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  • Mutual Security: The Case of India-Nepal

    Mutual Security: The Case of India-Nepal

    Publisher: IDSA and Lancer Publications

    ISBN: 1-89 7829-44-2

    Rs. 495

    US $ 28; £ 19.95


    Pakistan Occupied Kashmir: Under the Jackboot

    Pakistan Occupied Kashmir: Under the Jackboot

    Publisher: Genesis Publications
    ISBN: 81-7020-680-4

    Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK), which is the territory which Pakistan had acquired through aggression way back in 1947, remains as a no-man's-land which the world community seems to have forgotten. Comprising of nearly one-third of the original sovereign state of Jammu and Kashmir, it represents one of the biggest human tragedies of the contemporary political map of the world.

    E-Copy available


