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Major Powers and Korean Peninsula: Policies, Politics and Perspectives

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  • May 10, 2018
    Open to all Members, others on request, please contact us at
    1030 to 1300 hrs

    Venue: Board Room, Ist Floor


    09.00-09.10 am: Introductory Remarks by Shri Jayant Prasad, DG, IDSA
    Session I: 09.10-11.30 am North Korea: Politics, Policies and Perspectives
    Chair: Maj Gen Alok Deb, DDG, IDSA  
    The North Korean Conundrum  Vishnu Prakash, Former Indian Ambassador to ROK (2012 –2015)  (Discussant Dr Jagannath Panda, IDSA)
    Impact of UNSC Sanctions on North Korean Economy  N. Parthasarathi,  Former Indian Ambassador to ROK (2005-2008) (Discussant Dr Balachandran, IDSA)
    DMZ and Korean Peninsula                                                                                           Maj Gen (retd) G G Dwivedi, Former Defence Attaché in China and North Korea  (Discussant Dr Prashant Kumar Singh, IDSA)
    Sanctions as an Instrument of Non-Proliferation Policy: The North Korean Experience                                        Kapil Patil, Associate Fellow, VIF  (Discussant Grp Cpt Ajay Lele, IDSA)
    Session II: 11.30 am- 01.30 pm  Major Powers and the Korean Peninsula
    Chair: Dr Balachandran, IDSA  
    US and the Korean Peninsula Dr Namrata Goswami, Senior Analyst, Wikistrat  NATO Partnership for Peace Consortium  (Discussant Dr Balachandran, IDSA)
    China and the Korean Peninsula  Dr Jagannath Panda, Research Fellow and Centre Coordinator, IDSA  (Discussant Amb N. Parthasarathi)
    South Korea and the Korean Peninsula  Dr Jojin John, Research Fellow, ICWA (Discussant: Maj. Gen. G. G. Dwivedi, AMU)
    Russia and the Korean Peninsula  Dr Indrani Talukdar, Research Fellow, ICWA (Discussant: Titli Basu, IDSA)
    Japan and the Korean Peninsula  Dr Titli Basu, AF, IDSA (Discussant: Col Verma, IDSA)
    North Korea and the European Union Nachiket Khatkiwala, Consultant MEA (Discussant: Dr Balachandran, IDSA)
    1.30- 2.30 pm: Lunch  
    Session III: 2.30- 3.30pm  India and the Korean Peninsula
    Chair: Dr Jagannath Panda, IDSA  
    Korea in India’s Act East Policy   Dr Prashant Singh, AF, IDSA  (Discussant: Dr Jojin John)
    Indian Parliamentary Debates on DPRK  R.N. Das, former IDSA (Discussant: Amb. Vishnu Prakash)
