A group of Japanese rightists landed on Diaoyu Island; Chinese nationals released by Tokyo arrive in Hong Kong; Taiwan official: Need for more efforts to boost Cross-Straits relations ; DPRK-Beijing agree to work on Economic Zone; China is willing to work
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  • (AUGUST 6-19)

    According to reports, a group of Japanese rightists landed on Diaoyu Island on August 19, 2012. This is being regarded by China as another attempt at flaring the issue of Chinese sovereignty. 1 Meanwhile, seven out of fourteen Chinese nationals who were detained by Japanese police while going to the Diaoyu Islands, arrived in Hong Kong after their release. The release was welcomed by China. 2

    In another development, according to reports, a Taiwan affairs official for the Chinese mainland has called for greater efforts to promote Cross-Straits exchanges at the civilian level. 3

    According to reports, China and DPRK have announced that they want to move forward in developing an economic zone. 4

    Reports noted that Beijing has announced that it will work with ASEAN on a code of conduct for South China Sea on a consensus basis. 5

    According to reports, China and Bhutan have agreed to find solutions to their mutual border issues. This has been a major development after 28 years of bi-lateral talks. 6
