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Conference on "Shifting Geopolitics in Asia: India-Japan Relations and the Future of Indo-Pacific Region" December 08, 2017 0900 to 1720 hrs Conference

A number of experts from Japan and India will participate in the Symposium to discuss India-Japan Relations in context of Asia and beyond. The Japanese Ambassador to India, H.E. Kenji Hiramatsu will deliver a keynote speech at the inaugural session of the symposium.

East Asia
8th YB Chavan Memorial Lecture on ‘Power Trading and National Security’ November 28, 2017 Sanjay Mitra, Defence Secretary, Government of India Y B Chavan Memorial Lecture

Venue: IDSA Auditorium

COP23 Companion Event on India’s Climate Mitigation and Adaptation: Key Strategies November 17, 2017 0900 to 1500 hrs Conference

Venue: Hilton Hotel Bonn, Berliner Freiheit 2, Bonn

COP23 Companion Event on India’s Climate Mitigation and Adaptation: Key Strategies

––sharing of green information, news and views ––

Post-Paris, the international community is determined to meet the global climatechallenge with the help ofnew strategies and initiatives that simultaneously promote inclusive, sustainable socio-economic development, environmental sustainability, and sustainable peace. India’s role as a global climate actor is critical. Luckily, India is quickly synchronizing with the new climate goals. India promotes cooperation on disaster risk management, clean energy,and innovative green technology solutions that combine development potential with the reduction of carbon emissions. North-South technology transfer is only one part of the climate-development nexus. Indigenization of technology innovation and knowledge sharing are emerging as increasingly important approaches to climate action.


This conference provides a platform to highlight India as an important scene of green innovation, while explainingIndia’s key strategies in green policy development, as reflected in India’s evolving position in climate negotiations. In this conference we will present and discuss India’s viewpoints, initiatives and key strategies, as India makes thetransition to a new “green evolution”.


India accounts for about 4.5 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions and is the fourth largest emitter of greenhouse gasses. The Paris Agreement on Climate Change, which sets out the architecture for carbon emission reduction after 2020, was ratified by India on October 2, 2016. The Paris accord safeguards the principle of common but differentiated responsibility and respective capabilities (CBDR-RC), which has remained a non-negotiable aspect of India’s climate position. This principle squarely puts the major responsibility on developed nations to drastically cut their carbon emissions and provide the necessary finance, technology and capacity building for developing economies to mitigate and adapt to climate change. India would like all the key elements–adaptation, mitigation, finance, technology transfer and capacity building–to be incorporated in the global climate deal.

India’s additional contribution to climate action is provisional onthe availability of finance and technologies from the industrialized economies. India also encourages the development of aset of rules to tax or regulate the higher emissions by corporationsacross the globe, as well as a framework of efficiency and climate awareness.In the field of disaster management, India wants to operationalizeloss and damage in the long-term, and set up mechanismsto compensate for climate-related losses that especially affect Small Island States, Least Developed Nations, and developing countries.

India also wants toplay a more proactive climate and development role, domestically and abroad. Regionally, India recognizes that climate action can open up new opportunities to overcome trust deficits through heightened inter-state cooperation on disaster preparedness, early warning systems, disaster risk reduction measures,and sharing of real-time data.


Co-organized by the Indian Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) and the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), this conference is a part of the two institutes’ current research cooperation on India in the World: Emerging Perspectives on Global Challenges, and its subproject on Climate Change. The aim of this event is to create a platform whereIndian academics, analysts and practitionerscan present and interact witha global audience at the COP23 summit. The format: maximum ten-minute informal presentations will be followed by Q&A, debate and interaction.


