Agni-II missile successfully test fired; CCEA approves continuation of scheme for special Infrastructure in Left Wing Extremism affected states
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  • According to reports, the Strategic Forces Command (SFC) fired the medium range Agni-2 missile successfully on April 7 from the Wheelers Island, off the Odisha coast. The missile has a range capability of over 1700 kms. Agni-2 missile is equipped with state of the art avionics, advanced high accuracy navigation system and guided by an innovative guidance scheme. The state-of-the-art Agni-II missile was developed by Advanced Systems Laboratory (ASL) and integrated by the Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL), Hyderabad. An SFC spokesman said, the flight “most importantly, conveys our preparedness to meet any eventuality. The mission “fully validated our operational readiness as also the reliability of the systems and the missile.” 1

    In another development, reports noted that the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on April 2 approved the proposal of the Ministry of Home Affairs for continuation of the Scheme for Special Infrastructure (SIS) in Left Wing Extremism (LWE) affected states during the 12th Plan period (upto 31.03.2017). The current proposal includes an added objective of up gradation and critical gap filling of training infrastructure, residential infrastructure, weaponry, vehicles and any other related items pertaining to Special Forces of LWE affected states. The total cost would be Rs. 373 crore comprising Rs. 280 crore as central government share and Rs. 93 crore as state government share on a 75 (central) : 25 (state) funding pattern.
    The scheme was being implemented from the year 2008-09. During the 11th Plan period 100 percent funding was provided by the Central Government to the 9 LWE affected states for implementing various projects under the scheme. The total funds release under the scheme by the central government to the 9 LWE affected states during the 11th Plan period is Rs. 445.82 crore. This scheme tries to fill the gap in development of critical infrastructure for better policing, particularly in the Naxal affected areas. 2
