Disaster Management

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  • Taliban’s Approach to Natural Disasters

    Recurring flash floods across northern and eastern Afghanistan highlight the vulnerabilities faced by the population compounded by the impact of climate change and internal state failure.

    July 03, 2024

    Turkey Earthquake 2023: Reducing Risks in the Indian Context

    India can reduce disaster risks by studying the experiences and best practices implemented by other disaster-prone countries.

    April 12, 2023

    Jammu and Kashmir Floods: The Need for Sustainable Management

    Jammu and Kashmir needs a robust early warning system to mitigate the impact of natural disasters.

    October 06, 2022

    The Response of CARICOM Armed Forces to Hurricane Maria

    The deficiencies in planning and training of personnel for disaster relief operations as well as the capability gaps in equipment that the response to Huricane Maria highlighted need to be plugged.

    December 06, 2017

    Disaster Relief as a Political Tool: Analysing Indian and Chinese Responses after the Nepal Earthquakes

    In the aftermath of the 2015 earthquakes in Nepal, China and India immediately sent relief teams. The relief efforts in Nepal showcase a competitive aspect of the two major regional powers, as China seeks to gradually increase its influence in South Asia. This article analyses how these two governments utilised relief efforts to increase influence in Nepal, within the wider context of the contentious Sino–Indian relationship. The Chinese and Indian relief responses after the Nepal earthquakes are extrapolated to assess their strategic utility.

    November 2017

    Role of the Indian Military in Disasters

    It needs to be noted that discipline and efficiency is the first demand in disaster response and relief tasks, which are often dangerous missions and quite naturally the military brings in order in post-disaster operations.

    July 05, 2013

    Asimakopoulou, Eleana and Nik Bessis (eds.,),Advanced ICTs for Disaster Management and Threat Detection: Collaborative and Distributive Frameworks

    The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines disaster as “any occurrence that causes damage, ecological disruption, loss of human life, deterioration of health and health services, on a scale sufficient to warrant an extraordinary response from outside the affected community or area.” The recurring occurrence of various natural and man made disasters in recent decades have drawn the states’ focus towards ensuring the safety of life, as well as preparedness and mitigation measures; hence disaster management.

    January 2012

    The Role of the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force in Disaster Management

    A wealthy twin-island nation, Trinidad and Tobago has had few serious disasters to challenge its capacity to cope with such incidents. Although several plans for disaster management exist, these have remained largely th eoretical exercises. However, recent instances of devastating earthquakes in Haiti and Japan, with the accompanying tsunami in the latter, have prompted some steps towards an enhanced role for the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force (TTDF) in disaster management.

    January 2012

    Reassessing India’s Disaster Management Preparedness and the Role of the Indian Armed Forces

    In recent years, the intensity of the occurrence of natural disasters has increased manifold. Responding to this, the Government of India has undertaken various measures to mitigate the impact of disasters. Even so, the response of the civil authorities is often found inadequate and the armed forces are called out to assist the civil administration. The armed forces never fail to respond in a prompt manner, but without proper data on various local resources, skills, essential services and equipment.

    January 2012

