Chemical Weapons (CW)

India’s Approach to Asia: Strategy, Geopolitics and Responsibility

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press

This book offers wide ranging divergent perspectives on India's role in managing and shaping Asian Security. The book offers important ideas on how Asian security will shape up in the future by utilizing the method of scenarios. It is an important contribution to the field of Asian and regional security and India's role in it.

  • ISBN 978-81-8274-870-5
  • E-copy available

Impact of Plant Extracts in Neutralizing Threats from Bio-Organisms: Opening New Vistas in Bio Terror and Healthcare

A bio-organism, in Collins dictionary, is defined as “a dangerous fast-proliferating organism that could be used as the basis of a biological weapon”1. These bio-organisms can be in the form… Continue reading Impact of Plant Extracts in Neutralizing Threats from Bio-Organisms: Opening New Vistas in Bio Terror and Healthcare