Session I            Setting the stage - 0900 AM – 1000 AM

Moderator:                 Uttam Sinha, IDSA

Speakers:                   Jayant Mauskar,Member, Prime Minister Council on Climate Change & Henrik Eriksen, Head of Norway’s Delegation to COP23

Session II           High Technology, Low Emissions - 1000 AM – 1200 AM

Moderator:                 Åshild Kolås, PRIO

Speakers:                   Lydia Powell,Observer Research Foundation (ORF) & Sanjay Gupta,Consultant, the World Bank



Address:             Ulrike Scharf, Bavarian State Minister of the Environment and Consumer Protection 0130 PM – 0145 PM

Session III           Disaster Preparedness and Co-operation 0145 PM – 0300 PM

Moderator:                  Jason Miklian, PRIO

Speakers:                    C.R.Babu,Professor Emiritus, Delhi University, Eklabya Sharma, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) & Kamal Kishore,National Disaster Management Agency

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Non-Traditional Security Climate Change, Environment
Extraordinary General Body Meeting November 23, 2017 1500 hours Other

The Extraordinary General Body Meeting of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses will be held on 23rd November 2017 at 1500 hours at the IDSA Auditorium. Individual invitations to the Life members and Members have already been mailed. However, any Life member and Member who may not have received the same due to any reason may treat this as a notice for the meeting.

Please note that only LIFE MEMBERS AND MEMBERS form the General Body of the Institute.

For any clarification please contact.

Col A K Chugh (Retd)
Assistant Director
Tele: 2671 7983, Extn. 7301
Fax 26154192 (DG)
26154191 (DDG)
26146833 (AD) (Telefax)

Second IORA Meeting of Experts for Maritime Safety and Security November 07, 2017 to November 08, 2017 Conference Africa, Latin America, Caribbean & UN
Launch and discussion on the book ‘Squaring the Circle: Mahatma Gandhi and the Jewish National Home' October 31, 2017 1530 to 1700 hrs Book Release

The Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) is organising a launch and discussion on the book authored by Prof P R Kumaraswamy titled ‘Squaring the Circle: Mahatma Gandhi and the Jewish National Home (Knowledge World, 2017), on Tuesday, October 31, 2017 between 1530 and 1700 hrs, in the Auditorium (Second Floor).

The programme is as follows:
Welcome Remarks : Major General Alok Deb (Retd.)
Opening Remarks : Ambassador Chinmaya Gharekhan
Release of Book : Shri Hamid Ansari, Hon'ble former Vice President of India
Overview of Book : Professor P. R. Kumaraswamy
Discussant Remarks : Ambassador Ranjit Gupta
Discussant Remarks : Professor S. D. Muni
Special Remarks : Shri Hamid Ansari, Hon'ble former Vice President of India
Concluding Remarks : Ambassador Chinmaya Gharekhan
Vote of Thanks: Dr. Muddassir Quamar
High Tea

Event photographs

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India’s Military Modernisation and its Impact on Conventional Defence Strategies October 27, 2017 Erik Ribeiro 1030 to 1300 hrs Fellows' Seminar

Venue: Seminar Hall I (Second Floor), IDSA

Military Affairs
Panel Discussion on “New Technologies in Warfare And International Humanitarian Law" October 04, 2017 0930 to 1300 hrs Other

The Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) are organising a Panel Discussion on “New Technologies in Warfare And International Humanitarian Law" from 0930 to 1300 Hrs on Wednesday, October 04, 2017 at IDSA Seminar Hall I, Second Floor, No. 1, Development Enclave, Rao Tula Ram Marg, Delhi Cantt-110010.

