
North Korea – Construction of Nuclear Power Plant

In the latest game of one-upmanship, North Korea has up the ante by announcing to the world that there is no stopping its nuclear development programme.

November 18, 2010

The 2010 U.S. Mid-Term Elections and American Foreign Policy

International security analysts must begin a discussion on how reductions in the U.S. defence budget will influence the nature of bilateral security relationships across Asia

November 16, 2010

Russia-China-India Trilateral: Calibrating a Fine Balance

The importance of the RIC trilateral initiative lies in the fact that India, Russia and China, as countries with growing international influence, can make substantive contributions to global peace, security and stability.

November 15, 2010

Karachi is Burning, Pakistan is Tottering

The continuing spiral of violence in Karachi signals the slow but gradual melting of a nuclear-armed State controlled by a military allied with global terrorist networks.

November 15, 2010

New Zealand’s Defence White Paper 2010

As an island country deep down in the Pacific, New Zealand’s security is under no great direct threat from any external source, though turbulence in the neighbourhood would be a matter of concern.

November 15, 2010

Obama’s Visit and the Nuclear Conundrum

The joint statement on nuclear issues reflects the combined endeavour of the two countries to find a new common ground, though the final outcome reflects the struggle of the traditional contending approaches of India and the United States.

November 12, 2010

China relents but cannot stop North Korea from weapon proliferation

China’s objection to the early release of a UN report on North Korea’s compliance with UN sanctions stemmed from its misplaced confidence in international diplomacy.

November 12, 2010

China Air Show-Zhuhai 16 November 2010

Thousands of aviation enthusiasts and professionals are bound to throng to Zhuhai on 16 November, but one wonders if Indian aviation companies and other SMEs would send their delegations or sell their wares at the show.

November 11, 2010

Obama’s Visit and Strategic Trade Management

The removal of some organisations from the Entity List has merely removed a layer of controls and there is no guarantee that all dual-use curbs on India would go.

November 10, 2010

Indonesia-US Relations in the context of President Obama’s visit

President Obama’s visit to Indonesia is expected to excise the sense of drift in the relationship that had crept in the post-Suharto phase of transition.

November 10, 2010

