Defence Budget

Address at the Inaugaral Session of the Seminar on Defence Budget

Defence budget accounts for a significant proportion of the central government expenditure. For the current year, the revenue and capital budgets of defence account for more than 20 and 80 per cent of the entire non-plan revenue and capital budget respectively of the central government. This translates into Rs 57,593 crores as revenue budget and Rs 48,007 crores as capital budget for defence. Allocation for defence has generally been the second largest single head of expenditure in the nonplan segment of the central budget.

India’s Defence Budget 2009-10: An Assessment

In its interim budget for 2009-10 the Union Government has allocated Rs. 1,41,703 crores for the country’ Defence Services that include three Armed Forces (i.e., the Army, the Navy and the Air Force), and other Departments, primarily Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Defence Ordnance Factories. This is apart from Rs. 24,960 crores which have been earmarked to defray civil expenditures of Ministry of Defence (MoD) and its affiliated organisations, including, the Coast Guard, and for defence pension (Rs. 21,790 crores).

Budget Utilisation and Accountability

Every year as India approaches the Budget session of Parliament, there are debates in various forums about the adequacy of Budget allocation to meet the modernization plan of the Services considering the threat perceptions/scenario. Due to the economic slowdown world-wide which is likely to affect the revenue collection of the national exchequer this year, the Government may face difficulty in meeting the increased demand from the Defence Forces. Further, we should not forget that electoral compulsions are also likely to play an important role in the coming budget.

Budgeting for Desired Defence Capability

The Defence procurement policy and procedure as brought out in DPP- 2006 (Defence Procurement Policy, 2006) indicated that for policy decisions relating to acquiring of weapons and systems, we are basing them on capability planning in the context of operational requirements. It talked in terms of existing 'capability gaps', and examination of alternative means of overcoming them, while processing a case for policy decision.

Defence Budget as a Strategic Tool of National Security

The practice of converting defence plans into publicly known defence budget is essentially a practice of democratic governments. One reason for public disclosure of defence spending could be that tax payers expect to know directly or through their representative how much is being spent on national defence and on other sectors of economy which affects their security and welfare. Disclosing the defence budget even to the domestic audience was rarely done in the past. In fact, even today, some major powers do not disclose their defence spending to the world.