United States of America (USA)

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  • Looking Ahead

    If India indeed considers itself to be a rising power, it cannot remain a passive in the face of instability all around it.

    January 12, 2010

    Turbulence Rocks Islamic Republic

    Although Iran’s regime is under no immediate danger of being toppled, it however faces a growing number of internal and external threats which will necessitate prudent redressing.

    January 08, 2010

    2011 and beyond: Visualising Af-Pak

    Getting the hard core Taliban to concede the fight without loss of face is preferable to destroying them. The latter course is rendered risky by the linkages between the Afghan Taliban, Pakistani Taliban and Punjabi Taliban and their penetration of the Pakistani state and society.

    December 23, 2009

    India can learn from the US experience in securing its borders

    India faces risks at its borders even more severe than those faced by the United States. Indian authorities would benefit by studying the US methodologies and experience and drawing appropriate lessons.

    December 14, 2009

    Obama’s Afghan Strategy: Surge or Retreat?

    Obama’s signal that the United States seeks to exit in 18 months will be viewed with scepticism by fence sitters in Afghanistan who will identify the victor as the one who endures.

    December 14, 2009

    AfPak : Muddled Strategies and Expectations

    Ideally, ISAF and NATO should concentrate on urban population centres along with the ANA, and the ANA should also deploy outside the towns and cities to dominate the hinterland and crack down on Taliban controlled areas.

    December 11, 2009

    An economically exhausted America is withdrawing from Afghanistan

    The United States is facing serious economic problems, and Obama seems to have drawn the lesson that national security is not just about military strength but that it is equally about the economy, partnerships and diplomacy.

    December 08, 2009

    United States and Asia: Inextricably Linked

    Trade relations between the US and China only exemplify the true nature of a complex interdependent international environment. This limits or alters foreign policy options for both countries and directly connects domestic politics to international politics. In this game of interdependence, China has stayed ahead due to unique domestic political and economic conditions.

    November 26, 2009

    Community Building in the Asia-Pacific: Ideas, Concepts and the United States

    Notwithstanding the community formation ideas in different shapes coming from Japan and Australia, the EAS came out with as many as 42 deals on issues ranging from outstanding trade and economic matters to the launch of a human rights commission.

    November 06, 2009

    A Possible Afghan Denouement

    Post an American exit, China is likely to increase its investments in Afghanistan, provide employment to hundreds of unskilled Afghan workers, and assume the role of regional stabiliser.

    November 03, 2009

