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Interaction with Delegation from Joann Bin Jassim Command and Staff College, Qatar February 19, 2019 1030 to 1300 hrs Round Table

Venue: Board Room # 104, First Floor

Agenda for Interaction:

-Overview of India- Qatar Relations
-Assessment of ongoing Gulf Crisis and implications for Indian Community in Qatar
-India’s relation with the US and Russia
-Implications of China’s Rise for India and the region
-India’s interest in Chabahar port

Talk on ‘Restructuring India’s National Security Apparatus’ February 15, 2019 P. S. Raghavan 1200 hrs Talk

Topic: Restructuring India’s National Security Apparatus

Venue: Room No. 005 (Ground Floor)

About the Speaker

Ambassador Raghavan is Chairman of the National Security Advisory Board (NSAB), which advises India’s National Security Council on security and strategic issues of immediate and long-term relevance.

In his diplomatic career (1979-2016), he was Ambassador of India to Russia, Czech Republic and Ireland and had other diplomatic positions in USSR, UK, Poland, South Africa and Vietnam.

He was Joint Secretary in the Prime Minister's Office (2000-2004), dealing with foreign affairs, nuclear energy, space, defence and national security. As Secretary (2013-14) in the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), he handled India’s external economic relations and oversaw Administration, Security and e-governance in MEA. He also headed the Development Partnership Administration, which coordinates India’s economic partnership programs in developing countries.

As Chairman NSAB, he engages with government departments and think tanks in India, US, Russia, Europe and Asia, on initiatives to promote understanding of India’s strategic perspectives. He writes widely on these issues.

Discussion on Dr C. Christine Fair's Book Titled "In Their Own Words: Understanding Lashkar-e-Tayyaba" February 14, 2019 1500 hrs Round Table

Book Title: In Their Own Words: Understanding Lashkar-e-Tayyaba

Author: Dr C Christine Fair, Provost's Distinguished Associate Professor, Georgetown University Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, and ex-Visiting Fellow at IDSA

Chair: Amb. Sujan R. Chinoy, Director General, IDSA

Venu: Board Room # 104, First Floor

About the Book

This path-breaking volume reveals a little-known aspect of how Lashkar-e-Tayyaba, a jihadist terrorist group, functions in Pakistan and beyond by translating and commenting upon a range of publications produced and disseminated by Dar-ul-Andlus, the publishing wing of LeT. Only a fraction of LeT's cadres ever see battle: most of them are despatched on nation-wide 'proselytising' (dawa) missions to convert Pakistanis to their particular interpretation of Islam, in support of which LeT has developed a sophisticated propagandist literature. This canon of Islamist texts is the most popular and potent weapon in LeT's arsenal, and its scrutiny affords insights into how and who the group recruits; LeT's justification for jihad; its vision of itself in global and regional politics; the enemies LeT identifies and the allies it cultivates; and how and where it conducts its operations. Particular attention is paid to the role that LeT assigns to women by examining those writings which heap extravagant praise upon the mothers of aspirant jihadis, who bless their operations and martyrdom.It is only by understanding LeT's domestic functions as set out in these texts that one can begin to appreciate why Pakistan so fiercely supports it, de--spite mounting international pressure to disband the group.

Talk on "Recent Trends in Brazilian Politics" February 14, 2019 1130 hrs Talk

Topic: Recent Trends in Brazilian Politics

Speaker: Prof. Fabio Luis Barbosa dos Santos, Adjunct Professor at the Department of International Relations, University of Sao Paulo

Chair: Amb. Sujan R. Chinoy, Director General, IDSA

Venue: Boardroom # 104, First Floor

About the Speaker

Name: Fabio Luis Barbosa dos Santos


Academic degree: Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) in Economic History, University of São Paulo, 2011.

Post-Doctorate at CNRS, Paris, France, 2017-2018.

Current Position: Adjunct Professor, Department of International Relations, Federal University of São Paulo. Since 2013.

Previous Academic post: Visiting Professor at the History Department at Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA), 2012-2013.

Selected publications


  • A history of the South American Pink Tide (1998-2016). (Uma história da onda progressista sul-americana) São Paulo: Elefante, 2018.
  • Forthcoming English edition by Brill, on the Studies in Critical Social Sciences series, August 2019.
  • Forthcoming Spanish edition by Plural, 2019.
  • Origins of radical thought and politics in Latin America (Origens do pensamento e da política radical na América Latina). São Paulo: UNICAMP University Press, 2016.
  • Beyond PT. The crisis of the Brazilian left in Latin American perspective. (Além do PT. A crise da esquerda brasileira em perspectiva latino-americana). 2 ed. São Paulo: Elefante, 2016; 2017.
  • Forthcoming French Edition by Éditions Syllepse, September 2019.

Book Chapters

2017. United Republic of soybeans: Brazilians and agrobusiness in Paraguay and Bolivia. In: Secreto, Veronica; Vazelesk, Vanderlei (Org.). Agrarismos: Estudos de história e sociologia do mundo rural. Rio de Janeiro: Mauad, 2017.

2015. "Brazil´s place in Latin America and vice-versa" (O lugar do Brasil na América Latina e vice-versa). Published online with other awarded essays on a contest sponsored by the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) in 2015.

