Terrorism & Internal Security

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  • Disrupting Life and Economy: The Maoist way

    Repeated acts of targeting infrastructure speak of Maoist intentions: paralyse normal life, sabotage economic activity, dictate terms and allow life and economic activity only on their “terms and conditions.”

    May 31, 2012

    Maoists’ global web of linkages

    All Indian Missions abroad need to closely monitor international communist groups to counter the propaganda campaign that they unleash from time to time and refute their false claims.

    May 19, 2012

    India’s Counter Terrorism Policies are Mired in Systemic Weaknesses

    India’s intelligence co-ordination and assessment apparatus at the national level and counter-terrorism policies remain mired in the days of innocence.

    May 14, 2012

    The Conscription of Children as Ultras in Manipur

    The Government of India may perform a catalytic role to activate community-cum-family based endeavours with particular emphasis on sports-related and youth activities—areas in which the Manipuris naturally tend to excel.

    May 04, 2012

    Drug Trafficking in India: A Case for Border Security

    Drug Trafficking in India: A Case for Border Security

    Trafficking of drugs takes place overwhelmingly through land borders followed by sea and air routes. Given the vulnerability of the borders to drug trafficking, India has tried to tackle the problem through the strategy of drug supply and demand reduction, which involves enacting laws, co-operating with voluntary organisations, securing its borders and coasts by increasing surveillance, as well as seeking the active cooperation of its neighbours and the international community.

    Management of India Pakistan Border

    Fellows' Seminar
    August 30, 2012
    1030 to 1300 hrs

    China’s Territorial Claim on India’s Eastern Sector: Tibet as Core

    India needs to shore up its military capabilities in Arunchal Pradesh in order to strengthen its defence posture in the eastern sector, improve governance in the state to gain the full backing of the people and adopt a flexible stance to resolve the border dispute with China.

    April 19, 2012

    Manipur: Post-Assembly Elections 2012

    The Ibobi dispensation would do well to understand that the people have reiterated their faith in democracy and have cold shouldered the militants, if not politely shown them the door.

    April 16, 2012

    The Changing Discourse of NSCN (IM)

    For the first time one of the main leaders of the NSCN (IM) has acknowledged the sincerity of the Union government to resolve the Naga issue, signalling a distinctive change of discourse.

    March 30, 2012