Military Affairs
First Meeting of BIMSTEC Track 1.5 Security Dialogue Forum September 22, 2017 1030 to 1300 hrs Conference

Inaugural Session: 1000-1030

1000-1005: Welcome Remarks: Maj Gen Alok Deb (Retd) DDG IDSA
1005-1010: Secretary General BIMSTEC speech to be read out by Mr Pankaj Hazarika, Director, BIMSTEC
1015-1030: Inaugural Address by Ms Preeti Saran, Secretary (East), Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India

1030-1045 hrs: High Tea

Session I: Counter Terrorism and Cooperation in Transnational Crimes, Violent Extremism and Radicalisation [1045-1230 hrs]

Chair: Lt Gen Prakash Menon (Retd)

  • Ms Prabha Rao (IDSA), “Global Terrorist Trends-Impact on the Countries in the BIMSTEC”
  • Maj Gen AKM Abdur Rahman (BIISS, Bangladesh) “Strengthening Regional Cooperation in Curbing Violent Extremism and Terrorism”
  • Mr. Nilan Nirunthan, Bandaranaike Centre for International Studies, Colombo “Counter-Terrorism in the BIMSTEC Region: Challenges Ahead”
  • Prof Syed Anwar Husain, University of Dhaka, “Violent Extremism and Radicalisation: The Case of Bangladesh”
  • Mr. Sing Visespochanakit, (Thailand) 'Counter-terrorism and Transnational Crimes'
  • Brig Chula Kodithuwakku (Sri Lanka) Counter terrorism, Transnational Crime, Violent Extremism and Radicalization
  • Mr. Mohammad Tofazzel Hossain Miah (Bangladesh)

Session II: Maritime Security Cooperation and Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief [1230-1330]

Chair: Vice Admiral Anup Singh (Retd)

  • Commodore Abhay K Singh (Retd), IDSA, “Ensuring Maritime Harmony in the Bay of Bengal- An imperative for BIMSTEC
  • Admiral Jayanath Colombage (Retd) (Pathfinder, Sri Lanka) “Geo-Strategic Dynamics and Maritime Security in the Bay of Bengal”
  • Amb U Wynn Lwin (Retd), MISIS, (Myanmar), “Maritime Security and HADR”

1330-1415: Lunch

Session III: Cyber Security, Cooperation in Space and Space Technology [1415-1545]

  • Dr Arvind Gupta, Former Deputy NSA
  • Dr. Anis Pervez (CPD, Bangladesh) “Cyber combat: Needs for regional cooperation”
  • Dr. Ajey Lele (IDSA) “An Agenda for BIMSTEC in Outer Space”
  • Dr Gulshan Rai “Cooperative Cyber Security within BIMSTEC Framework”

1545-1600: tea

Session IV: Non-traditional Security Challenges [1600-1730]

Chair: Amb Ashok Kantha

  • Mr. Kesang Wangdi, (Bhutan)
  • Dr Laxmi Dutta Bhatta (ICIMOD, Nepal) "Incentivizing mountain communities for ecosystem services in the Himalayas"
  • Zaw Oo, (Myanmar)
  • Dr Shailesh Nayak, Former Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences (India), “Cooperation to Preserve the Himalayan Ecosystem”
  • Dr Shankar Sharma, (Nepal) “Promoting Regional Development for Peace”

1730-1800 hrs: Way Forward

Event photographs

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IDSA-GIGA Conference on Changing Asia 2017:  Perspectives on Regional and Global Cooperation September 15, 2017 to September 16, 2017 Conference

The “Changing Asia 2017: Perspective on Regional and Global Cooperation”, the second conference of the high-profile biannual Changing Asia conference series, is being organised jointly by IDSA and GIGA on September 15-18, 2017 at IDSA, New Delhi. The first conference was held in 2015 on perspectives on regional and global cooperation at GIGA in Hamburg, together with a subsequent policy panel at the KAS conference centre in Berlin. Around 30 scholars and think-tank representatives are expected to participate in the 2017 conference.

The objective of the conference is to deliberate upon the current patterns of conflict and collaboration within and across Asia’s sub-regions and as the role of rising Asian powers in global cooperation. Based on developments in the region, we aim to develop insights into the preconditions for cooperation (or the lack thereof) at the regional and global levels as well as explore the perceptions and power equations of the key actors.


