Rouhani and Putin coincided to step up efforts to avoid military strike against Syria
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  • According to reports, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin have agreed to step up efforts to prevent any military action against Syria. In a telephone conversation on August 28, the two presidents stressed that any use of military force against another country without a mandate from the United Nations is a blatant violation of international law. Putin and Rouhani emphasized that the Syrian crisis must be resolved only through diplomatic means. The remarks came shortly after the five permanent members of the UN Security Council held a closed-door meeting to discuss a British proposal for a draft resolution demanding a swift response to an alleged chemical weapon attack near Damascus on August 21, which killed hundreds. Rouhani said Tehran strongly condemns any use of chemical weapons anywhere, but warned against jumping to a judgment before all aspects of the alleged attack have become clear. The Iranian president expressed concern over reports that the West is preparing to launch a war against Syria and warned that any military intervention in the strategic Arab state could destabilize the whole Middle East. Putin also refuted claims made by the US and its allies accusing the Syrian government of being behind the August 21 chemical attack.1
