Gas agreement between Iran and Pakistan signed; Obama: Washington committed to a “more hopeful” future for the Iranian people despite US differences with Iranian government
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  • Pakistan and Iran signed an agreement for the construction of the much-delayed $7.6 billion natural gas pipeline. The project is considered crucial for Pakistan's growing energy requirements as it continues to suffer severe electricity shortages. Under the terms of the deal, Iran will provide 750m cubic feet of gas per day to Pakistan. The pipeline is set to become operational by 2015 and each country will be responsible for building the section of pipeline that runs through its own territory. Under the terms of the deal, Pakistan is allowed to charge a transit fee if the pipeline is eventually extended to India.1

    A year after his much-publicised offer of friendship to the Iranian people did not produce any results, President Obama on the occasion of the Iranian New Year stated that Washington was committed to a “more hopeful” future for the Iranian people despite US differences with Iran’s government. He added that his government was “working with the international community to hold the Iranian government accountable because they refuse to live up to their international obligations.” He charged that over the past year, the Iranian government had “chosen to isolate itself and to choose a self-defeating focus on the past over a commitment to build a better future.”2
