Drug Trafficking

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  • Afghanistan’s Changing Drug Dynamics

    While there has been a significant reduction in opium cultivation in Afghanistan under the Taliban’s watch, there is a need to more effectively address underlying drivers of opium cultivation.

    May 22, 2024

    Narco-Terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir

    Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) has witnessed a 2000 per cent surge in heroin-related drug seizures between 2017 and 2022, with significant national security and societal consequences.

    September 12, 2022

    Increased Drug Trade in Golden Triangle: Security Implications

    The Shan state of Myanmar is the largest producer of illegal drugs within the infamous Golden Triangle—a tri-junction at the Myanmar, Laos and Thailand borders.

    July 28, 2022

    Harsh Pathak asked: India is trapped between Golden Crescent and Golden Triangle. What are its implications on India’s internal security and what is the way forward?

    Pushpita Das replies: The location of India between Golden Triangle and Gold Crescent not only results in the trafficking of drugs and narcotics produced in these regions into India but also in a reverse flow of precursor chemicals from India.

    Himanshu Khulbe asked: Why India has become a major conduit for human and drug trafficking in South Asia?

    Pushpita Das replies: A combination of factors have made India a major conduit for human and drug trafficking in South Asia. As far as drug trafficking is concerned, being proximate to the ‘Golden Crescent’ (Afghanistan-Pakistan-Iran) and ‘Golden Triangle’ (Myanmar-Thailand-Laos) has made India vulnerable to the trafficking of narcotics and drugs such as heroin, hashish, including synthetic drugs produced in these areas.

    Analysing the Impacts of Drug Trafficking on Human Security in Central Asia

    The international security environment has undergone many changes since the end of the Cold War. There has been a need to adapt the concept of security with the changing conditions and new security situations emerging in different geopolitical locales of the world. The concept of human security gained currency in the wake of international developments in the 1990s following the end of the Cold War. New security threats were identified by scholars and analysts the world over. There was a shift in the way security was conceptualised, i.e.

    January 2018

    Drugs and the Golden Triangle: Renewed Concerns for Northeast India

    India’s security strategy for the economic corridors and connectivity will have to entail water tight anti-drugs control measures and mechanisms to snuff out the possibilities of surges in narcotics trafficking that may result from better connectivity and established networks of peoples across the region.

    February 10, 2014

    Drug Trafficking in India: A Case for Border Security

    Drug Trafficking in India: A Case for Border Security

    Trafficking of drugs takes place overwhelmingly through land borders followed by sea and air routes. Given the vulnerability of the borders to drug trafficking, India has tried to tackle the problem through the strategy of drug supply and demand reduction, which involves enacting laws, co-operating with voluntary organisations, securing its borders and coasts by increasing surveillance, as well as seeking the active cooperation of its neighbours and the international community.

    Check the Downslide in India-Bangladesh Relations

    India should implement its agreements with Bangladesh in a time bound manner, fast track trans-border infrastructural developmental schemes and address the interests of the common people of Bangladesh.

    January 04, 2012

    Nexus of Drug Trafficking and Militancy Exposed at New Delhi

    Drug trafficking has become a major source of funding for armed groups in the north east and contributes to the continuance of militancy in the region.

    April 13, 2011

