Uttam Kumar Sinha Publications

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    • Research Fellow, IDSA, Dr Uttam Sinha's chapter titled, ‘Towards Riparian Rationality: An Indian Perspective’ was published in the volume China-India Relations: Cooperation and Conflict, (eds) Kanti Bajpai, Huang Jing and Kishore Mahbubani (Routledge, 2015).

      December 22, 2015
      IDSA News
    • Research Fellow, IDSA, Dr Uttam Sinha’s article, titled ‘Fair vermeiden’ was published in the November 2015-February 2016 edition of the German publication, IP Landerportrat.

      November 19, 2015
      IDSA News
    • Research Fellow, IDSA, Dr Uttam Sinha's chapter ‘Challenges to the Himalayan Watershed’ was published in the volume ‘Himalayan Bridge’edited by Niraj Kumar, George Van Driem and P Stobdan.

      October 20, 2015
      IDSA News
      • Publisher: Pentagon Press

      Asia is challenged by a number of non-traditional security issues including the food–energy–water nexus, climate change, transnational crime, terrorism, disaster relief and economic performance. This volume categorizes and clarifies some key emerging issues in the area and looks at their interconnectedness and implications.

      • ISBN 978-11-3889-253-8,
      • Price: $110.00/-
    • Publisher: Routledge
      ISBN: 978-1-13-885599-1
      Price: $145.00
      In May 2013, China, India, Japan, Singapore and South Korea (Asia 5) were given status as permanent observers in the Arctic Council. It was a symbolic and significant moment in the history of Arctic affairs. The list of stakeholders in the Arctic has now expanded to include both the Arctic littoral states and the five Asian states. The drivers and policies of these stakeholders on the Arctic vary, but research on climate change, possible changes to the global energy and minerals markets, adherence to international norms like the UNCLOS, and geopolitical considerations are issues of concern.

      • Publisher: Pentagon Press

      There is little doubt that Asia – stretching from the Eurasian landmass to the maritime reaches of Australia and the South Pacific – is experiencing a major shift in the global balance of power. Expressions like the ‘Indo-Pacific’ and ‘Asia-Pacific’, contested they maybe, capture Asia’s expanse and dynamism. A power shift from the West to the East is well under way.

      • ISBN 978-81-8274-823-1,
      • Price: ₹. 1095/-
      • E-copy available
    • A global temperature rise is being experienced earliest and most intensely in the Arctic region. The changes are worrying but the commercial interests are equally enticing. The Arctic is witnessing the convergence of the geophysical, the geo-economic and the geostrategic in strange and dramatic ways, making it a paradox and an antithesis. For India, the Arctic is distant when it comes to economic interests and near when it comes to climate change.

      Strategic Analysis
    • This special issue on the Arctic is based on revised and updated versions of papers presented at the Geopolitics of the Arctic: Commerce, Governance and Policy conference at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) in New Delhi, during September 23–24, 2013, in cooperation with the Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI), the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies (IFS) and the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO).

      Strategic Analysis
    • With water concerns growing increasingly urgent, the global community will benefit from a treatment of the lessons learned and best practices in water dispute resolutions and approaches to water management. This report discusses the outcome of a working group of water experts from the Near East and South Asia (NESA) region,1 set up by the Strategic Studies Network, National Defense University, Washington DC.

      Strategic Analysis
    • Chair: Prof. Brahma Chellaney
      External Discussants: Mr. Sanjay Gupta and Mr. Joydeep Gupta
      Internal Discussants: Ms. Shebonti Ray Dadwal and Dr. Jagannath Prasad Panda

      January 16, 2015

