crop up, resulting in delays in decision making and, in some cases, to even faulty decisions.

    July 16, 2010

    Food for Thought: Optimising Defence Spending

    While India’s latest defence budget has no doubt catered for a sizeable capital component, it may be prudent to reduce costs by switching to more affordable programmes.

    May 07, 2010

    Advantages of including Munitions Items in the SCOMET List

    Unless the SCOMET list includes munitions items, and is harmonised with the Wassanaar Agreement list, India will be unable to get the full benefits of international commerce in defence goods.

    May 04, 2010

    Defence Budgetary Allocation 2010-11: Adequacy vs. Usage

    Adequacy or inadequacy of defence allocation largely lies in the manner it is spent keeping in view the defence requirements for meeting operational and strategic goals and to have the needed defence preparedness to deal with threats.

    March 18, 2010

    India’s Defence Budget (2010-2011): Wake up call for Defence Managers

    Given that allocations for revenue expenditure are likely to become lesser in coming years, defence managers need to initiate immediate measures to control the rising revenue expenditure.

    March 03, 2010

    Budgeting for India’s Defence: An Analysis of Defence Budget 2010-11 and the Likely Impact of the 13th Finance Commission on Future Defence Spending

    If the Finance Ministry’s emphasis on fiscal prudence and inclusive growth has resulted in a smaller increase in the latest defence budget, the Report of the Thirteenth Finance Commission does not paint a very optimistic scenario for India’s future defence spending.

    March 03, 2010

    Mahindra’s Giant Leap into Defence Production: The Need for Further Policy Initiatives to Promote Private Sector

    While Mahindra’s foray into defence production and the acquisition of foreign companies demonstrates the private sector’s initiative, the government needs to introduce further reforms to promote the role of private companies in Indian defence industry.

    December 22, 2009

