Plans to build three new airport terminals in Kerbala, Najaf and Hilla announced; Car bomb kills 30 in Diyala province
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  • Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority (ICAA) Director General Adnin Blebil announced that the government was planning to add three new terminals, each capable of handling 2.5 million passengers per year. These would be built in the three provinces of Kerbala, Najaf and Hilla, which are home to some of Shi’ite Islam’s holiest shrines. After years of sanctions and war, Iraq plans to spend billions of dollars of investment to rebuild and expand infrastructure and facilitate economic growth.1

    A car bomb in the town of Khalis in Diyala province killed over 30 people. Earlier in May, multiple attacks killed more than 100 people. The situation in the country remained tense in the aftermath of parliamentary elections in March, with no bloc having been able to secure a majority.2
