Energy Security

The Geopolitics of America’s Energy Independence: Implications for China, India and the Global Energy Market

The US' claim that it will become energy independent shortly on the back of the revolution in its shale resources technology has been followed by Washington's announcement of its 'rebalancing to Asia' policy. This monograph looks at the sustainability of the shale revolution, and whether the US' claims are indeed justified and the geopolitical consequences and strategic implications thereof on the global energy scenario.

Non-Traditional Security Challenges in Asia: Approaches and Responses

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press

Asia is challenged by a number of non-traditional security issues including the food–energy–water nexus, climate change, transnational crime, terrorism, disaster relief and economic performance. This volume categorizes and clarifies some key emerging issues in the area and looks at their interconnectedness and implications.

  • ISBN 978-11-3889-253-8,
  • Price: $110.00/-

Asian Strategic Review 2017: Energy Security in Times of Uncertainty

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press

The world is entering an era with increased global demand for energy, price volatility, and rising concerns about environmental burdens and the global impact of climate change. Directly or indirectly, these factors have given rise to related concerns such as deregulation and geopolitical uncertainties. Moreover, the challenges related to the energy issue go beyond scientific or technological aspects and extend to access to resources, regional conflicts, pricing and energy infrastructure management.

  • ISBN: 78-93-86618-28-3,
  • Price: ₹ 795/- , $27.95/-
  • E-copy available