2014. "The brasiguayos issue and dilemmas of the Brazilian regional influence" (A questão dos brasiguaios e os dilemas da influência regional brasileira). In: Desidera Neto, W. Estrutura Socioeconômica e Políticas para a Integração da América do Sul. Brasília: IPEA.

Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals (recent ones)

1.“Neo-development of Underdevelopment: Brazil and the Political Economy of South American Integration under the Workers’ Party” Globalisations, 2018

2. “Where is the Cuban Revolution going? Dilemas faced by primitive socialism”. México: Contextualizaciones Latinoamericanas, v. 9, p. 1-13, 2017.

3. "Neodevelopmentalism or neoliberalism: regional integration and ideology” (Neosenvolvimentismo ou neoliberalismo: integração regional e ideologia). Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Política, v. 45, p. 43-69, 2017.

Research Grants

1. 2017/2018. Scholarship for Post Doctoral research "The political economy of regional integration in the Global South: Brazil, India and South Africa” as part of the project "Work in Brazil and France; The meaning of changes and the changes of meaning”, agreement Capes/Cofecub call Nº. 16/2015, process aprooved: 8063-15-0 - 2016/2020, coordinated by Aparecida Neri de Sousa e Régine Bercot.

2. 2017-2019: "The political economy of regional integration in the Global South: Brazil, India and South Africa”. Supported by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa de São Paulo (FAPESP)

3. 2014-2016: "Neo-Developmentalism or Neoliberalism: Brazil and the meaning of South American integration". Supported by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa de São Paulo (FAPESP)

4. 2011-2012: "Territorial conflicts and potencial litigations in South America". Research referred to the project "Socioeconomic structures and policies to the South American integration" which was undertaken by eight scholars from different institutions nation-wide, supported by the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA) in Brasilia.

5. 2006-2011: “Origens of radical thought and politics in Latin America: a comparative study of José Martí, Juan B. Justo and Ricardo Flores Magón”. PHD Research at University of São Paulo (USP). Supported by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa de São Paulo (FAPESP)


1. 2015. Honorable mention in Latin American essay contest "Ruy Mauro Marini" promoted by Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) on the subject: "Regional integration process in Latin America and the Caribbean: challenges, perspectives and horizons". 2015

2. 2011. 1st place in public contest: "Political and Socioeconomic Strucutures for Regional Integration", sponsored by IPEA. Oct 2011

Talk on South Asia’s New Strategic Geography by Prof. C. Raja Mohan February 07, 2019 1030 hrs Talk

Topic: South Asia’s New Strategic Geography

Speaker: Prof. C. Raja Mohan, Director, Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore

Venue: Room 005 (Ground Floor)

About The Speaker
Professor C Raja Mohan is Director, Institute of South Asian Studies. Earlier, Professor Mohan was Professor of South Asian Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, and at the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Professor Raja Mohan has been associated with a number of think tanks in New Delhi, including the Institute of Defence Studies and Analyses, the Centre for Policy Research and the Observer Research Foundation. He was also the founding director of Carnegie India, New Delhi – the sixth international centre of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington DC.

Professor Raja Mohan was the Henry Alfred Kissinger Chair in International Affairs at the United States Library of Congress, Washington DC, from 2009 to 2010. He served on India’s National Security Advisory Board. He led the Indian Chapter of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs from 1999 to 2006.

Professor Raja Mohan is one of India’s leading commentators on India’s foreign policy. He writes a regular column for the Indian Express and was earlier the Strategic Affairs Editor for The Hindu newspaper, Chennai. He is on the editorial boards of a number of Indian and international journals on world politics.

Professor Raja Mohan has a Master’s degree in nuclear physics and a PhD in international relations. Among his recent books are Samudra Manthan: Sino-Indian Rivalry in the Indo-Pacific (2013) and Modi’s World: Expanding India’s Sphere of Influence (2015).

South Asia
Interaction with Visiting Students and Faculties from University of Melbourne (Australia) and University of Birmingham (UK) February 06, 2019 1515 to 1630 hrs Round Table

Topic: Security Situation in South Asia, China and other Regional Security issues

Chair: Amb. Sujan R. Chinoy, Director General IDSA

Head of the Group: Dr Pradeep Taneja, Lecturer in International Relations and Chinese Politics at the University of Melbourne

Member: Dr Jill Steans of Birmingham

Venue: Room No. 005, Ground Floor, IDSA

East Asia South Asia, China
Talk on "Asia 2025: Exploring Implications for China, India and Japan" February 13, 2019 1130 hrs Talk

Speaker: Dr Ganeshan Wignaraja, Executive Director, Lakshman Kadirgammar Institute (LKI), Colombo

Chair: IDSA, Shri Sujan R Chinoy, Director General

Venue: Board Room # 104, First Floor


Asia’s resilience since the global financial crisis, on top of its historic economic success, has sparked interest in understanding its future. However, dark clouds hang over the region’s economic horizon including a growth recession in China, an escalation in the trade war between China and the US, a rise in global long-term interest rates, debt and capital outflows, geopolitical tensions and population ageing. The prospects of the giant economies - China, India and Japan – are in the spotlight. The region is diverse, with countries of varying population size, geography and economic dynamism as well as different vulnerabilities. While the growth of many Asian countries remains strong, in 2025 there are also likely to be several middle-income countries (MICs) with vulnerability to income shocks and rising income inequality. What these trends mean for the region and what policies are necessary to sustain Asia’s rise over the medium-term are fundamental questions.

