Rajapakse declares a ‘temporary halt’ to military operations; Post-conflict reconstruction measures being contemplated; Pro-LTTE TNA-led delegation visiting India from April 16-17
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  • President Mahinda Rajapakse declared a “temporary halt” to military operations against the LTTE even as the UN cautioned against moves that could cause a potential bloodbath in the country’s North East1.

    Reports noted that Colombo has initiated measures exploring the avenues for post-conflict reconstruction. Emphasis was being given to infrastructure projects and the construction of bridges, roads and railways with the aim to reconnect the north with the rest of the island2.

    Meanwhile, reports noted that a Tamil National Alliance (TNA)-led delegation would be visiting India from April 16-17 to discuss various issues, including the ongoing conflict as well as the political environment in a post-conflict environment3.

    In other developments, Libya and Sri Lanka signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for strengthening cooperation in the exchange of foreign trade data, participation in trade fairs organized in the two countries, exchange of information on commercial missions, market research, foreign trade specificities and investment opportunities4.
