Ajey Lele Publications

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    • Over the last few years, realizing the dangers of Chinese monopoly, countries like India, Japan and Vietnam have started collaborating in Rare Earth Elements, while North America countries are planning to increase investments in this sector.

      July 19, 2012
      IDSA Comments
    • A decision to conduct an ASAT test has to be a nuanced one considering the strategic advantages such a test could offer and the diplomatic elbow room that it would give during negotiations on a space arms control mechanism.

      July 11, 2012
      IDSA Comments
    • Ajey Lele argues that, in its present avatar, the International Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities is not capable of realizing its stated aim fully because it lacks an accountability mechanism.

      June 29, 2012
      Issue Brief
    • The EU’s Code of Conduct has been advertised as a mechanism to preserve the sustainability and security of space, but it is difficult to comprehend how a non-binding and voluntary mechanism could help achieve this.

      June 18, 2012
      IDSA Comments
    • There is an ongoing global competition to gain dominance in the space and cyber domains; while going it alone might be the best policy, collaboration with clearly laid out guidelines and end-goals is not without its benefits.

      June 08, 2012
      IDSA Comments
    • ISRO has done its job and now the onus lies on other agencies to make appropriate and timely use of the inputs that will be provided by RISAT-1.

      April 27, 2012
      IDSA Comments
    • Without getting into any a debate about whether the satellite launch was actually a missile test or not, the US should make an offer to help North Korea launch a satellite in order to foster sustained engagement with Pyongyang

      April 16, 2012
      IDSA Comments
    • China's space programme is not only an attempt to demonstrate technological or military superiority, but is aimed at achieving great power status.

      January 20, 2012
      Issue Brief
    • Instead of decrying the edge China has achieved over India, it is important to critically evaluate the actual benefits that accrue from manned space flights and the Space Station.

      January 12, 2012
      IDSA Comments
    • Within the ever expanding genre of conflict and security-related literature, there is a less investigated field that pertains to futuristic technologies and the harnessing of science for the purposes of mass destruction and targeted warfare. This is the arena of space, the battlefield of major powers and the arena for power expansion into the extra-terrestrial.

      Strategic Analysis

