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Book Discussion titled, "India's Wars: A Military History, 1947-1971" February 15, 2017 1500 -1630 hours Book Discussion Forum

Venue: IDSA Seminar Hall I (Second Floor)

IDSA will hold a discussion of Air Vice Marshal Arjun Subramaniam's book India's Wars: A Military History, 1947-1971 on Wednesday, February 15, 2017 from 1500 and 1630 hours.


Opening Remarks by the Chair, Director General Jayant Prasad

Overview of the Book by AVM Arjun Subramaniam

Discussant 1: Maj. Gen. Alok Deb (Retd.)

Discussant 2: Dr. S. Kalyanaraman


Concluding Remarks by Chair

Military Affairs
Kautilya’s Arthashastra and Scientific Thinking October 21, 2016 P. K. Gautam 1030 to 1300 hrs Fellows' Seminar
Talk by Alex Vines on 'Africa to 2025: Threats and Opportunities' September 27, 2016 1130 - 1230 hr Other

The ALCUN Centre of IDSA, is organising an interaction with Dr. Alex Vines, Head, Africa Programme and Research Director, Area Studies and International Law, Chatham House, London, on Tuesday, September 27, 2016, from 1130 - 1230 hours in Room No. 105 (First Floor).

Speaker's Bio

Africa, Latin America, Caribbean & UN
Book Discussion titled, "India's War: The Making of Modern South Asia" September 20, 2016 Book Discussion Forum

IDSA is hosted a discussion on Dr Srinath Raghavan's book titled, "India's War: The Making of Modern South Asia", at Seminar Hall I (Second Floor) on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 from 1030 to 1200 hours.


  • Chair: DG Shri Jayant Prasad – Opening Remarks
  • Book Overview: Dr Srinath Raghavan
  • Discussant 1: Sqn Ldr RTS Chhina
  • Discussant 2: Prof Anirudh Deshpande
Military Affairs
Book discussion on "Even if It Ain't Broke Yet Do Fix It: Enhancing Effectiveness Through Military Change" August 31, 2016 Book Discussion Forum

IDSA hosted a discussion on Col Vivek Chadha's book titled, "Even if It Ain't Broke Yet Do Fix It: Enhancing Effectiveness Through Military Change".


  • Chair: DDG Brig. Rumel Dahiya – Opening Remarks
  • Book Overview: Col. Vivek Chadha (Retd), Research Fellow, IDSA
  • Discussants:
    Lt. Gen. GS Katoch (Retd.), former head of PP Directorate, Army HQ
    Dr. Manoj Joshi, Distinguished Fellow, ORF
    Dr. Sanjay Badri-Maharaj, Visiting Fellow, IDSA
    Col. Pradeep Singh Chhonkar, Research Fellow, IDSA
  • Questions and Answer

Brief Summary of the Book

Bringing about change in any setup, especially major shifts, is a challenge. This challenge is accentuated further in a strictly hierarchical organisation like the army, presenting an unenviable contradiction to both senior military practitioners and the governing elite, wherein, change is inevitable, yet, it is most likely to be resisted.

Military change is a relatively nascent area of study, especially in the Indian scenario. This book attempts to analyse this subject through an examination of existing literature, thereby co-relating some of its primary conclusions in the context of the Indian Army. This is done in relation to both conventional and sub-conventional threats and challenges, with a number of case studies as illustrative examples.

The book concludes that given the wide spectrum of threats faced by the Indian Army, as also most major armies across the world, attempts at understanding military change only through the prism of conventional wars could be misleading. It suggests that change need not only be revolutionary to enhance effectiveness. It could be both revolutionary and evolutionary, top-down and bottom-up. While effective change is primarily major in conventional conditions, it could well be tactical and yet make a substantial impact in sub-conventional scenarios. The book reinforces the importance of operational changes in the sub-conventional domain, even as an assessment of strategic and organisational changes is undertaken. It attempts to answer important questions related to the drivers, shapers, facilitating conditions and limitations related to effective change. It also relates military change with organisational changes in the corporate world to provide an interesting comparative analysis. Finally, the book reinforces its conclusions through a survey of officers from the Indian Army, to highlight existing limitations that need to be corrected in order to better innovate and adapt in pursuit of effective military change.

Access e-copy of the book

Event Photographs [+]

Military Affairs
Round Table on India’s Relations with the Latin American Caribbean Region: Prospects and Constraints August 22, 2016 1500 hrs Round Table

Speaker: Mr. Sanjay Badri-Maharaj

Venue: Room No. 005 (Ground Floor)

Africa, Latin America, Caribbean & UN
Talk by Shri Amar Sinha on "India's Approach to Africa: What is New?" August 23, 2016 1500 hrs Round Table

Chair: Shri Jayant Prasad, DG, IDSA

Venue: Room No. 005 (Ground Floor)

India and South Korea in Regional Security Order August 16, 2016 0930 to 1300 hrs Conference

09:30 am: Introductory Remarks by Shri Jayant Prasad, DG, IDSA
09:40 am: Special Address by His Excellency Cho Hyun, Ambassador, Embassy of the Republic of Korea (ROK) in New Delhi
09:50 am: Special Address by Shri Santosh Jha, Joint Secretary, PP&R, GCI, MEA (TBC)

Session I: India-Korea Relations (10.00-11.15 am)

Chair: Amb. Skand Tayal (Retd.)

  • India-South Korea Strategic Partnership: Dr. Sandip Mishra, JNU
  • Bilateral Relation between Korea and India: Prof. KIM Chanwahn, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, RoK
  • Asian Energy Cooperation: India & South Korea: Ms. Shebonti Ray Dadwal, IDSA


Break: 11.15-11.30am

Session II: Evolving Northeast Asian Security Order (11.30am-1.00 pm)

Chair: Prof. Kim Chanwahn, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

  • China & North East Asian Security: Dr. Jagannath Panda, IDSA
    Security of Korean Peninsula and North Korea: Dr. PAIK Haksoon, Sejong Institute, Seoul
  • Japan & North East Asian Security: Dr. Titli Basu, IDSA
  • North East Asia: Regional Security: Prof. SHIN Beom Shik, Seoul National University
  • Maritime Security Environment in Northeast Asia: Vice-Admiral (Retd.) Anup Singh, IDSA EC Member



East Asia
Talk by Amitav Acharya on The Challenge for an Asian Century: Overcoming Chinese Dominance and AvoidIng Europe's Past August 12, 2016 1630 hrs Other

The East Asia Centre is organizing a talk by Prof. Amitav Acharya on The Challenge for an Asian Century: Overcoming Chinese Dominance and AvoidIng Europe's Past.

The talk is scheduled on Friday, 12th August 2016 at 4.30pm in Room No. 005 at IDSA.

Prof. Acharya is a Distinguished Professor at the American University in Washington DC. Click here for detailed profile.

Shri Jayant Prasad, Director General IDSA will chair the event.

East Asia
Talk by Andrew Small by New Development in China-Pakistan Relations July 22, 2016 1500 hrs Other

The East Asia Centre in IDSA is hosting Mr. Andrew Small for a talk on the New Development in China-Pakistan Relations. The talk is scheduled for tomorrow, 22nd July (Friday) at 3 pm in Board Room at IDSA. Shri Jayant Prasad, DG IDSA will chair the event.

Mr. Andrew Small is a Senior Transatlantic Fellow with the Asia Program at the German Marshall Fund of the United States. He is the author of the most acclaimed book, The China-Pakistan Axis: Asia's New Geopolitics. Please follow the link for detailed bio of Mr. Andrew Small: .

East Asia

