Peace talks between Thai government and UDD end in stalemate; Thailand to urge Myanmar to make upcoming elections ‘open’ for all political opponents and ethnic minorities; Indonesia signs science and technology cooperation agreement with the US;
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  • Peace talks between the Thai government and the United Democratic Front against Dictatorship (UDD) ended in stalemate due to unresolved differences between the two parties. The UDD stuck to its demand that the government dissolve parliament within 15 days.1

    Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya stated that during the upcoming Mekong River Regional Commission meeting, Thailand will urge Myanmar to open the upcoming elections to all political opponents and ethnic minorities. Kasit noted that electoral laws recently announced by the Myanmar authorities seemed ‘discriminatory’ as amnesty has been provided exclusively to the military leadership and not to the rest of the political opposition. Kasit added tha the issue will also be discussed by Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva during his meeting with Myanmar’s leaders in the upcoming ASEAN Summit in Hanoi.2

    Indonesia and the US signed a new science and technology cooperation agreement covering over 20 fields, including agriculture, biotechnology, medical and biomedical sciences among other areas. The agreement was signed by Indonesian Minister of Research and Technology Suharna Surapranata and US Ambassador to Indonesia Cameron Hume.3

    In other developments, the Indonesian government urged Israel to halt its offensive in the Gaza Strip and charged that the operations were a violation of international law.4
