
China’s Maritime Intent in South China Sea Vis a Vis ASEAN

South China Sea is a disputed maritime area. This is because of the multiple and often overlapping maritime claims on parts of the Sea by China, many ASEAN countries (Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam) and Taiwan. Two incidents in the past one month have brought the issue once again to the forefront. In May, the Chinese permanent mission at the United Nations (UN) presented a note to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon claiming sovereignty over 80 per cent of South China Sea including the disputed islands of Paracel and Spratly.

India-Vietnam Relations: Need for Enhanced Cooperation

Improved India-Vietnam relations are guided both by their common historical experiences and their mutual concerns in the post-cold war context. Both have suffered aggression from China in the past and had good relations with the former Soviet Union. In fact, India was the only non-communist country to recognize the unified Vietnam and, ever since, they have had a friendly relationship, one that has stood the test of time. However, in the post-cold war context the shadow of China looms large over this relationship.

Vietnam in WTO: New Economic Calculations

Vietnam was inducted into the World Trade Organisation (WTO) on November 8, 2006. This was approved by the General Council, the WTO's major decision-making unit, after due deliberations on October 26. One hindrance in the realisation of Vietnam's WTO membership plans has been the passing of the "Permanent Normal Trade Relation" (PNTR) bill in the US Congress. Earlier the United States Finance Committee had passed the bill on August 1, 2006 by 20 to 18 votes in favour.

Simmering South China Sea Dispute

On December 29, 2005, the Vietnamese foreign ministry accused Taiwan of being involved in the construction of a runway in the biggest of all of the islands, Itu Aba, in the disputed South China Sea. Also known as Taipingdao in Chinese, Ba Binh in Vietnamese and Ligaw in Filipino, it is strategically located in the region. Cumulatively, the South China Sea islands, covering about 200 islands and 800,000 square kilometres, are a bone of contention between Taiwan, China, Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia and the Philippines.