This lecture will examine the macroeconomic outlook for Asian economies and the main drivers, with a focus on the prospects of China, India, Japan and the MICs. It will dissect the influence of key mega-trends like (i) the performance of China-centered global value chains (GVCs), (ii) the likely impact of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and (iii) the persistence of pockets of poverty and vulnerability amid prosperity. Tackling these issues at national level with tailored development partner strategies will help improve the economic prospects for Asia. Some of these issues are discussed in Wignaraja, G., A. Prizzon, J. Tyson and D. W. te Velde (2018), Asia in 2025: Development Prospects and Challenges for Middle-Income Countries, London: Overseas Development Institute.

About the Speaker

Dr. Ganeshan Wignaraja is the Executive Director at the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute of International Relations and Strategic Studies (LKI) in Sri Lanka.

He concurrently serves as a Member of the Monetary Policy Consultative Committee of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka and the Prime Minister’s Task Force on the Indian Ocean.
He is also a Senior Research Associate at the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) in London. In a career spanning over 25 years in the UK and Asia, Ganeshan has had senior roles including the Director of Research at the ADB Institute in Tokyo and Global Head of Trade and Competitiveness at Maxwell Stamp PLC in London. His expertise covers trade and competitiveness, global supply chains and SMEs, infrastructure connectivity, development finance and macroeconomic policy. He has published 19 books on these topics and successfully led teams to deliver complex projects in over 30 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America. Ganeshan has a DPhil in economics from Oxford University.

South Asia China, India, Japan
20th Asian Security Conference: Multipolarism in Asia: Issues and Challenges March 26, 2019 to March 28, 2019 Conference




Asian Security Conference system/files/asc-webcast-event-banner.jpg
Talk on Future of WTO by Ambassador (Dr.) Mohan Kumar, Chairman, RIS January 23, 2019 1130 hrs Talk

Title: Future of WTO

Speaker: Ambassador (Dr.) Mohan Kumar, Chairman, RIS

Chair: Amb. Sujan R. Chinoy, Director General, IDSA

Venue Room No. 005, Ground Floor

About The Speaker

Ambassador Mohan Kumar is the Chairman of Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS) since June 2018.

He has had an outstanding career in the Indian Foreign Service lasting 36 years, which culminated in his being India's Ambassador to France based in Paris. Under his watch, the Indo- French strategic partnership was strengthened and consolidated further in spheres such as defense, space, nuclear & solar energy, smart cities and investment. Earlier, Mohan Kumar was India's Ambassador to the Kingdom of Bahrain where he witnessed and dealt with a strategically complex region characterized by events such as the "Arab Spring".

Ambassador Kumar has enormous expertise in the area of international trade- he was India's lead negotiator first at the GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) and then at the WTO (World Trade Organization) in crucial areas such as Intellectual Property Rights, Services, Dispute Settlement, Rules and Technical Barriers to Trade. He was a leading member of India's delegation at the WTO Ministerial Conferences held in Marrakesh (1994), Seattle (1999) and Doha (2001).

Ambassador Kumar also has strategic understanding of India's ties with some of her key neighbours such as Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Maldives. He oversaw India's ties with these countries as Joint Secretary and Head of the Division at the Ministry of External Affairs.

Ambassador Kumar’s specialization thus includes: diplomatic practice & foreign policy, strategic partnerships with India's neighbours, multilateral negotiations especially trade negotiations, climate change and globalization.

Ambassador Kumar holds a Master's In Business Administration (MBA) from the Faculty of Management Studies, University Of Delhi and a Doctorate (Ph.D) from Sciences Po University, Paris.

Ambassador Kumar also teaches at the Jindal School of International Affairs and is Vice-Dean & Professor of Diplomatic Practice.

Ambassador Kumar is author of a book entitled "Negotiation Dynamics of the WTO: An Insider's Account", published by Palgrave Macmillan (2018).

East Asia
Round Table on 'Deconstructing the Indo-Pacific: Implications for India and the Region' January 17, 2019 1030 hrs Round Table

IDSA will be holding a Round Table on 'Deconstructing the Indo-Pacific: Implications for India and the Region' on January 17, 2019. The round table will feature two paper presentations on the subject by Commodore Abhay K. Singh (Retd.), Research Fellow, and Ms Shruti Pandalai, Associate Fellow, both members of the Centre for Military Affairs at IDSA.

The discussion will be chaired by Amb. Sujan R. Chinoy, Director General, IDSA and will feature Prof Harsh V Pant, Director, Studies & Head Strategic Studies Programme, ORF and Ms Suhasini Haidar, Diplomatic Editor, The Hindu as external discussants.

The Round Table will be held at the IDSA campus, at 10.30 am Room No. 005 (Ground Floor).