Day 1, September 15, 2017

Venue: IDSA Auditorium

0930-1000h: Registration & Tea

1000-1100h: Inaugural Session

  • Welcome Remarks by Maj Gen Alok Deb, SM, VSM (Retd), Deputy Director General, IDSA
  • Remarks by Prof Patrick Köllner, Vice President, GIGA
  • Remarks by Mr Peter Rimmele, Representative, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS)
  • Keynote Address by Shri M.J. Akbar, Minister of State for External Affairs

1100-1130h: Tea

1130-1300h: Session I: (Post-) Hegemony and Multi-Polarity in Asia (Part-I)

Chair: Prof Qu Bo (China Foreign Affairs University-CFAU)

  • Prof Brantly Womack, University of Virginia (UVA), Mapping the Multi-Nodal Terrain of the Indo-Pacific Region
  • Dr Nicola Nymalm, Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI), Revisionism and Status Quo in Great Power Relations: The US and China in the Era of Trump
  • Prof Robert Patman, U Otago, New Zealand, Are the US and China on the Road to War?

1300-1400h: Lunch

1400-1545h: Session II: (Post-) Hegemony and Multi-Polarity in Asia (Part-II)

Chair: Cmde C Uday Bhaskar (Retd)

  • Prof John Echeverri-Gent, University of Virginia (UVa), Beyond Unipolarity and Multipolarity: International Networks and Power in Relations Between China, India, and the United States
  • Prof Michael Staack, Helmut Schmidt Universität (HSU), New Strategy or Mere Opacity? Is there an Emerging Donald J. Trump East Asia Policy?
  • Dr Thorsten Wojczewski, King’s College, Foreign Policy and Identity: India’s Quest for a Multipolar Order in Asia
  • Dr S. Kalyanaraman, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), External Balancing in India’s China Policy

1545-1600h: Tea

1600-1730h: Session III: Multilateralism and Major Initiatives in Asia

Chair: Prof. Patrick Köllner, GIGA

  • Prof Qu Bo, China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU), A New Asian Regional Order? Power Shift? Economic Connection and Asian Value
  • Dr Nadine Godehardt, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), China's Initiative to Re-map the World
  • Prof S. D. Muni, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), East Asia Summit as the Fulcrum of Asian Security Dialogue

Day 2, September 16, 2017

1115-1130h: Tea

1130-1300h: Session IV: Cooperation and Competition between China and India

Chair: Shri Shyam Saran, Former Foreign Secretary

  • Prof Xia Liping, China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU), The Consular Dimension of Sino-Indian Cooperation
  • Shri Ashok K Kantha, Director, Institute for Chinese Studies
  • Dr Meena Singh Roy, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), India and the West Asian Region: Securing Economic Interests and Building Strategic Partnership

1300-1400h: Lunch

1400-1530h Session V: The Ideational Bases and Domestic Drivers of the Foreign Policies of China, India and the US I

Chair: Prof. John Owen (University of Virginia-UVa)

  • Prof Joachim Betz, German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), China and India in Global Governance: The Discourse on Fairness
  • Dr Wu Lin, China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU), Preventive Diplomacy for Conflict Management in the Asia Pacific: A Chinese Perspective
  • Dr Ashok Behuria, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), Domestic Drivers of India’s Neighbourhood Policy

Tea break 1530-1545h

1545- 1730h Session VI: The Ideational Bases and Domestic Drivers of the Foreign Policies of China, India and the US II

Chair: Prof Brantly Womack, University of Virginia (UVA)

  • Ms Medha, German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), The Foreign Politics of Identity: The Dialectic of Self and Other in India's Foreign Policy
  • Dr Smruti S. Pattanaik, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), India and Bangladesh Land and Maritime Boundary Settlement: A Model to Follow
  • Prof Sandra Destradi, German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) and Helmut Schmidt Universität (HSU), Dr Johannes Plagemann (GIGA) and Dr Chanchal Kumar Sharma (Central University of Harýana), Centre-State Relations and Subnational Governments' International Engagements: Evidence from India

Event photographs

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