Clashes between al Qaeda and security forces continue
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  • (MAY 28-JUNE 3)

    According to reports, at least six people were killed in a clash between the security forces and al Qaeda in the Abyan province in Southern Yemen as troops were moving closer to the al-Qaeda stronghold of Jaar on May 27, 2012. A military official has informed that five al-Qaeda militants and one civilian was killed in the incident. He also informed that the dead al Qaeda operative was a mid-level commander of the network known as Abdul Rahman al-Musallami. 1

    In another incident, four tribal fighters were reportedly killed in a suicide bombing by al Qaeda in Abyan province on June 4, 2012, according to the Yemeni Defence Ministry. The clash took place at Um Sorra in the Lawder district, where, "Two militants detonated their bomb car at a checkpoint of the tribal fighters amid precise checking process in this area. The fighters at the checkpoint wanted to check the car, but the militants refused and exploded their car immediately".2
