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Ruchika Sharma: What is the idea behind Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna basin regime, proposed recently by the Bangladesh foreign minister?

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  • Uttam Kumar Sinha replies: The idea behind a basin approach, in this case the Ganga-Bramaputra-Meghna (GBM) basin, is part of an enlightened understanding on water resources management. Water sharing as in the case of Ganga with Bangladesh (1996 Treaty) is a political understanding. The GBM basin approach goes beyond the boundaries to harness the social and economic benefits, while ensuring ecosystem protection, of sharing the common rivers.

    A basin-wide approach is a radical shift from the bilateral arrangement of water sharing in South Asia on a mainstream river and its tributaries to an expanded participation on many rivers, including the marginalised ones. It is a holistic approach taking into consideration divergent needs and priorities of the basin states. The GBM brings into collective participation, China, Bhutan, Nepal, India and Bangladesh.

    The IDSA Task Force Report (2010) on “Water Security for India: The External Dynamics (free download) had recommended such an approach in future management of water resources in South Asia.
