A no-deal Brexit and its implications
The implications of a no-deal Brexit, particularly on EU-UK trade relations, security and the rights of the citizens, would be grave and irreparable.
- Rajeesh Kumar
- February 22, 2019
The implications of a no-deal Brexit, particularly on EU-UK trade relations, security and the rights of the citizens, would be grave and irreparable.
The moot point is whether member countries are clear about the EU’s economic dysfunctions and the degree of economic unification they desire for surmounting them.
The success of nascent efforts within the EU towards military integration will depend on the ability of members to reconcile existing commitments within the NATO framework vis-à-vis a EUA.
The EU needs Britain and Britain equally needs Europe. So, an arrangement that exists today between EU and Norway could well be a model for Britain.
Emanuel Macron is likely to set different trends with regard to policy towards the EU, the Francophone region of Africa, the UN, major powers as well as medium and pivotal countries like India and Japan.
Two clashing visions of France were before the French voters. They chose, with many reservations, Macron and rejected Le Pen, but not wholly, for, her opposition to the EU, in some measure, enjoys the support of a sizeable section of French society.
In the face of Brexit, the continued union of UK and Scotland hinges on arriving at a suitable political accommodation between the UK and the broad spectrum of the Scottish polity and the public.
Given the lack of feasibility of other policy initiatives in order to deal with Libya, from where majority of migrants cross-over, militarisation remains the only option. Even the military solution is going to achieve partial results and human trafficking will continue to thrive. In all the chaos, migrants will be caught between a rock and a hard place, with Libya being unpropitious to stay and journey to Europe being increasingly perilous.
“Brexit” has led to much concern within the Caribbean Community, as it assesses its possible impact upon its plans for greater regional integration. One cannot completely rule out the possibility of some of the member-states of CARICOM going the British way.
Just as Pandora opened the box she was warned not to open, Cameron went for a referendum that common sense would have told him not to go for, or to do it later