G20 India 2023

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  • THINK20@G20: Towards A Resilient South Asia

    • Publisher: Pentagon Press
    India’s G20 Presidency, based on the principle of inclusivity, gave special importance to the priorities of the Global South. The Think20 engagement group (T20), the ‘Ideas Bank’ for the G20, played a crucial role in connecting scholars and experts to harness ideas to enrich the G20 agenda and benefit the larger global community. One of the endeavours in this regard was to gather the perspectives of South Asian countries during India’s G20 Presidency, using the collection of speeches and select papers presented during the 14th South Asia Conference organised by the Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses on 17-18 January 2023. This volume provides various national perspectives on some of the crucial non-traditional issues confronting South Asian countries, including Myanmar, and well-researched ideas to deal with those challenges effectively. It contextualises the role of India as G20 President, and beyond, in addressing some of the pressing regional issues.
    • ISBN: 9788197198601 ,
    • Price: ₹ 1295/-
    • E-copy available

    Manoj Singh Khetwal asked: How is the New Delhi G20 Declaration different from the Bali Declaration?

    Rajeesh Kumar replies: The G20 functions on a troika basis, with declarations typically serving as a continuation of the themes and priorities from the previous summits, resulting in a lack of substantial differences between them. Nonetheless, there can be new elements incorporated into these statements. The Delhi Declaration, on many key issues, serves as an extension of the foundation laid by previous summits, reflecting the G20's commitment to continuity and coherence in its collective efforts.

    Nuclear Issues and the G-20 Leaders’ Declaration

    The G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration asserts that the ‘use or threat of use of nuclear weapons is inadmissible’.

    September 15, 2023

    G20, G7 and Nuclear Diplomacy

    India and Japan as Chairs of the G20 and G7 respectively can play a key role in ensuring that global nuclear instability is effectively managed.

    May 19, 2023

    Strengthening the Weakest Link: Creating Cyber Awareness via G-20 and Quad

    The name recognition associated with multilateral organisations like the G-20 and the QUAD provides a useful entry point for creating awareness on cybersecurity issues for the common man.

    April 24, 2023

    बहुपक्षवाद के नए संदर्भों में भारत की ‘सॉफ्ट पावर’ कूटनीति

    ‘सबका साथ’ के मंत्र को स्थापित कर रहा है भारत में G-20 का आयोजन

    April 13, 2023

    India’s G20 Presidency: Opportunity to Resume Engagement in the Arctic

    India could help in the resumption of the suspended scientific exchanges by the West in the Arctic.

    February 17, 2023

    Saurav Pandey asked: What is the significance of the G20 Summit of 2023 in India's foreign policy? What are the expectations that the world has from India?

    Rajeesh Kumar replies: The Group of Twenty (G20) is an informal grouping of the world's largest 20 economies. It accounts for nearly 80 per cent of the world GDP, 75 per cent of global trade, and 60 per cent of the world population and has become one of the most prominent multilateral groupings in contemporary global politics. India took over the G20 Presidency from Indonesia on 01 December 2022. 
